Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1100 They Were Brought to the Battlefield

C1100 They Were Brought to the Battlefield

"Gong Moyi, you have to know that this is a real war." Political Commissar Hu's expression was serious. "So even the logistics or medical soldiers on the ground are more dangerous than A +."    


Gong Moyi nodded. "I know, but Political Commissar Hu, you also know that the war between the two countries this time is because of economic benefits, which is also the S-class reagent from the base. I have stayed there for a long time and am familiar with the situation at the base, so I am a very suitable candidate. "    


After Political Commissar Hu heard that, he did not immediately give Gong Moyi an answer. Instead, he nodded and told her to go back and wait for arrangements and notifications.    


Everything was as Gong Moyi had expected. After waiting for four hours, she received Political Commissar Hu's transfer order.    


Gong Moyi received the transfer order and returned to her dormitory. She packed her luggage and prepared to go to the field with her comrades.    


She arrived a little early. The other comrades had not yet arrived but they saw Huo Yiqing walking over from the other side.    


Huo Yiqing should have just participated in some kind of performance. At this moment, there was still obvious makeup on her face.    


When she saw Gong Moyi, she quickly walked over and sized her up before asking, "Long time no see."    


"You miss me?" Gong Moyi raised her eyebrows.    


"Tsk, who would miss me!" Huo Yiqing curled her lips.    


Gong Moyi smiled, "I also said that I would follow you guys to learn ballet, but in the end, I am about to leave again."    


"Where are we going?" Huo Yiqing just finished asking and realized that there were some things that should not be asked, so she said, "Pretend that I did not say."    


Gong Moyi blinked, "Go and beat up Xiyan Cheng."    


Huo Yiqing did not understand, "En?"    


"That guy lied to me. I will catch him and beat him up!" At this moment, Gong Moyi was still gritting her teeth in hatred.    


Huo Yiqing thought for a while, "Remember to put on gloves. Otherwise, if your hands hurt, I'm afraid he will be fine."    


Gong Moyi smiled, "Don't you feel sorry for him?"    


Huo Yiqing rolled her eyes at her, "I feel sorry for you."    


"Yo, you actually flirted with me?" Gong Moyi smiled and stretched out her hand to hook Huo Yiqing's chin to act like a lecher.    


At this time, Political Commissar Hu and his other comrades came.    


Gong Moyi immediately tidied up her expression and made a proper military salute. Her expression changed very quickly.    


Huo Yiqing also immediately stopped joking and bowed seriously.    


Half an hour later, Gong Moyi boarded the plane and flew straight to K Country.    


At this moment, the border of K Country had already fallen into chaos.    


Cannon fire, smoke, the bullets that kept dropping down from the sky, the civilians on the ground who were running around and shooting... The air was filled with the smell of smoke and blood, causing the souls of the unarmed people on the ground to tremble.    


Along with the opening of the S-class laboratory at the base, news of the successful research of the reagent was transmitted. The flames of war became even more frenzied.    


This was the first time Beiming Yubai had seen a real war. In that instant, she felt as if her entire body had been torn in half.    


The sounds of explosions and gunshots filled her ears. The smell that she smelled made her want to throw up several times. Their car was less than a foot away from her. The people who had held her and Lu Yunting hostage had exploded.    


They arrived in K Country the day before yesterday. At that time, the situation in K Country was not so tense. She and Lu Yunting were blindfolded and pulled into the car.    


That person told her that he would bring her to Beiming Yumo and give her to Beiming Shen as a gift.    


But this morning, on the way to the car, they met the aerial troops.    


When the two armies fought, the people on the ground became fish in the pond.    


Just as they drove past a bridge, the bridge behind them was blasted apart by someone, and the front of the car they were on was instantly blown away.    


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