Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1125 Gong Mo Yi Faced Xuanyuan Lin

C1125 Gong Mo Yi Faced Xuanyuan Lin

On the other side, the vice-captain was already on the helicopter, and he was wearing a helmet as he greeted the middle-aged man, "Jay, get ready to go."    


Beiming Yubai held her breath.    


She turned her head to look at the helicopter and then looked at Pei Shangyu in front of her.    


A rare smile appeared on Pei Shangyu's face. It was a little gentle, but it was still a little gloomy. It was as if she had seen him many years ago.    


He said, "Let's go."    


Beiming Yubai nodded.    


Pei Shangyu watched her and Lu Yunting get on the plane. He maintained his previous posture. The cigar in his hand burned to the tip of his finger. It hurt a little, but he did not realize it.    


The helicopter's propeller had started to spin. Pei Shangyu saw Beiming Yubai at the cabin door, looking at him quietly.    


Because of the distance and the dim light, he could not see her expression clearly. He only felt that her eyes were very, very dark and bright.    


He put one hand into his pocket and looked at her indifferently.    


He thought that after the war, perhaps this would be the last time they would meet in this lifetime.    


The plane took off very quickly until it completely disappeared from his sight.    


Only then did Pei Shangyu realize that his fingertips were burning painfully. He threw away the cigarette butt, turned around and said to his subordinates, "Go back. This time, we will meet the people invited by the Valve Financial Group. Kill them immediately!"    


His face was calm but cold. His eyes were hollow and deep.    


Pei Shangyu's men were shocked by their boss's appearance as they went to the front line.    


He had killed almost all the way to the front line. The mercenaries hired by Valve were not weak. Maybe it was because Pei Shangyu was extraordinary that he cut vegetables and melons along the way.    


When they arrived at the camp, the mercenaries still had hot blood in their hearts. They felt that today was the best journey they had in their mercenary lives.    


However, as soon as they arrived at the camp, they heard the sound of flying in the sky.    


Everyone was shocked. Within a few minutes, everything was ready.    


After a short few hours of truce, the battle started again, and it became a daydream.    


At the same time, at the border of the front line, Beiming Yumo's entire body was covered in blood, but it was almost all the blood of the enemy.    


He held a pistol in his hand, and his eyes were filled with a thick black color.    


In front of him, the three men's pistols were all aimed at him.    


One of them sneered and said, "We underestimated you. We didn't expect you to be able to escape and even kill two of our men! But you only have two bullets in your pistol, but we have four people "    


Hearing his words, Beiming Yumo discovered that in the darkness of the night, there was a man hiding in a cloak, almost becoming one with the surroundings.    


"Your father's plane was blown up by us. It's hard to tell whether he's alive or dead. No one can save you now." The man sneered again and said, "Be good. Put the gun down. We won't kill you even if we catch you, because you're still useful."    


Beiming Yumo's eyes were filled with determination. His hand was about to pull the trigger.    


The other person saw that he was' stubborn ', so the three of them bent their fingers at the same time.    


At this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky, and their vision was illuminated by the light.    


A moment later, in the light of the fire... Someone was falling. The fallen fighter jet crawled out, its body covered in blood.    


"It's the reinforcements from K!" cloaked man, who was also the person beside Xuanyuan Lin, said in a low voice.    


Xuanyuan Lin curled his lips and said, "Kill them."    


"Yes, sir." His subordinate was about to kill them, but at that moment, a military off-road vehicle suddenly rushed towards them.    


Gong Moyi, who was in the middle of the military off-road vehicle, locked her eyes on Xuanyuan Lin in front of her and stepped on the accelerator with all her strength!    


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