Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C938 Side by Side

C938 Side by Side

However, Beiming Yumo was not a gentleman this time. He interrupted Gong Moyi and quickly took out the gift bag from under the table.    


He handed it over, but there was still not much expression on his face. His tone was calm. "This is the consultation fee."    


Gong Moyi was puzzled. After she took it, she took out the box inside.    


When she opened it, a platinum bracelet appeared in front of her eyes.    


It was very delicate and the design was very unique.    


She looked up. "Beiming Yumo, my consultation fee is not that expensive. You don't have to give me this."    


Beiming Yumo insisted, "This is not expensive for me."    


Gong Moyi was speechless.    


She could not refute it.    


Furthermore, she remembered what she said yesterday. She did not treat the rich for free.    


She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She could only accept it and said to him, "It's very beautiful, thank you!"    


Even though she said so, Gong Moyi was thinking about how to return the item at the same price to the other party.    


Beiming Yumo was still staring at the gift bag on the table. A few seconds later, he could not help but ask, "Do you want to try?"    


The person who gave the gift had already asked this question. If he didn't accept it, then it would really be impolite.    


So Gong Moyi nodded, opened the box, and put the bracelet on her hand.    


It was just that the bracelet was a small buckle. She used one hand to actually operate it for a long time, but it still did not succeed.    


Beiming Yumo looked at Gong Moyi's wrist and felt his heart beat faster.    


He got up. "I'll help you."    


"Okay, thank you." Gong Moyi said.    


He walked over and picked up the ends of the bracelet and started to button it.    


His palm began to secrete fine sweat. Beiming Yumo discovered that although he had researched it last night, it was actually quite difficult to operate.    


He clumsily finished the button on the fifth try and heaved a huge sigh of relief.    


Gong Moyi saw this and could not help but laugh. "Is this the first time you helped a girl button this?"    


Beiming Yumo's long eyelashes drooped slightly and faintly responded, "Yes."    


Gong Moyi was suddenly curious. "Have you never had a girlfriend before?"    


Beiming Yumo's gaze focused on her slender white wrist and said, "No."    


Gong Moyi could not help but say, "I thought that you guys were handsome and had a good family background. Most of you started dating when you were in your first year of high school."    


When Beiming Yumo heard her, he looked up and said seriously, "I didn't."    


"What a good child!" Gong Moyi sighed and asked again, "Is your sister with Mr Shangyu?"    


"I don't know, she didn't say." Beiming Yumo said.    


"I saw something fishy about them when I was young." After Gong Moyi finished speaking, she raised her wrist and discovered that there were two especially small bells underneath the little angel. As she waved her hand, the bells would emit a very soft and pleasant sound.    


She couldn't help but say, "The design is really good."    


Beiming Yumo looked at the light in her eyes and could not help but smile. "Yes, I think so too."    


He finally knew what she looked like when she wore the bracelet.    


The dishes were served very quickly in the restaurant. The two of them started to eat. Halfway through, Gong Moyi asked Beiming Yumo, "What do you like? For example, playing baseball or skiing. Anyway, what hobbies do you have?"    


Beiming Yumo said, "Racing."    


Gong Moyi heard this and felt that it was a little difficult.    


She thought that if the other party liked playing baseball or skiing, she could give him a sports equipment of about the same value.    


But racing... Well, not to mention that she did not have that much money, even if she used the dividends from her family's company to buy it for him, he would not accept it.    


The two of them chatted as they ate. When they left the restaurant, Gong Moyi's heart suddenly lit up.    


They could not give away racing cars, but they could at least give him a model.    


The Heavenly Palace Group produced a smart car model. It wasn't big, but it was a copy of the top model of the Laiyue, 20 to 1.    


Every time that model went public, it would be sold out. Many fans were still trying to sell it online!    


With this thought, Gong Moyi calmed down and quickly sent a message to Gong Moxiu, asking him to help contact Jin City's branch to see if he could transfer one over.    


She did not expect Gong Moxiu to reply very quickly, saying that the sales here were already empty, but the person in charge had left two sets for himself, so he could take out one set.    


He sent Gong Moyi the location of the branch. Gong Moyi realized that it was not far from here.    


So after paying the bill and coming out of the restaurant, she suggested going to the branch store over there for a stroll.    


Beiming Yumo originally thought that Gong Moyi would go home after eating and was thinking about how to keep her for a while longer. Since she took the initiative to mention it, he naturally agreed readily.    


The two of them did not drive. Instead, they walked side by side towards the Heavenly Palace Group's store.    


Gong Moyi kept thinking about what she should say, but she forgot about it for a moment.    


At this moment, Beiming Yumo's hot and slow personality seemed to have improved a little. As he walked, he turned around and talked to Gong Moyi. He talked about the changes that had happened in Jin City in the past few years after Gong Moyi left Jin City.    


The weather was still very cold. Gong Moyi was wearing a knitted hat and half of her face was hidden in the scarf. It seemed that her exposed face had become smaller, but her eyes were bigger and brighter.    


He looked at her and his eyes could not move away.    


Tomorrow, Moyi would personally tell Yumo who she was.    


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