Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1032 It's Fine be Good and Continue to Sleep

C1032 It's Fine be Good and Continue to Sleep

Gong Moyi's heart skipped a beat.    


The next second, the man's face came close and his nose rubbed against hers. He did not kiss her like the other day but used his face to rub against her cheek.    


Her smooth skin, because of some of the stubble that came out of his mouth, was a little rough, which made her itch.    


Gong Moyi suddenly felt that her heart that had been hanging for a long time had finally settled.    


The rain was still falling. On the cabin window, the rain gathered into a stream and blurred her vision. She could only vaguely see the green grass outside.    


Gong Moyi leaned against Xiyan Cheng's arms. Her voice was small and slightly hoarse. "Mr Cheng, I'm so tired."    


"Yes, if you are tired, then sleep for a while." Xiyan Cheng said.    


"Okay." Gong Moyi replied.    


She had said that she was tired a moment ago, but in the next second, she fell asleep.    


The girl's long and uniform breathing could be heard in his arms, and Xiyan Cheng suddenly felt his eyes heat up.    


At that time, he carried the cultural relics on his back and came out. He discovered that the plane was out of fuel, and the distant mountain flood was still visible to the naked eye. It was overwhelming.    


He had no choice but to start the plane and take off, but he knew that his fuel capacity was not enough to fly out of the city that had been swallowed by the flood.    


At that moment, he thought of her.    


He was suddenly afraid of seeing her cry.    


When Gong Moxuan was in trouble, he had seen her cry secretly.    


At that time, he really wished he could dive into the water and find Gong Moxuan without sleep!    


However, no matter how they searched, they found nothing.    


At that time, he really couldn't let her lose another family member!    


Therefore, even if there was no oil, even if he saw that the water below had already been swallowed by the flood, Xiyan Cheng was still calmly searching for a place where he could escape.    


Until he saw the stone pillar.    


The operation at that time had almost exhausted all the knowledge he had learned in his life. It could be considered the most perfect deduction for airplanes.    


And he had finally done it.    


So, he quietly waited in the plane, waiting for her to come and find him.    


At this moment, the girl was quietly in his arms. Just like many years ago, with a refined and beautiful face and a completely trusting appearance.    


He couldn't help but laugh.    


In fact, many years ago, they were destined to be each other.    


Just as he said, he had never treasured a girl who was not related by blood. How could he have seen her completely trust a boy of the same age?    


Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and gently kissed Gong Moyi's forehead.    


She slept soundly and even moved her body slightly. She rested her head on his shoulder to make herself sleep more comfortably.    


Xiyan Cheng felt that his heart was filled to the brim.    


He picked up his phone and found that there was a signal here. There were a lot of messages coming in, so he opened one and told his comrades that he was safe. He also asked someone to drive over and bring some oil over.    


After sending the message, he continued to lean against the cabin wall and closed his eyes.    


When he woke up again, he was woken up by his comrades knocking on the cabin door. Xiyan Cheng looked at the girl in his arms. Gong Moyi seemed to have heard him, so she moved her body and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing. Be good and continue sleeping." Xiyan Cheng said.    


Gong Moyi hummed and fell asleep again.    


Xiyan Cheng carefully carried her up and opened the cabin.    


Outside, when Lee Hua saw this scene, he was stunned. He wanted to say something but was interrupted by Xiyan Cheng's booing.    


"She's tired. She needs to sleep for a while." Xiyan Cheng said, "That plane over there is mine. She took the plane and brought it over. You guys go and cheer for it. The key is in my pocket."    


Lee Hua nodded and reached out to touch the key in Xiyan Cheng's pocket.    


After getting the key, he quietly turned around. After taking two steps, he remembered something and asked, "Brother Cheng, where are you going later?"    


"We'll talk after she wakes up." Xiyan Cheng said, "Leave me a car."    


Lee Hua nodded, turned around and went to work.    


The cabin quietened down. Gong Moyi was still in Xiyan Cheng's arms, sleeping very soundly.    


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