Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1110 You Are Making Me Laugh

C1110 You Are Making Me Laugh

Xiyan Cheng didn't expect Gong Moyi to kick him, so he really couldn't dodge in time this time.    


He had already suffered some injuries. Although they were small injuries, being kicked like this still hurt.    


The corner of his mouth twitched. "Little Moyi, I really can't bear to!"    


After Gong Moyi kicked Xiyan Cheng, she did not answer his question and turned around to leave.    


At first, she was indeed worried about his safety, but after seeing him come back safely, her previous anger came.    


Who asked him to be so annoying that he knocked her out just because of a disagreement?    


Did he think that she cared about him so much that she insisted on fighting side by side with him?    


Even if she really came this time... It was also because she could not swallow this anger!    


She came and left whenever she wanted. If she wanted to prove it to him, he wouldn't be able to care even if he wanted to!    


The more Gong Moyi thought about it, the angrier she became. She walked even faster and very quickly, she arrived at a ruined wall.    


Xiyan Cheng helplessly looked at her angry figure and chased after her.    


There was no longer any road ahead. Gong Moyi was vexed but also felt that she was in the wrong. Could it be that she should be the one running?    


Hence, Gong Moyi simply turned around and ignored Xiyan Cheng. She stood on a stone block.    


Xiyan Cheng stood under the stone block. In this way, he was a little shorter than her.    


He raised his eyes to look at her. "Little Moyi, are you still angry?"    


Gong Moyi ignored him.    


Xiyan Cheng thought about it and decided to take off his clothes.    


This man thought he was perverted now. Was seduction still useful? Gong Moyi gritted her teeth and thought.    


Xiyan Cheng took off the camouflage on the outside and revealed his tight vest.    


He opened his arms and said, "Little Moyi, I have tools on the camouflage and the material of the clothes are also hard. I will take it off now. Your hands won't hurt when you fight."    


Under the moonlight, she could clearly see his strong muscle lines and his skin that was covered with a layer of moonlight. It seemed that the elasticity contained immeasurable strength.    


She was finally willing to reply to him: "Do you really want me to fight as you wish?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Yes, as long as you calm down."    


Gong Moyi did not hesitate. She clenched her fist and pounded Xiyan Cheng's chest.    


He did not even shake his body. He just smiled and looked at her.    


His injuries were all on his abdomen and legs. His back was also a little... So his chest was being hammered by her. Her small fist felt like it was tickling her.    


Gong Moyi punched twice again. When she saw Xiyan Cheng's' you're making me laugh 'expression, she became even angrier.    


Her hand hurt.    


Hence, Gong Moyi lifted her leg to kick him.    


This time, Xiyan Cheng's eyebrows couldn't help but furrow.    


Because it was against the moonlight, Gong Moyi did not see it.    


She saw that he was still smug, so she took out the silver needle. "See if I can put you down today!"    


Xiyan Cheng was a little helpless. "Little baby, stop messing around."    


Gong Moyi's eyes immediately widened. What did this guy call her?    


Xiyan Cheng approached her and said, "If I am put down by you, how are you going to transport me to the car? Be good, or we can go to where we live. If I lie down, you can do whatever you want. "    


Gong Moyi did not open her face and did not say anything.    


"Sorry, I did not really hit you at that time." Xiyan Cheng said.    


Gong Moyi snorted. "I still feel pain."    


Xiyan Cheng knew that she was playing with her temper. In fact, he knew what he was doing. He could make her faint with some force, but it would not really hurt her.    


However, he still said, "Little baby. Then I'll blow it for you!"    


Gong Moyi heard this form of address again. She was so angry that her hair stood on end. "Where did you learn this form of address?"    


Xiyan Cheng smiled. "I didn't learn it. I just thought of it when I looked at you."    


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