Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1449 It Was Perfect for Marriage

C1449 It Was Perfect for Marriage

Gong Moyi suddenly found it funny. With this comparison, she realized that Beiming Yubai's pair seemed to need her help.    


On her side, someone did not need it at all.    


After Gong Moyi's acupuncture treatment in the afternoon, the soreness in Xiyan Cheng's legs had become much better.    


His constitution had always been good. After resting for a while, he was full of energy.    


Controlling the wheelchair to the front of Gong Moyi, Xiyan Cheng held onto the wheelchair and stood up. He held Gong Moyi in his arms.    


She moved and he pretended to fall down immediately. His arms were tightly wrapped around her.    


"Baby, I miss you so much." He lowered his head, and his lips... He gently caressed Gong Moyi's forehead. "Did you miss me?"    


Gong Moyi pouted. "Didn't we meet two hours ago?"    


"It can't be helped. My legs haven't been good these two days, so I can't catch up to you. " That's why I want to see you all the time. " Xiyan Cheng's eyes moved, and he asked, "Baby, where is your family register?"    


Gong Moyi was very quick-witted. She looked up and said, "My household register is with my parents'. It's in the safe at home."    


"So my baby knows the password?" Xiyan Cheng patiently guided him like a big bad wolf.    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "No, that safe was passed down from my grandmother. It needs a key. The key is in my parents' hands."    


Xiyan Cheng thought for a while. "Then after I go home, I will go and visit Auntie?"    


"My mother said that she likes Mr Shu." Gong Moyi was very frank and said, "She also specially discussed this with me."    


Xiyan Cheng was speechless.    


He originally thought that his mother-in-law would be easy to deal with, but he did not expect it to be as difficult as father-in-law!    


Furthermore, why did he like that 'Little Lin'?    


Gong Moyi knew what Xiyan Cheng was thinking. She deliberately said wickedly, "Furthermore, my parents stipulated that I can't get married before I'm 25 years old."    


Xiyan Cheng,... ""    


He took a deep breath. "Baby, you're 25, I'm 29. A few years ago, you read in the book that you're 22. You're perfect for marriage. "    


Gong Moyi said, "Mr Cheng, what book are you reading? Introduce me. "    


"The book I'm reading..." Xiyan Cheng lifted Gong Moyi's chin bit by bit, and his voice was hoarse. "It's called 'Young Master Cheng's Little Wife'."    


He immediately blocked Gong Moyi's lips after he finished speaking.    


Gong Moyi silently cursed in her heart. Since when did this fellow still know the method of the name of the domineering CEO's novel?    


However, his kiss was ruthless and urgent. He did not give her any chance to make a small mistake and completely occupied all of her breathing.    


She did not dare to move, afraid that he would fall. And he obviously used her mentality on purpose. He even lifted her up because he thought she was short.    


Her feet left the ground and she could not help but wrap her arms around his neck. So, he held her higher until she was even taller than him. He slightly raised his chin and turned her world upside down.    


This kind of feeling that she had not felt for a long time seemed to have not happened for a long time. It was accompanied by a strange throbbing that made all the pores on Gong Moyi's body open.    


And in her heart, a sweet and sweet feeling spread out, turning into fireworks.    


One kiss lasted for an unknown amount of time. In the end, both of their breaths became unstable.    


Xiyan Cheng's arm was fine. He simply hugged Gong Moyi at the corner of his arm and looked at her red lips. His Adam's apple rolled. "Baby, unfortunately, my legs are still not good. Wait for me to recover. Let's... "    


Gong Moyi,... ""    


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