Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1243 The Meeting of the Three Men

C1243 The Meeting of the Three Men

At this time, someone knocked on the door.    


Xiyan Cheng immediately logged out of the phone app and said, "Come in."    


It was Nessan.    


He sat down on the sofa in the living room, took a bottle of wine, poured two glasses, and lit a cigarette. He said to Xiyan Cheng, "There will be a deal in three days."    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Yes."    


Nessan looked at him for a moment and smiled. "You are not curious."    


Then he explained himself, "What Mr. Gray means is that you will also participate."    


Xiyan Cheng could not help looking up. "Okay."    


"You know, big transactions cannot be done in one place." Nessan exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "So this time there are a few paths. The only people who really know about the core trading area are our core members. We also need to put on a show in other places. "    


When Xiyan Cheng heard this, he just picked up his wine glass and drank without saying anything.    


"We plan to hire the Mercenary Group. It's true and false." Nessan leaned on the sofa and said lightly, "We will meet with the Mercenary Group tomorrow. We will go together."    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Okay."    


Nissan took a glass and clinked it with his. "I have been busy for a few days. It is rare that I have time today. Let us brothers have a good drink together!"    


He and Xiyan Cheng talked about other things. As for where the final place was, Nessan did not say.    


The next day.    


In a manor in Seye City in Q Country, Nessan brought Xiyan Cheng and contacted Mercenary Group.    


Pei Shangyu didn't expect to see Xiyan Cheng here. Fu Yan was also surprised.    


Both of them sat down. Nessan took the initiative to introduce them. "This is my brother, Xiyan Cheng. He will follow up on the deal this time."    


Pei Shangyu was a little surprised that Xiyan Cheng could enter the core circle of Gray so quickly, but he did not show any special expression. He just smiled faintly. "En, Young Master Cheng, long time no see!"    


Fu Yan also stood up and shook hands with Xiyan Cheng. He seemed much more enthusiastic than Pei Shangyu. "Young Master Cheng, I did not expect us brothers to be able to fight side by side again. We are really strangers in life!"    


Xiyan Cheng shook hands with the two of them. "It is an honor and also fate!"    


How could he not know that Fu Yan looked cool? Liu was warm and friendly, as if he was harmless, but in fact, he did not get to sit in this position because of his family.    


His family had a strict assessment system. Although his father was once the famous patriarch of the Mercenary Group, he had never been biased towards Fu Yan.    


On the contrary, Fu Yan had paid more than anyone else for being able to reach where he was today.    


"So all of you know each other?" Nessan pretended to be surprised and said, "That's easy! There is a map here. It is a few routes that we need to clear in advance. Young Master Cheng, you and the two commanders will arrange the routes later."    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Okay."    


Nessan said, "Let's talk about the price and manpower.    


In the next hour, they had discussed the details. Nessan left the living room, and Xiyan Cheng stayed to discuss the specific time and manpower with Pei Shangyu.    


It was already afternoon when the negotiation was completed. Nessan invited everyone to go to the back of the manor.    


"I heard that you people from Hua like to eat roasted lamb." Nessan raised his head and looked in the direction in front of him.    


Sure enough, a chef carried a lamb over and processed it on the spot and put it on the grill.    


Everyone sat together and chatted casually. When the lamb was almost ready to be roasted, Nessan got up and picked up a knife. He said to the few people present, "Why don't you come over and show us your skills?"    


After saying that, he cut off a lamb leg from the grill first. He picked up the knife with his hand and quickly sliced the meat of the lamb leg.    


The knife skills were uniform and thin, enough to show the heat.    


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