Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1030 His Little Girl Has Come to Save Him

C1030 His Little Girl Has Come to Save Him

There are a lot of helicopters parked near the hospital, and it's raining over here too, but the rain is smaller than the submerged city.    


Gong Moyi had the documents and the airplane keys, because when she came, she was assigned a plane.    


She was the vice-captain and kept the keys, but she had never used them.    


At this moment, she directly found the plane, turned on the hatch, and sat on it.    


After inserting the key and checking the gas meter, Gong Moyi entered the route directly into the navigation system.    


At this moment, there was no superfluous expression on her face. Her entire person seemed calm and collected, but only she knew how anxious she was!    


The engine was pulled open. As the propeller spun, the plane slowly rose into the air.    


Gong Moyi's hand tightly gripped the engine. Even though her heart was worried, it was still empty.    


She remembered that Xiyan Cheng had once told her about the case.    


In the case, there was also a pilot. His plane was about to run out of fuel. However, he had successfully used physics to borrow the force of the air and disarm the impact. Finally, he landed safely.    


She believed that Xiyan Cheng could do it. What she needed to do was to find him!    


Because of the earthquake, all communications in the center of the earthquake had been cut off. However, Gong Moyi was wearing a bracelet on her wrist, which showed Xiyan Cheng's location.    


His position had always been there. He did not move. It was quiet.    


Gong Moyi's plane passed through the rain. This was the first time she had flown a plane in such a thunderstorm. It was different from the previous simulations.    


The rain was very heavy, and the plane quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.    


Gong Moyi's phone was always in front of her. She did not know where it was, so she could only lower the altitude to fly.    


As she got closer to the city, she felt her heart tighten because her line of sight was filled with a sea of mud and many floating objects.    


It was already dawn, and her line of sight was exceptionally clear even in the rain.    


She could not see where the plane could land, nor did she know how Xiyan Cheng was doing right now.    


Until she got closer and closer to him. Then, Gong Moyi saw a black thing that was about three meters above the water surface. It was particularly eye-catching.    


When she saw what it was, she could not help but be stunned.    


That was the collapsed stone pillar. It was a huge stone pillar. When it stood up, it should be about ten meters tall. At this moment, half of it was submerged in the water. No one knew what the fulcrum was, but the other half was slanted out of the water.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi finally believed one sentence. It was this world. What did you give it? Perhaps it would gently give you back what you gave it.    


In order to save the last bit of historical culture here, Xiyan Cheng also saved him with this kind of historical culture.    


Because his plane was parked on the cross-section of the stone pillar. If the stone pillar was not big enough, it would not be able to withstand the landing of a small helicopter.    


Gong Moyi also saw it. He was afraid that under the circumstances where the fuel was completely depleted, he used the stone pillar to slow down the aircraft's downward momentum and finally stopped three meters away from the surface of the water!    


Even from afar, Gong Moyi could feel that there was a slight imbalance. Xiyan Cheng and the plane would fall into the flood.    


However, he did it.    


At that critical moment, how calm was he?    


She slowly lowered her altitude. As she got closer to the plane, she carefully controlled the position of the plane.    


Because, even if it was the spinning force of the propeller, it could cause the force of Xiyan Cheng's position to be imbalanced!    


Gong Moyi controlled the cabin door to open, put down the ladder, and slowly approached.    


At the same time, in the plane, Xiyan Cheng looked at the plane that was getting closer and closer, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.    


He didn't know why, but he knew that the person who came to save him was his little girl.    


The girl who had walked far away when she was young and still had to carry him on her back had grown to her current state!    


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