Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C949 It Was Actually Sent in the Package

C949 It Was Actually Sent in the Package

At this moment, Pei Shangyu received a traffic notification and was stunned.    


Logistics displayed that the fitness equipment he ordered had just arrived at Jin City and would be arranged for delivery during the day tomorrow.    


So, what did he receive today?    


It was so big and heavy, wasn't it a fitness equipment?    


Confused, he walked to the living room, took a knife, and began to unpack.    


Outside was a cardboard box, and inside was a foam box.    


The foam box was sealed. When he cut open the plastic seal on it, he could smell a foul stench from the tip of his nose.    


Pei Shangyu's pupils constricted. He wondered if he had never ordered seafood before. Could it be that someone sent the seafood to him, and it broke because the weather was too hot during the transport?    


He continued to cut open the plastic seal and then opened the big lid.    


When he saw what was inside, he felt as if someone had knocked on his head hard. Even though he was 20 years old, he was so scared that he took a few steps back. His face was pale...    


That night, Beiming Yubai finally fell asleep late into the night. She was obviously tired, but her brain was always excited. Even in her sleep, it was all about Pei Shangyu.    


The next morning at eight o'clock, when the alarm rang, she almost instantly woke up.    


She sat up and sent a message to Pei Shangyu. "Mr Shangyu, I'm awake!"    


After sending the message, she went to wash up. She remembered that she was going on a date today. After searching for a long time in the closet, she finally chose a white dress.    


Beiming Yubai changed into a dress and went out to eat breakfast. She also put on light makeup for herself. She was very satisfied with her appearance today and went to look at her phone again.    


However, Pei Shangyu had not called her yet.    


Could it be that last night, just like her, she had insomnia and slept in the morning?    


Beiming Yubai felt sweet and a little shy. She returned to her room and flipped through the small videos with nothing to do.    


However, after she played the video for another hour, she did not receive a call from Pei Shangyu.    


It was already ten o'clock. Beiming Yubai thought for a while and called Pei Shangyu.    


The notification on the other side had been turned off. She sighed. This guy must have slept before and might have forgotten to charge!    


With this thought in mind, she continued to wait at home.    


However, she waited until noon. It was time for lunch at home, and Pei Shangyu's phone was not turned on.    


Beiming Yubai started to feel a little uneasy. She thought of his injuries and those people who could come out at any time. She decided to take the initiative to go to his villa and look for him.    


She took a few bites and said that she had an appointment with her classmates. Then, she left the house.    


She went all the way to the villa area. She had access restrictions and the password to enter, so she directly opened the door.    


The living room was very quiet, but there was an unpleasant smell. It seemed to be the smell of eggs or something.    


Beiming Yubai looked at the window and found that it was open. She guessed that it was the smell that drifted in from outside, so she did not mind. She went straight to Pei Shangyu's bedroom.    


However, when she walked into the bedroom, she was dumbfounded.    


The room was still the same as when she left yesterday. The bedsheets had not been changed, and the towel that she had put aside was still there. It seemed that Pei Shangyu had never come in before!    


Her heart immediately became worried. Where did he go last night?    


Beiming Yubai had searched several rooms but did not find anything. When she went downstairs, she found that the express delivery they brought back yesterday was missing.    


So, he should have returned home. And then he went out again?    


Beiming Yubai felt very uneasy. She left a note for Pei Shangyu in the living room and told him to remember to call her the first time he went home. Then, she directly left.    


Before she got home, Beiming Yubai called Beiming Yumo and asked him to help her find Pei Shangyu.    


Beiming Yumo agreed and said that he was going to leave the country the day after tomorrow.    


Just last night, Beiming Shen received a phone call. He said that the raw materials processing in D Country had problems and needed him to personally discuss it with the relevant maritime departments.    


He originally planned to go by himself, but when he saw that his son seemed to be fine after the college entrance exam, he asked Beiming Yumo if he wanted to go with him.    


After all, this was also an opportunity to increase his knowledge and train his techniques to deal with problems.    


Beiming Yumo directly agreed, so the two of them booked a flight ticket for the day after tomorrow and flew straight to the capital of D Country.    


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