Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1087 War

C1087 War

Gong Moyi put away her thoughts and continued listening to Gong Lingye's live broadcast of the interrogation.    


"You and Zhang Sheng only have a mercenary relationship?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"Yes." Wang Yunkai sneered, "That kind of coward, how could I really work with him?"    


Gong Lingye continued to ask, "Who is the one who made the deal with you?"    


Wang Yunkai raised his eyes. "Mr. Gong should know that if we made this deal, if we wanted to work together for a long time, we would not investigate the other party's identity. " There are some things that are safer if we don't know each other. "    


"But we took you away. They immediately sent a plane to kill you." Gong Lingye casually turned his watch. "If you don't know anything, they don't need to kill you."    


Wang Yunkai's tone was calm. "They want to kill me, but I may not be the only one killed."    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows and turned to Aa Mian. "Ask how long it will take to make the potion."    


Aa Mian quickly got the exact news. "It is almost 10 o'clock at night."    


Gong Lingye nodded and then looked at Wang Yunkai. His tone was not heavy, but when Wang Yunkai heard that sentence, it made Wang Yunkai's heart turn cold.    


Gong Lingye said, "So from now on, from 8 to 10, you have two hours to decide how you will die."    


He suddenly remembered the Gong Lingye mentioned by that person. Thinking of those legendary methods, his heart began to waver.    


At the same time, at the base's laboratory, everyone had already analyzed the composition of the poison.    


This was not the kind of poison that could instantly kill him, because Wang Yunkai had escaped for him. If he used that poison, he might accidentally inhale it and die.    


Therefore, after analyzing the ingredients, everyone quickly concocted the antidote formula under Lin Shujuann's lead.    


The formulas were all organic plant reagents. In the end, they would metabolize carbon dioxide and water, which were almost harmless to the body.    


An hour later, Xiyan Cheng and a few other poisoned people woke up together. Although their bodies were still somewhat sore and weak, they were all fine.    


Xiyan Cheng got down from the hospital bed and thanked Lin Shujuann seriously, "Thank you, Dr. Lin."    


Lin Shujuann still had the same gentle and soothing tone as before. "You should be. You are also an employee of our base."    


Gong Moyi felt that Lin Shujuann's words seemed to imply that he already knew that she and Xiyan Cheng were not ordinary employees.    


However, the other party was temporarily a friend and not an enemy. So, since she could not figure it out for the time being... She could only investigate it in the future.    


At this moment, Xiyan Cheng took out his phone from his pocket. When he saw the message, his expression changed.    


Gong Moyi noticed his expression and was about to ask him when he opened his mouth, "I just saw the news that there was an armed conflict between Country X and Country K. The two countries were at war."    


Gong Moyi was shocked, "Previously, we had been saying that Country X wanted to declare war on Country K. But with K Country's Hua Country supporting them, how could they be so impulsive?"    


Xiyan Cheng also had a thoughtful look on his face. Then, he gave Gong Moyi a look.    


Gong Moyi understood that there were many people at the moment, so she pretended to help Xiyan Cheng to rest and brought him to the corner.    


"Moyi, do you remember the information we found earlier? Country X is eyeing the research results of Country K, and Country X is supported by a few large consortiums, so I suspect -"    


Before Xiyan Cheng could finish his words, Gong Moyi's eyes suddenly lit up.    


Something happened to Gong Moxuan. There were spies in the base, Gong Moxuan was rescued, spies were found, and Gong Lingye met a fighter when he left.    


All signs seemed to indicate that the war between X and K had something to do with what happened in the base!    


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