Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1000 Choose Never Look Back

C1000 Choose Never Look Back

The next morning, Pei Shangyu picked up his phone and dialed a number.    


The moment the call went through, he knew that his life would probably go to another unknown place. Everything in the past could only be turned into smoke.    


He had no choice.    


The phone rang seven or eight times before it was picked up. It was the dignified voice of the old man: "Have you thought it through?"    


"Yes" Pei Shangyu said.    


"Why didn't you ask me?" The old man asked.    


"There's no need to ask, I'll go over. If it wasn't for my willingness, I would've died" Pei Shangyu said.    


The old man smiled. "Don't worry. You will not die. You will live a better life than anyone else. Money, excitement, and glory will all exist, but they will all be exchanged with your blood."    


"I understand" Pei Shangyu replied.    


On the same day, a car came to the entrance of the neighborhood to pick him up.    


He pulled his suitcase. There were only a few pieces of changed clothes inside, and then there were some toys from when he was young. Among them was the car he used to tease Beiming Yubai with.    


He did not know why he installed those at the last moment, but he left his phone, and all the photos and diaries he took with her.    


In the end, Pei Shangyu understood that the moment he stepped out of the house and got into the car, he had completely lost hope with her.    


She would still live under the sunshine, and perhaps he had been in hell since he was born.    


During the fifteen years they had been together, only a ray of light had shone into his hell. Now that the ray of light had disappeared, it was time for him to return to hell.    


The driver was a young man wearing sunglasses. After Pei Shangyu went up, he didn't talk to him at all.    


He came to a manor. It was a low-profile manor, but it was very luxurious inside.    


He was brought to the old man's room.    


The old man looked at Pei Shangyu's current attire and nodded slightly. "If you like to dress like this, you can continue in the future."    


Pei Shangyu nodded. "Okay, Mister K."    


The old man was very satisfied with his performance and said, "We are in the process of getting your identity certificate. We will go abroad the day after tomorrow."    


"Okay" Pei Shangyu nodded.    


In the next two days, because he had just recovered from his injuries, he was recuperating in the manor.    


This was how his life was. Instead, he relaxed his heart, ate, slept and ate. In these two days, his complexion had recovered very well.    


He did not think about what would happen to the He family if they could not find him, nor did he know that on the second day after he came to the manor, Beiming Yubai went to the villa but could not find him.    


After all the documents were processed, Pei Shangyu looked at the name and place of origin on the documents without any expression.    


Whatever his name was, it didn't matter.    


The plane took off. He knew that he would leave this country that he had lived in for twenty years. In the future, Pei Shangyu's name would become the past.    




During the first week of school, Beiming Yubai did not get any information about Pei Shangyu.    


The news Beiming Yumo got was that two days before they returned to the country, Pei Shangyu came out of the villa and went to a manor.    


However, Beiming Yumo sent someone to the manor. It was already empty.    


After that, Beiming Yubai never saw him again.    


Later on, her roommates also found out that Beiming Yubai's boyfriend was one of the three big school grass of Ke Da. However, after the school grass went missing and claimed to be sick, it never appeared again.    


Many girls were sad, but no matter how sad they were, it was only a matter of time. Because very soon, other good seedlings among the new students came in, and Pei Shangyu was gradually forgotten in the depths of their memories.    


Beiming Yubai still attended classes as usual every day. She attended classes seriously and loved to go to the library. She also loved to stay with her roommates by the lakeside of the school with a tablet drawing.    


Her roommates gradually stopped talking about Pei Shangyu. On the contrary, some roommates started to promote their older brother at the university next door.    


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