Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1117 In Our Line of Work We Can't Have Any Weakness

C1117 In Our Line of Work We Can't Have Any Weakness

The flames of war were getting more and more intense. When they reached the back, Pei Shangyu's men saw that the situation was not good and immediately brought Beiming Yubai into the car.    


Seeing this, Lu Yunting also hurriedly followed.    


The mercenaries did not stop him. They let him into the car and drove towards the other side of the battlefield.    


At the same time, Pei Shangyu was in the sniping position, sniping from tricky angles.    


His eyes were locked on the target, but Beiming Yubai's appearance appeared in his usually empty mind.    


When he pulled the trigger, he thought of the way she looked when she was in his arms. She was buried in his chest, shivering like a helpless little lamb.    


This was the first time Pei Shangyu cared about something on the battlefield. Without experience in this field, he made a few mistakes.    


Mistakes on the battlefield were equivalent to losing his life. Bullets flew past his cheeks. If it wasn't for his long period of instinct, he might not have been able to see the little sun in his heart if he didn't dodge the shot when his opponent pulled the trigger.    


After that, another day of intense battle.    


More and more reinforcements from K Country arrived, and X Country had no choice but to retreat.    


When Pei Shangyu received the order to retreat, he wiped the blood on his face and stood up to put away his gun.    


The outcome of this battle, as a deputy commander of a mercenary group, could not be completely changed.    


What he needed to do was to collect money and do things that were of equal value to money.    


Withdrawing from the core warzone also announced the loss of this land.    


At this point, half of the border of Country K, which was taken by surprise, was once again seized by Country K.    


When Pei Shangyu answered his own station at the border of Country X, it was already late at night.    


This was also the first time in a long time that he was so eager to return.    


However, when he walked into the camp area and was about to walk to his room, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.    


For the first time in his life, he had a kind of nervousness that made him feel like he was in a country.    


What kind of reaction would she have when she saw him?    


At this moment, he was covered in blood. He was no longer the same person who had grown up with her.    


He didn't accept his fate because so long as the other party was able to pay the price, then he would be able to reap the heads of the people that didn't have any enmity with him.    


Back then, she was unable to accept what he had done. Now, she should feel that he was even dirtier, right?    


Pei Shangyu's hand landed on the door and trembled slightly. He didn't have the strength to push it open.    


At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang.    


It was a special ringtone. He instantly knew who it was.    


Pei Shangyu stopped pushing the door and answered the call.    


The old man's voice came from inside. "Lingyu, I heard you saved a girl on the battlefield today."    


Pei Shangyu's breathing became heavier when he heard this. He leaned against the corridor and looked at the dark sky. He replied, "Yes, Mr. K."    


"Don't forget, you are now Lingyu, not Pei Shangyu." Mr. K said.    


Pei Shangyu continued to look at the dark screen and answered, "Yes, I did not forget."    


"I called to remind you." Mr. K said, "From the moment you stepped into the manor, You and her have no future. You are a mercenary, in our line of work... You cannot have a weakness. Otherwise, you will not be threatened to death with a weakness. It's because of you that your weak spot has been broken. "    


Pei Shangyu held his phone tightly. He felt that there was a huge stone stuck in his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.    


He knew all of this. He had known all along.    


"Alright, I called you because I was afraid that you would harm her." Mr. K's tone was gentle. "This war is not easy to fight. We just need to do our best."    


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