Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1790 Announce Sovereignty

C1790 Announce Sovereignty

Jump on the balcony, back up, look down at the distance, the pull-down...    


Gong Moxuan exerted strength in his arm, and his body bounced inwards. He directly jumped into his own balcony at a 30 degree angle.    


He was very satisfied with his operation. He clapped his hands and returned to his room. He washed up and came out to eat breakfast.    


Lieh Yuanchen had already eaten breakfast and was reading the newspaper. When he saw Gong Moxuan, he felt annoyed.    


He was going to keep an eye on him last night, but why did he fall asleep instead?    


However, it seemed like nothing happened last night either.    


Lieh Yuanchen rubbed his glabella and convinced himself in his heart, Sooner or later I will marry my daughter. I can stop her for a while, but I can't stop her for the rest of her life.    


In the next second, Gong Moxuan came over very enthusiastically. He smiled brightly and looked very good. "Uncle, good morning. You haven't woken up at night?"    


Lieh Yuanchen understood what Gong Moxuan meant. He didn't know if this kid didn't have any silver in this place or if he really didn't know.    


He said lightly, "An alarm clock at 8 o'clock in the evening."    


"Oh." Gong Moxuan nodded, and said, "We're almost there. I'll wait for her to eat with us."    


Lieh Yuanchen could tell that he was not in a good mood from Gong Moxuan's words. He put down the newspaper and left first.    


Lieh Muwan got up and Gong Moxuan ate with her face to face. After they finished eating, they went out and found that Lieh Yuanchen had already left.    


Gong Moxuan knew the inside story and the corner of his mouth twitched. As if nothing had happened, he sat in the car behind Lieh Muwan and went to her company together.    


In the lobby of the company's headquarters, Gong Moxuan held Lieh Muwan's hand. Along the way, he carried everyone's curious and surprised gazes and was calm and composed.    


Even the moment he walked into the elevator, Gong Moxuan raised his hand to help Lieh Muwan block the gap in the elevator door. He even lowered his head and kissed Lieh Muwan's forehead.    


Instantly, when the elevator door closed, the hall outside exploded.    


The company chat immediately boiled up.    


"I see Milady's boyfriend! He's a Han, tall, handsome, and especially favoured!"    


"Everyone, quickly look at the photo that First Sis brought with her and report the truth!"    


Then, a few pictures appeared, with a circle of pink bubbles below.    


Therefore, when Gong Moxuan and Lieh Muwan came out of the elevator and arrived at Lieh Muwan's office, Lieh Muwan realized that the colleagues on this floor were all wandering around the elevator.    


She greeted them one by one and was very puzzled.    


Gong Moxuan continued to announce his sovereignty and all the way to Lieh Muwan's office.    


She put down her bag and was about to help Gong Moxuan pour water, but he got up first, as if this was his own home, and said, "Late at night, what do you want to drink?"    


Lieh Muwan thought for a while and said, "Coffee."    


Gong Moxuan knew Lieh Muwan's taste. He did not even ask about the taste and directly walked out.    


In the tea room, Gong Moxuan was once again 'accidentally' surrounded by his colleagues who were passing by.    


He warmly greeted everyone. "Hi, you are all colleagues who are late, right? She recently came back from a business trip, thank you for taking care of her! "    


Everyone did not expect Gong Moxuan to be completely unafraid. Immediately, they began to chat with him and ask about their relationship history.    


Thus, when Gong Moxuan brought the freshly ground coffee to Lieh Muwan's office, the gossip between the two had already spread.    


When Lieh Muwan wanted to make the last step of the revising diagram, Gong Moxuan sat beside her and supported his chin as he looked at her.    


Feeling the burning gaze by her side, half of Lieh Muwan's face became redder and redder, and she could not help but feel a little vexed. "I don't even know how to draw with you like this!"    


Gong Moxuan curled his lips. "Then do you know how to draw like this?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he scooped the person up and placed him on his lap.    


He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her whole body. He said, "Now that it's like this, isn't it more motivating for two people to draw together?"    


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