Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1299 He Asked His Uncle to Send Some Pretty Aunties

C1299 He Asked His Uncle to Send Some Pretty Aunties

Beiming Yubai squatted down and said to Gong Moyi, "Moyi, about you and Young Master Cheng..."    


Gong Moyi turned her head and smiled. "We will split it up."    


"Oh." Beiming Yubai nodded and felt happy for her brother.    


She said, "I remembered that I forgot to send a report to the professor. I have to go up and send it. Very soon, you and my brother will help me take a look at Mianmian!"    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Okay, go!"    


Coincidentally, Mianmian ran in front of Beiming Yumo at this moment and stretched out her hand towards him, wanting to hug him.    


Beiming Yumo picked up the little fellow and kissed her little face, then said, "Mianmian, are you hungry?"    


Mianmian shook her head and looked around the house. Finally, her eyes fell on the flower arrangement in the living room. She pointed there. "Um..."    


Beiming Yumo understood and carried the little guy over.    


The beautiful plum blossom must have been broken from a branch outside and merged with the other flowers, giving out a quiet fragrance.    


Mianmian pointed at the plum blossom again and said to Beiming Yumo, "En -"    


Beiming Yumo held her with one hand and picked up the plum blossom branch.    


Mianmian was happy. She sniffed and then pointed at Gong Moyi to Beiming Yumo.    


Beiming Yumo asked, "Do you want Aunt Moyi to smell it?"    


Mianmian shook her head.    


Beiming Yumo was puzzled, "Then what does Mianmian want to do?"    


Mianmian grabbed Beiming Yumo's hand and then passed his hand along with the flower branch to Gong Moyi.    


Beiming Yumo could not help but raise the corner of his lips, "Mianmian asked me to give Aunt Moyi flowers?"    


Mianmian nodded her head and stopped messing around after she was said to have hit the nail on the head.    


Beiming Yumo carried her and stood in front of Gong Moyi. He handed the Laba Plum over to her.    


When he opened his mouth, his voice could not help but become a little lower, "Moyi, this is for you."    


Gong Moyi smiled and took it. "Thank you Yumo, thank our Mianmian!"    


Mianmian smiled and stretched her arm towards Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moyi took the opportunity to hug the little fellow.    


As they got closer, Beiming Yumo smelled a hidden fragrance. His heart skipped a beat and he suddenly had a feeling that it was like the calm of time.    


Mianmian, who was in his arms, gave him instructions again and pointed at a big apple in the living room.    


This time, Beiming Yumo had experience. "Do you want uncle to give it to Auntie Moyi?"    


Mianmian nodded.    


Thus, in such a short period of time, Gong Moyi received a large pile of gifts.    


Towards the end, she really could not take it anymore and could only place it on the coffee table and discuss with the little fellow, "Mianmian, Auntie will temporarily leave it here. Can you take it away when you go home later?"    


Mianmian nodded her head and went down by herself to carry a stuffed toy for Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moyi was practically cuter by her appearance and her words did not go through her brain. "Yumo, isn't Mianmian too cute? I feel like I want to have a daughter in the future too! " I want the same type too! "    


When she finished speaking, she saw Beiming Yumo's complicated expression and immediately realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said. She hurriedly smiled and waved her hand. "Uh, I was just casually lamenting. I just took you for nothing!"    


Beiming Yumo, however, opened his mouth and said, "Yes, I think the girl is also quite good. I like her too."    


Gong Moyi,... ""    


Why did she suddenly feel that the topic they were talking about was strange? It made the atmosphere a little strange as well.    


She quickly shifted her attention back to Mianmian and said to her, "Mianmian, tell Auntie who you like the most. Show Auntie who you like the most!"    


Mianmian nodded and immediately ran to the front of the family photo and pointed at Beiming Yubai without hesitation.    


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