Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1232 Where's the Child's Father?

C1232 Where's the Child's Father?

Everyone's having a good time over here, and the students over there have already prepared the ingredients, and someone's starting to show his hands and feet in the kitchen.    


Mianmian was being carried by someone. Beiming Yubai also went to the kitchen to see if there was any help.    


Some classmates made spaghetti, some made salad, and some were making fried chicken.    


On the other side, Fu Yan also showed his hand to Fu Hui. The two of them directly cut the meat and put it on a skewer to make barbecue. They sprinkled cumin powder and chili noodles, and the fragrance immediately assailed the nostrils.    


It was the first time that all the students ate mutton skewers. Some of them couldn't stand the spiciness, but they were attracted by the fragrance and ate while sniffing.    


Fu Yan roasted a few more skewers and let Beiming Yubai distribute them.    


Mianmian had been in Pei Shangyu's arms all this time and did not cry or make a fuss. She just looked here and there and ordered Pei Shangyu to carry her to look.    


Pei Shangyu also let her play. He practically carried her with one hand and walked around in the room.    


Wherever Mianmian's eyes saw, he would bring her there.    


The little fellow was happy and kept giggling.    


Beiming Yubai took the mutton skewer over and saw Pei Shangyu carrying the little guy in front of the bonsai in the room.    


He picked up a flower and spoke to Mianmian.    


Beiming Yubai saw that he had both hands and did not eat anything just now, so she handed over the skewer in her hand.    


Almost instinctively, Pei Shangyu ate a piece of the skewers with Beiming Yubai's hands.    


After he finished eating the skewers, he seemed to have realized something.    


He could not help but recall a few years ago when they went out to eat skewers. There seemed to be such a scene.    


For a moment, both of their hearts were filled with emotions, but they didn't express it.    


"Let's eat another skewer." Beiming Yubai said and handed another skewer over.    


Pei Shangyu wanted to eat. Mianmian, who was in his arms, suddenly burst into tears.    


He was stunned and asked, "What?" Does Mianmian also want to eat?"    


After he finished speaking, he smelled a stench.    


"It seems to be pulled." Beiming Yubai said.    


Pei Shangyu looked helpless. "Then what should we do?"    


"Carry her upstairs to wash up." Beiming Yubai said.    


Pei Shangyu nodded and followed her upstairs.    


Beiming Yubai had already fetched some water. When she saw the maid come over, she said to Pei Shangyu, "We'll just come."    


Pei Shangyu hesitated for a moment, nodded, and handed the child over.    


When he came down from upstairs, he glanced around and found that there was no sign of Lu Yunting at home. Even when he passed by Beiming Yubai's room, he did not seem to see anything of a man.    


Upstairs, Beiming Yubai quickly washed the little fellow's fragrant scent and changed into diapers before she prepared to carry the little fellow downstairs.    


However, perhaps because it was tired, the little fellow began to yawn.    


Hence, Beiming Yubai fed some milk again and successfully coaxed a certain baby who was reluctant to sleep before going downstairs.    


Downstairs, almost all of the students revealed their skills and were waiting for Pei Shangyu to make braised prawns.    


When Beiming Yubai went to the kitchen, she saw Pei Shangyu preparing the onion, ginger, and garlic.    


She asked, "Do you need help?"    


"It's fine. No need. You should rest well." Pei Shangyu said.    


Beiming Yubai did not leave.    


Actually, she really wanted to see how he cooked. She had never seen him cook before.    


She thought that perhaps they had missed too much time, so much that they had many faces that they were not familiar with.    


Pei Shangyu first boiled the pot, then put down the big prawn and stir-fried it. When he turned around, he saw that Beiming Yubai was still there.    


His lips. The petals moved. "Did you sleep?"    


Beiming Yubai nodded.    


Pei Shangyu quickly stir-fried the prawns and prepared to hook the juice. He asked casually, "Why did Mianmian's father not come here?"    


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