Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1226 Don't Worry It's Not a Woman

C1226 Don't Worry It's Not a Woman

"Wow, she's so cute! She smiles like an angel!"    


"Bai, what's her name?"    


Beiming Yubai said, "Her name is Jin Yu of the Northern Underworld. Her small name is Mianmian. Everyone can just call her Mianmian."    


Everyone followed Beiming Yubai's voice and said, "Mian-"    


They did not know how to make a sound. The sound they made was very similar to the cry of a sheep. "Baa -"    


Beiming Yubai did not know whether to laugh or cry. However, when she saw that everyone was looking at her kindly, she finally relaxed a little after a few months of twisting her heart.    


For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of belonging towards this foreign country.    


In the following time, when the classmates were free, they would often come and play with Mianmian.    


Many of them participated in some strange clubs, so Mianmian's toys also had many strange handmade works.    


Gradually, Mianmian also became familiar with everyone. Sometimes Beiming Yubai and her classmates would bring her shopping, and she would even pounce on her classmates and ask them to carry her.    


After the Golden Python Mercenary Group's guarding mission ended, Pei Shangyu received a few more missions. These days, he had been running around the Middle East.    


When he received Fu Yan's call, he was checking the commission he received from the card.    


"Brother, come to America for a gathering." Fu Yan said. "Let me introduce you to a few friends."    


"What friends?" Pei Shangyu asked.    


"We'll know when we get here." Fu Yan smiled. "Don't worry, she is not a woman."    


"Got it." Pei Shangyu replied.    


He was fine for the time being. Because of the mission a week ago, he had been injured a little. Although it did not affect his mobility, it still affected his body's sensitivity, so he planned to give himself a vacation.    


In fact, he knew that if he did not go to America, he would not be able to hold it in and go to Jin City to find Beiming Yubai.    


Perhaps it was not to look for her, but to see if she was affected by public opinion. Did she have a good time?    


Thus, he directly got his assistant to book a plane ticket.    


About ten hours later, Pei Shang. Yu appeared in an underground clubhouse in America.    


In the private room, a few men were leaning against the sofa with cigarettes in their hands. There were already many empty bottles in front of them.    


Seeing Pei Shangyu come in, Fu Yan immediately waved at him and introduced him, "Lingyu, come, let me introduce you!"    


"This is Mr. Gray, this is..." He introduced them one by one, then said to the others, "This is Lingyu from the Golden Python Mercenary Group, I think everyone has heard of him before!"    


The leader of the group, a man in his forties, spat out a cigar. He looked at Pei Shangyu and patted the seat beside him. He gestured for Pei Shangyu to take a seat. "So you are Lingyu. The younger generation will be feared!"    


Pei Shangyu nodded and smiled. "Mr. Gray, let me toast you!"    


This famous Mr. Gray had done many underground businesses. When Pei Shangyu had not officially joined Mercenary Group, he had heard Mr. K mention it.    


Fu Yan had been working in the Mercenary Group since he was young. His father and uncle were both famous figures in the mercenary world, so he had a lot of connections. It was not strange that he knew people of the same level as Mr. K.    


They had more or less talked about proper business. Seeing that everyone present was men, Gray waved his hand and called more than ten women in. Instantly, the private room became lively.    


Pei Shangyu had encountered too many similar occasions in recent years. He did not avoid or accept the approach of women. He just quietly leaned there. Occasionally, he would say something along the way when everyone was chatting. It did not seem abrupt.    


It was already late at night when the night scene had dispersed. Pei Shangyu had just arrived and did not have a place to stay for the time being. So he got into the car with Fu Yan.    


"I have a sister who is going to college here. Will you accompany me to see her tomorrow?" Fu Yan let the driver drive and took him and Pei Shangyu to a hotel close to the university.    


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