Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1267 I Miss Her Very Much

C1267 I Miss Her Very Much

Gong Moyi was completely shocked. On her eyelashes. She did not even bother to wipe them away. She just stared at Lin Shujuann in a daze.    


Seeing that she did not take the tissue, he simply helped her wipe them off. Only after she was clean did he speak. "Because you are like my family."    


Gong Moyi did not understand.    


Lin Shujuann's clear eyes slowly turned distant. His gaze seemed to pass through the air and look at the distant past.    


He slowly opened his mouth. "I used to have a biological sister who was very similar to you. She was brave, kind, outstanding, and sometimes childish and naughty. We had a good relationship when we were young."    


Gong Moyi looked up at him and continued to listen to him.    


"But when she was 16 years old, she died because of an accident." Lin Shujuann lowered his head and looked at Gong Moyi. "When you went to work in K Country Base, the first time I saw you doing experiments seriously, it made me think of her."    


He raised his hand to rub Gong Moyi's hair. "But it has actually been many years. I'll remember it quickly. " I don't know what she looks like anymore. Just looking at you makes me think of her. "    


Gong Moyi could not help but say, "I'm sorry... but don't you have her photo?"    


Lin Shujuann shook his head. "No."    


Gong Moyi was shocked. "Didn't you take any photos when you were young? It is not to the extent that you are so poor that you can't even afford a single photo, right?"    


Lin Shujuann lowered his eyes, "Yes, I am so poor that I can't even afford to take a picture."    


"Ah..." Gong Moyi could not imagine that when she was seven years old, Gong Lingye had given her a real helicopter, and Lin Shujuann's sister could not even take a picture.    


She did not know what to say for a moment, especially when the man in front of her seemed to show emotions other than indifference and gentleness for the first time.    


"All these years, I think of her from time to time." Lin Shujuann looked at Gong Moyi, as if he was looking at another person through her. "I also miss her."    


Gong Moyi suddenly felt sad for him. She could not help but reach out and hug him.    


Lin Shujuann tightened her grip and lowered his head. "So every time you stand in front of me, I feel like I see her. I want to take care of you more and make up for what I did not do in the past."    


Gong Moyi replied, "Then what you mean is that I will treat you as my real brother in the future?"    


Lin Shujuann hummed and paused for a moment. "I can also be a grandfather."    


Gong Moyi suddenly looked up. "You took advantage of me!"    


Lin Shujuann saw her like this. She seemed to be in a much better mood. He brought her to sit down. "My seniority is very high"    


"My seniority is also very high" Gong Moyi said seriously, "Look at Suhe. She is a little younger than me and still needs to call me aunt!"    


Lin Shujuann nodded, as if he agreed with her words. "Okay. Anyway, whatever you call her, it is up to you."    


Gong Moyi responded, feeling that the sadness in her heart had dissipated quite a bit. But after a moment, she became a little depressed again. "Although I have two older brothers, I dare not tell them about this."    


Lin Shujuann asked, "Why?"    


Gong Moyi said, "I still want to leave a way out for myself. I also don't want them to listen to me and really teach him a lesson. Although I don't believe him in the beginning, deep in my heart, I still feel that he won't be like this. "    


Gong Moyi sighed. "Am I very useless?"    


"No." "I think Cheng has his reasons," Lin Shujuann said. "He is a man of principles. He will not change easily. Of course, I don't know him well. So this is only my judgment based on the surface. If I were you, I would temporarily put this matter aside for now. If I really can't see the future, "Then use time to verify it."    


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