Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1490 Something Happened

C1490 Something Happened

Jessica was puzzled, "What is it?"    


"How long have you studied maintenance? Do you really love it?" Gong Moxuan did not answer. He asked, "I remember you said you were going to work in Dr. Lin's laboratory. You were fishing for three days and sunbathing for two days."    


Just as Jessica was about to flip out, Gong Moxuan said, "Why don't you come to my company?"    


"Huh?" Jessica was puzzled and also sat up straight. "For what?"    


"I see that you like racing. Many of our companies also have the same interests as young people." Gong Moxuan said, "If you want to do maintenance or research, why don't you start with the racing cars you are familiar with."    


Jessica heard this and thought for a moment before her eyes lit up. "Why didn't I think of this before?"    


"I already said that you are stupid and cannot be compared with my sister!" Gong Moxuan said and patted Jessica's shoulder. "It just so happens that I have to work overtime at the company. Come with me and let you see some information. I will make another evaluation of you."    


"Okay!" Jessica got up, and said, "But can we eat first?"    


"Let's eat in the canteen." Gong Moxuan did not have the slightest intention of treating.    


"The canteen is the canteen, I am not particular about it!" Jessica was really quite happy. After she retired from the army, she actually did not find her position.    


Only now did she understand why she could not develop her interests and hobbies into a profession?    


"Let's go. No matter how late it is, the canteen will be gone." After saying that, Gong Moxuan took the lead and walked out.    


He didn't know if it was his misconception, but he felt that just as he turned around, he saw something similar to a human figure flash past the door.    


Gong Moxuan walked to the door and looked around. He didn't find anything unusual, so he and Jessica walked side by side.    


When they all disappeared from his sight... Lieh Muwan then slowly walked out from a small corner.    


At this moment, in the huge venue, only a few staff members were tidying up the last things.    


The sun was about to sink into the horizon, and the sight gradually began to dim.    


Lieh Muwan came out of the venue. Because it was not easy to take a taxi here, she did not want her parents to worry, so she walked along the road.    


Gong Moxuan and Jessica arrived at the Heavenly Palace Group half an hour later. The two of them went straight to the canteen and then went upstairs to do the evaluation.    


Another half an hour had passed when Gong Moxuan received Gong Moxiu's call. Gong Moxiu's voice sounded a little anxious. "Moxuan, have you seen the late night? She is not with you?"    


Gong Moxuan was puzzled. "Brother, did she not leave with you?"    


"When I left, she said she would wait for you." Gong Moxiu suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. "When did you leave? I have been home for more than two hours. Her family called to ask, and only then did I know she did not return."    


Gong Moxuan's expression froze, and he couldn't help but say, "I just left the venue for an hour. I'll check right now."    


"Alright." Gong Moxiu said.    


Gong Moxuan called Lieh Muwan, but her phone was turned off. Maybe it was out of battery.    


So he immediately called a number and went out. "Ah Yu, help me check the surveillance cameras at the venue..."    


On the side, Jessica saw that the situation was not right and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"I have a friend who is missing." Gong Moxuan said, "You continue to look at the information. The evaluation will be conducted another day."    


Very quickly, Ah Yu called back and told Gong Moxuan that Lieh Muwan left the venue more than ten minutes after he left.    


So, after checking the surveillance along the line, Gong Moxuan finally got an address.    


"I'm going out for a while." Gong Moxuan said to Jessica, "After you have finished looking at the information, lock the meeting room properly."    


"Yes, do you need my help?" Jessica asked.    


Gong Moxuan wanted to refuse, but he suddenly remembered something and nodded. "Let's go."    


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