Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C935 It's like Grass Has Grown in My Heart

C935 It's like Grass Has Grown in My Heart

Gong Moyi carefully examined him for a while, then let him go and said, "I am not 100% sure if there is blood clot in your skull, but according to the pulse, there should not be. But you have a problem."    


Hearing this, the youths all looked at the two of them curiously, waiting for Gong Moyi's answer.    


On the side, Gong Moxuan even revealed a meaningful gossipy expression.    


However, what Gong Moyi said was, "Don't you have insomnia a little too easily? Although it's not every day, it will be like this every once in a while. Usually, rain and wind are more powerful?"    


Beiming Yumo raised his eyes and met Gong Moyi's serious and dark gaze. His lips. The petal moved. "Yes."    


"It's probably a problem brought out from the mother's womb." After Gong Moyi finished speaking, she turned around to look at Beiming Yubai's pulse.    


After a moment, she said, "There is no problem with the white one."    


Beiming Yubai also nodded her head. "Yes, my sleep quality is quite good. Brother, do you often not sleep well?"    


Beiming Yumo said, "About seven or eight times a month."    


Gong Moyi nodded and said, "That's right. But this can be treated. I will prescribe a prescription for you. " Also, massage some acupuncture points for half an hour before you go to sleep every day. "    


After saying that, she came out of the cabin and said:" Let's find a place to sit down and talk. "    


Gong Moxuan saw that his sister had gone to do proper business, so he said to Beiming Yubai, "Beauty, let's go and continue to parachute!"    


Beiming Yubai looked worriedly at her own brother and was still hesitating when Gong Moxuan already brought Gong Suhe and Gong Qingmo and pulled her up again. "Alright, it is not like I will take your brother's life."    


The few of them went to parachute together while Gong Moyi and Beiming Yumo went to the club's office.    


It was quiet here. Gong Moyi borrowed pen and paper to write. She wrote while thinking.    


Beiming Yumo sat in front of her and quietly looked at her.    


He found that when she was thinking, she liked to use a pen to poke her cheek. So, her smooth and elastic cheek was stuck in the tip of the pen. As she withdrew her hand, it bounced back immediately.    


At this moment, he vaguely remembered the feeling Gong Moyi had when she helped him take his pulse. His Adam's apple unconsciously rolled.    


After Gong Moyi finished writing and carefully examined it again, she passed the prescription to Beiming Yumo and said seriously, "Preparing the medicine according to the proportion on it, you can take about three months to completely cure it. Actually, although insomnia is not a big deal, long-term damage to people is still relatively large. You cannot not take it seriously."    


Beiming Yumo took it and looked at the beautiful words on it. He asked, "Have you practiced calligraphy before?"    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Grandfather taught it."    


Beiming Yumo said seriously, "Thank you."    


"But I charge money!" Gong Moyi smiled. "Don't think that I gave Mr Shangyu free money before, but because I was just a novice at that time. Now that I have studied for so many years, I definitely can't be a barefoot doctor anymore. "    


Beiming Yumo could not help but have a ripple on his face because of her teasing. He asked, "How much is the consultation fee?"    


"We are classmates, you can pay as you see!" Gong Moyi said, "I don't have a fee standard here, so you can just give me some because my current principle is not to treat the rich for free."    


Beiming Yumo thought for a moment and then said, "I didn't bring any money. Then I will give it to you next time."    


"Okay, I believe you won't go back on your word." Gong Moyi said and became serious again. "I will now teach you to massage acupuncture points. There are only six acupuncture points. Just remember it."    


She stood up and walked in front of Beiming Yumo. First, she found the first acupuncture point on his head and said: "Is this place soft and sore?"    


Beiming Yumo nodded. At this moment, they were very close to each other. His breathing became irregular again.    


He carefully remembered where Gong Moyi pressed and said, "Yes, it is a bit sore."    


"Okay. This is the first place. There are six places. Every two minutes, it will take fifteen minutes to sleep."    


Gong Moyi said and pressed the next one.    


Every time she locked onto one place, she was worried that Beiming Yumo would not remember. She even used his phone to take pictures and pointed to the corresponding location. After she had taken pictures of all six acupoints, she returned the phone to him. "Actually, if you find it troublesome... You can massage four acupuncture points at the same time. Your palm should be bigger. It can be done. However, you have to find the other party. Every time you feel the soreness from my massage just now, "That's right."    


Beiming Yumo listened and looked into Gong Moyi's eyes. "Do you like TCM?"    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Yes, I happen to have resources, so I learned it."    


Beiming Yumo stood up. "Do you have WeChat? Let's add one."    


Speaking up to this point, he said somewhat unnaturally. "I'll bring the consultation fee tomorrow to find you."    


Gong Moyi nodded her head and readily took out her phone. "Okay! But your sister and I were originally good friends."    


He added her and looked at her profile picture. She was wearing a helmet and was wearing camouflage. She was standing in front of a fighter jet.    


"This is your school?" Beiming Yumo asked.    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "No, this is a training base."    


After she finished speaking, she looked at Beiming Yumo's profile picture and instantly smiled. "You can't be, right? Your name is Yumo, so your profile picture is a lump of black? Your sister's profile picture isn't a lump of white! "    


"I didn't find a suitable one." Beiming Yumo said.    


"Can't you just take a selfie?" After Gong Moyi said that, she realized something. "Oh, you teenage boys seem to think that selfie isn't cool enough."    


"Little boys?" Beiming Yumo raised his eyes. "I'm older than you by a month."    


Gong Moyi smiled. "I may be mentally mature."    


After she finished speaking, she said, "But don't fly the plane today. Go to the hospital later for a check-up to see if there is any problem with the brain. Generally speaking, if there's a problem, there will be a temporary coma, but if you don't, it's better to check it out. "    


"Alright." Beiming Yumo nodded his head. "Thank you."    


"You are welcome." Gong Moyi said and waved at him. "I am going to play with them. You can rest for a while."    


He nodded and watched her run away until she disappeared. The grass in his heart seemed to have been nourished and started to grow.    


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