Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1026 When Danger Came Hug Her

C1026 When Danger Came Hug Her

Gong Moyi was shocked and had a bad premonition.    


Soon, another vibration came.    


"Yu Zhen is here!"    


Someone shouted loudly. Immediately after, the others hurriedly went to carry the injured.    


They had just dug a hole with great difficulty, and it was very likely that it would collapse immediately. There were also many injured people inside.    


"I can't do it anymore. Come out quickly!" Someone said to the rescue personnel inside the cave.    


Gong Moyi was also a little anxious because the shaking on the ground was getting more and more intense and she was almost unable to stand.    


No one knew if this was the aftershock or the second earthquake.    


The previous earthquake had detected that it was level 8.5. And what if there was a level 8 and above this time?    


Gong Moyi felt that following the tremors on the ground, visible ripples appeared in her line of sight. Originally the sky was not dark, but in an instant, her line of sight turned dark.    


Following which, a clear sound came from the ground, landing in everyone's ears like a clap of thunder.    


A rescue personnel crawled out of the cave. On his back was a wounded person.    


"Quick!" Everyone pulled him and the injured person out with all their might.    


Just as everyone was pulling the second rescue personnel out, the ground suddenly shook violently. Like a wave sweeping across the soles of their feet, everyone fell to the ground.    


This vibration lasted for about 50 seconds before it finally stopped.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi turned her head and saw a scene that she would never forget in her lifetime.    


The arm of the rescue personnel was still extended and his palm was tightly held by the person on the ground. The hole had been completely sealed and only half of the person's hand was extended. The rest of the hand was completely buried under the ground.    


The scene was completely silent. After a moment of silence, someone cried in a low voice.    


Another person reacted. He hurriedly shouted, "Quickly dig!"    


Everyone started to dig, and Gong Moyi also used tools to help.    


However, the result this time was very sad. That rescue personnel and a few people inside all fell into the underground crack. The arms they grabbed were already broken, and the arms and bodies could not be found anymore!    


Gong Moyi looked at this scene. Although she had experienced quite a lot, she still fell to the ground and gasped for breath.    


She could not describe the shock in her heart. At this moment, when she was at her most confused, she looked up and saw a helicopter.    


Twilight was cut by the helicopter's propellers into many tiny adjustments. Gong Moyi saw that the helicopter landed and slowly stopped not far away from her.    


She stood up and looked at the person who came over.    


The camouflage on Xiyan Cheng's body was also covered in dirt and there were even some mud marks on his face. He wore gloves and strode towards Gong Moyi.    


The ground beneath his feet seemed to be shaking slightly. There was the sound of cracking in the distance, but Gong Moyi could not hear or see many things. In her line of sight, there was only Xiyan Cheng who was coming over.    


He came in front of her and pressed her into his arms.    


Her nose could smell the sweat, soil, and a faint smell of blood on his body, but Gong Moyi did not feel that it was unpleasant. Instead, she felt at ease.    


She could not help but feel nauseous and said to Xiyan Cheng, "Mr Cheng, a lot of people just died..."    


"Yes, I know." He hugged her tightly. His heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally calmed down.    


The aftershock just now was at least Level Seven. She was not in his field of vision, and it caused all of his breathing to be tightly held, making him unable to control his fear.    


"Just now, the weather forecast said that there will be lightning rain at night. If the lightning rain is very heavy, it might cause mudslide" Xiyan Cheng said, "You are in the residential area. Don't go anywhere. If there is danger, we will take a plane and leave."    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Mr Cheng, what about you?"    


"I will also be in charge of transporting the injured people." Xiyan Cheng said, "When the time comes, don't worry even if you don't see me. Just follow the large group and leave."    


Gong Moyi responded and pulled Xiyan Cheng's sleeve again. "Then you have to be fine."    


"Yes." Xiyan Cheng nodded.    


He originally came to pick up patients with serious injuries and treat them, so after saying a few words in a hurry, he had to leave again.    


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