Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1206 Her Confession to Him

C1206 Her Confession to Him

Xiyan Cheng smiled. He turned his face and kissed Gong Moyi's lips. "Happy birthday to my girlfriend!"    


Gong Moyi stretched out her arm and wrapped it around Xiyan Cheng's neck. "Mr Cheng, thank you."    


He looked at the watery light in her eyes and could not help but kiss her eyes again.    


She let him kiss her, but she could not hold back her tears.    


His kiss was very close, and finally landed on her lips. On the petal. Tears slid down her lips and into her mouth. It was sweet, salty, and mixed with five flavors.    


Gradually, Xiyan Cheng's breathing became unstable again. He sighed softly. The petal still remained on Gong Moyi's lips. There was a helpless tone in his voice. "Baby, have I changed?"    


Gong Moyi's heart was still sour and bitter. When she heard Xiyan Cheng's words, she did not know which one of her senses was ignited. Feeling her nerves, she could not help but nod and shake her head.    


Xiyan Cheng was very patient and asked, "Baby, what's wrong?"    


Gong Moyi looked at the man's face that was covered in a layer of clear splendor under the moonlight and asked with a nasal voice, "Is it really that important that you do not change?"    


Without waiting for Xiyan Cheng to answer, she said again, "Mr Cheng, although I have always deliberately delayed the matter of changing right, in my heart, you are already my boyfriend."    


Xiyan Cheng was stunned. He looked at Gong Moyi's eyes, which gradually deepened, and asked her, "A long time ago, when did it start?"    


Gong Moyi thought for a while and said, "I joined the army. After the cultural performance with you, it snowed that night..."    


"That day, I kissed you." Xiyan Cheng said, "That was the first time I kissed a girl seriously."    


Gong Moyi's eyes widened when she heard that. "The first time I kissed a girl seriously? You even kissed someone else?"    


"Maybe I didn't express it well, baby, I only kissed you. When I said I was serious for the first time, it was compared to kissing your forehead or something. " After saying that, Xiyan Cheng said in a serious tone. "But you, if I tell you to like it, you will be forced to do so."    


Gong Moyi wanted to laugh, but she deliberately blinked her eyes. "Yes, forced. I was forced to be someone's girlfriend."    


Xiyan Cheng knew that she was being naughty again, so he could only indulge her. "Baby, you can say whatever you want."    


Gong Moyi saw that he was not saying what he wanted to say, and that sour feeling in her heart surged up again. She put away her smile, and her eyes were also gradually dyed with a thick black color.    


Her voice was light, and in the night wind, it seemed like it would disappear at any time, but every word was engraved in Xiyan Cheng's heart.    


She said, "Mr Cheng, although you were jealous of Dr. Lin at the K base that day, you blocked me in the corridor of the dormitory. You insisted that I only let me go because I liked you. That time, you seemed to have forced me, but what I said was the truth."    


She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. Every word was clear. "Xiyan Cheng, I do like you. I only like you."    


Xiyan Cheng felt that his heart had been hit hard. His ears were ringing. Only Gong Moyi's words kept echoing in his ears.    


This was the first time she had sincerely confessed to him. He had fantasized about it many times, but he did not know that he really heard it. It could actually make the fireworks in his heart last for a long time.    


He lowered his head and passionately kissed her. It was as if no matter what, it was not enough. He only wanted to carve her into the bone blood.    


"Baby, can I?" He propped himself on her body and asked with a hoarse voice.    


Gong Moyi's voice was very soft and carried a trembling sound. Her toes were quietly curled up, "I'm a bit scared."    


"Not afraid. We will always be together."    




「 Hm? 」    


"I said okay.    




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