Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1319 Inform Gong Mo Yi's Family

C1319 Inform Gong Mo Yi's Family

Beiming Yubai was in trouble. The affiliated hospital of Beiming Family had not received any new patients for the past few days.    


Hence, the driver carried Gong Moyi in. The front desk opened and said, "Sorry, there are no doctors in our hospital today!"    


When the driver heard that, he almost knelt down. He was afraid that he would kill himself. Such a young life, if he died, her family would be very sad!    


At this moment, Lin Shujuann walked over with quick steps.    


When he saw Gong Moyi in the driver's arms, his heart sank.    


He quickly came over and glanced at Gong Moyi's condition. He said to Si Ji, "Follow me immediately!"    


He did not take Gong Moyi from the driver's arms because even if he carefully moved her, it could cause a second injury to the injured person.    


The surgical operating theater was on the second floor. Once the two of them exited the elevator, Lin Shujuann immediately went to find Beiming Shen.    


Beiming Yumo, Chiang Xiaoxi and Beiming Shen were all outside Beiming Yubai's ward. When they heard that something had happened to Gong Moyi, Beiming Shen's expression changed, and he immediately got up to make arrangements.    


Beiming Yumo's breathing tightened and he quickly followed Lin Shujuann and asked, "Why did Moyi get into a car accident? Isn't she in the laboratory?"    


"She just received a call and went out." Lin Shujuann said, "I took her pulse in the elevator. The situation is a bit serious, but the rescue was timely. Her life shouldn't be in danger."    


The doctors were actually all in the hospital, so once Beiming Shen made the arrangements, the doctors and nurses would immediately be in position.    


The surgeons here were very skilled. Lin Shujuann sent the person to the operating theater and said a few words before he came out.    


Outside, Beiming Yumo looked at Gong Moyi, who was covered in blood, and felt as if the entire world had collapsed.    


His sister's life and death was unknown in the ICU, and the girl he liked for many years was also seriously injured.    


He stood outside the two wards, but he could not do anything!    


Gong Moyi's surgery started very quickly. Beiming Shen asked the driver about the situation outside.    


Lin Shujuann could not stay behind to do anything for Gong Moyi because the experiment was at a critical stage. He had to go back immediately to continue the experiment and help Beiming Yubai race against time.    


As time passed, everyone was busy.    


The experimental data on Lin Shujuann's side kept refreshing, and the search and rescue on Country G's side was also being carried out quickly. Some news about Country G was also gradually spreading, and finally everyone knew about it.    


Gong Moyi's surgery was very successful. Two hours later, the lights in the operating theater were turned off, and Gong Moyi was pushed out.    


Beiming Yumo had been running on both sides for the past two hours. When he heard Gong Moyi come out, he immediately ran to the ward.    


Gong Moyi was pushed into the special care ward. The anesthetics on her body had yet to pass. She was completely quiet, as if she had fallen asleep.    


Her head was wrapped in gauze and her body was covered with water. Her face was pale.    


Beiming Yumo looked at her and felt that she seemed to have lost weight these few days.    


In these few days, he had watched how she worked hard.    


He, as a man, could not bear it. He slept a few times in between, but she had only taken turns to rest on the sofa with Lin Shujuann.    


On the first day, due to the time constraint, she did not eat anything for a day. When she was hungry, she injected a nutrient solution and managed to survive. She waited for the results of the first experiment.    


He felt his heart ache and moved at the same time.    


Even Beiming Yumo could not help but be moved when he saw his father standing outside the experiment room.    


The two families used to be incompatible with each other. In their generation, she would work hard for Beiming Yubai's life, and he was also moved by her intelligence, kindness, and persistence.    


"Dad, we should inform Moyi's family." Beiming Yumo hesitated. "I will call them."    


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