Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C931 I'm Covering You with a Blanket

C931 I'm Covering You with a Blanket

Xiyan Cheng's voice was firm, as if he was making a promise. "I will come back."    


After saying that, he put on the helmet again, turned around, and got into the fighter jet. He did not look back.    


Very quickly, the fighter jet took off and rushed into the sky.    


Gong Moyi stood where she was and watched the black shadow disappear from her sight. After a long time, she took a deep breath and quickly ran to the medical room to continue working.    


In the following days, it was almost always like this.    


They continued to treat the wounded. Because of the change in the front line, they were also constantly moving.    


Until the news of victory finally came from the front. Because an excellent fighter aircraft of ours directly blew up the enemy's elite troops, the enemy's highest commander also died in the battle, so S Country took the initiative to ask for peace.    


The two countries signed a truce once again, and the armies from both sides returned.    


When Gong Moyi heard the news, she could not help but cry.    


Those tense emotions that had been tense for many days finally broke free. The entire medical station seemed to be able to relax and cry.    


She had returned to the base on the third day after the truce was signed. This time, at the medical station... Because of the timely satellite notification, the medical staff did not suffer any casualties.    


Gong Moyi was still sitting in the off-road vehicle returning to the base. After getting off the car, she went straight to Xiyan Cheng's room.    


He heard a knock on the door. He asked his comrades to get up and help him open the door.    


Gong Moyi walked in and saw Xiyan Cheng, who was receiving fluid transfusion.    


His arm was bandaged and there was gauze on his chest.    


When he saw her, he used his left hand to wave at her. "Little Moyi, come here."    


His comrade left and there were only two people in the room.    


Gong Moyi sized up Xiyan Cheng's wound and her breathing became tense. "You said that the person who bombarded the enemy's elite troops and killed the enemy's highest commander, was it you?"    


Xiyan Cheng leaned against the headboard and smiled mischievously. "You are so smart. What should I do with you?"    


Gong Moyi was a little angry. She walked over and carefully looked at his wound. "How did you do it?"    


Then she asked, "Does it hurt?"    


"Help me blow it and it might not hurt anymore." Xiyan Cheng said.    


He did not specify how to blow it up, but Gong Moyi knew that it was definitely not simple.    


It was because she picked up wounded people one after another from behind, and also because many lives disappeared from this world just like that.    


The war was cruel and real. At this moment, he was still able to lean against the headboard and talk to her so casually. It was as if what had happened before was not worth mentioning at all, but she knew that it was because he did not want to scare her.    


Or perhaps, at this moment, he was actually safe. There was no need to talk about what he had experienced in the past.    


In the room, Gong Moyi saw a green plant, so she plucked a leaf and put it to her mouth.    


She tried to blow, but she could not make any sound.    


On the side, Xiyan Cheng just looked at her like that. He only felt that time was quiet and good. Unknowingly, he fell asleep.    


Gong Moyi finally blew out some sound. Just as she was about to turn around to take credit for Xiyan Cheng, she saw that the man had already fallen asleep.    


He just sat at the head of the bed, breathing steadily and steadily.    


She could not help but look at him. Looking at him closely, she found that there was a scratch on his cheek too, but it had already formed a scab. Because it was relatively shallow, there would not be any marks left.    


There were also traces of red marks on the gauze on his arms and chest.    


She approached him and wanted to reach out to help him cover the thin blanket. However, the moment she got close, he suddenly opened his eyes.    


Their eyes met, and the distance between them was very close. Gong Moyi felt that her breathing became a little hurried.    


She moved her lips. "I will cover you with the blanket."    


However, Xiyan Cheng only wanted to confirm that it was her. After looking at her for two seconds, he closed his eyes again. His chest rose and fell, and his breathing was long.    


Gong Moyi stood up and went out to call Xiyan Cheng's comrades, asking him to help support Xiyan Cheng to lie down and sleep.    


She left his room and only then did she have time to go back to her room and take a good shower.    


When Gong Lingye came in, Gong Moyi was wiping her hair.    


He took the towel from Gong Moyi and helped her wipe her hair.    


After a long time, Gong Moyi turned her head and said to Gong Lingye seriously, "Dad, I think I really chose the right profession."    


Gong Lingye looked at his daughter's somewhat thin face and nodded. "Everyone has their own path to persevere on. Me and you. Although my heart aches for you, I hope that you are satisfied in your heart. "    


Gong Moyi threw herself into Gong Lingye's arms. "En, father, I feel that my choice makes me feel very satisfied."    


"You went to see Xiyan Cheng?" Gong Lingye asked again.    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Mr Cheng saved a lot of people. He is so powerful."    


Gong Lingye wanted to say something but stopped himself. Once, he felt that his daughter's relationship life as a father was not easy to discipline and interfere with.    


He wanted to give a hint, but he was also worried that saying too much would have the opposite effect. However, he did not do anything, so he felt a little uneasy.    


He felt like he had not been so cautious for many years. In the end, he only rubbed Gong Moyi's hair and said, "It will be New Year in a few days. We will go to J Country this year."    


As for the matter of relationships, it was better to let Soong Yiren, as a mother, communicate with her daughter.    


Gong Moyi did not know about the various concerns in Gong Lingye's heart. She nodded and said, "Okay, Dad, when are we leaving?"    


"In another week." Gong Lingye said, "We need to observe the situation in Country F and wait until the border problem is completely solved before leaving."    


Actually, they had chosen to build a base in Country F. Firstly, the local labor was cheap and the climate was suitable. Secondly, the country was not developed and did not have any resources. Therefore, the border was safe and there would not be any conflicts.    


However, the discovery of oil this time, the group's future strategic planning would probably have to be reconsidered.    


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