Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1421 From Today Onwards I'll Officially Withdraw!

C1421 From Today Onwards I'll Officially Withdraw!

Pei Shangyu was the last to cover the retreat. When the door of the manor disappeared from his sight, he knew that he wouldn't even have the chance to die with dignity.    


He had completely cut off all the paths between him and Mr. K, and was now standing on the opposite side of the mercenaries!    


Next to him, Jones understood what he was thinking. He just patted his shoulder and said, "Lingyu, I have heard of Hua Country. There is a saying," A man does what he does, and he does not do what he does. No matter what happens in the future, as long as you have a clear conscience! "    


Pei Shangyu nodded." I only implicated you. "    


"What do you mean implicated?" Jones looked into the distance. "Actually, it feels good to be like this. I have always wanted to rebel, but now, I am almost twenty-six. This is the first time I have rebelled!"    


Pei Shangyu stretched out his arms and hugged him. He understood that he was trying to comfort him.    


In the past few years, there was no need to say anything more about their relationship.    


He lowered his head and looked at the situation between the two of them.    


Because they had taken the medicine, their condition did not seem to continue worsening.    


On the way to the hospital, Jones treated Beiming Shen's wound again.    


Although the private manor in the Country of Y was very chaotic, in public, safety was basically guaranteed. At least no one dared to openly go against the local police.    


Therefore, they drove all the way to the hospital. After getting rid of Xuanyuan Lin's car, they were finally safe.    


As soon as they got out of the car, Beiming Shen and Xuanyuan Lin were sent to the emergency room.    


The surgeon cleaned up the wounds and intravenous infusion to reduce inflammation, while the specialists outside started to analyze the blood sample.    


The surgery was done very quickly, and the two of them were pushed into the special care unit. However, the poison in their bodies still did not show any signs of improvement.    


Pei Shangyu chatted with the doctor at the door. "Doctor, how long will it take for the poison in their bodies to be cured?"    


"Their situation is very complicated. We are still researching it." The doctor shook his head. "But you should know that it takes a lot of time to analyze and find a solution to a type of toxin. Moreover, if there is no corresponding medicine, the new medicine will need a clinical test. "    


Pei Shangyu pressed his temple. "Is there a high chance?"    


"Sorry, we do not have any leads at the moment." The doctor shook his head. "We are contacting relevant medical teams around the world. We hope they can provide effective help."    


Pei Shangyu nodded and thanked the doctor. He then called Gong Moyi.    


However, the phone was still switched off.    


He was very upset. Just as he was about to ask someone about Gong Moxiu's phone, his phone rang.    


He picked it up and looked at it. He was surprised to see the contact person on it.    


Mr. K.    


"Lingyu." Mr. K's tone did not change much, but through the phone, he still gave off a strong sense of oppression. "You have disappointed me too much."    


Pei Shangyu held his phone and didn't say anything.    


"I heard that you took a few people from the manor to the hospital?" Mr. K said, "You have been hiding in the manor for many days. Today is the best opportunity, but unfortunately, you gave up on it."    


"Let me think. The person you brought out was from the Beiming Family? Beiming Shen, Beiming Yumo?" Mister K was indifferent. He said faintly: "Is it because of that woman again?"    


"Yes." Pei Shangyu did not avoid her this time. He said directly: "I did it for White."    


Mr. K frowned hard. He threw the teacup on the phone out with a clear cracking sound.    


Sir, thank you for your nurturing. " Pei Shangyu said word by word," But I will not be a mercenary anymore. From today onwards, I officially quit the mercenary world! In the future, I will not come back! "    


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