Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C929 A Song of Iron and Blood

C929 A Song of Iron and Blood

So that night, Gong Moyi and the other medical staff of the team got into the car that drove to the border war zone.    


Country F was not big. Half of the desert and half of the oasis.    


The place where the oil field was found was at the border between the desert and the oasis. It was only a few dozen kilometers away from the border of Country F.    


Therefore, with the fact that most of the underground oil was under Country S, Country F was not allowed to mine it.    


And how could F Country let go of such a piece of cake? That was why they mined at night and were discovered by the other party, so the other party used the excuse of infringement of resources to start a war.    


Compared to S Country, F Country was much weaker, so the moment the war started, they were forced to retreat.    


In almost 24 hours, that oil field was already occupied by the other party.    


Seeing that the biggest resources in the country had been taken away, Country F naturally couldn't just sit there and wait for death. They mobilized everything they could and launched a counterattack.    


And because they didn't fear death, they really took back half of the territory they lost. Thus, both sides entered a stalemate.    


When Gong Moyi arrived, her vision was already devastated.    


After a day and a half... The baptism of the night, the ground was full of wreckage.    


The medical technology here was very backward, and although there were medical soldiers here, it was clear that they did not have enough resources, so many of the wounded were unable to receive treatment.    


And the medical team from the United Nations had just arrived, so they were similarly unable to cope.    


Therefore, Gong Moyi and the other doctors started to treat the wounded almost without any time to catch their breath.    


The only bloody thing she had seen before was in Country L. At that time, she had already felt frightened and shocked. But at that moment, when she saw that there were continuously wounded people being carried in, and many of them still lacked arms and legs, she only felt that someone seemed to have hit her hard with a Sap. There was an indescribable pain.    


Gong Moyi tried her best to endure the feeling of her stomach rolling and started to stop the bleeding for the wounded people.    


Although she learned almost all of TCM, But starting from Helian Qing's master, they would all understand the basic knowledge of Western medicine when learning TCM.    


Hence, Gong Moyi was very clear about the dosage of anti-inflammatory medicine and the usage of various tools.    


And obviously, there was no time for people to adapt here.    


The first patient she had here was a patient whose arm had been injured by an explosion.    


There was also a wound on his abdomen, and it was also a bloody mess.    


Gong Moyi's eyes turned red when she saw this. She tried her best to calm down and stop the bleeding for the patient and suture the wound.    


It was clearly very painful, but the man did not say anything and just gritted his teeth and persisted.    


After Gong Moyi stopped the bleeding for him, he finally heaved a sigh of relief and laid down completely.    


Gong Moyi saw that the bed sheet under him was completely soaked in sweat and blood.    


She did not have time to comfort him and threw herself into the next team to treat the wounded.    


Just like that, it continued for five or six hours. Although Gong Moyi was young, she also felt her back ache.    


She moved her body and looked around.    


The wounds of the injured had already been treated and many people were moaning. They were moaning because there was nothing to stop the pain. Thus, they could only endure it.    


Gong Moyi suddenly remembered that when she was seven years old, Gong Lingye had taken her to many places.    


At that time, she was like a spectator, looking at the emotions of many people. Her heart was shocked, but she did not get involved.    


And now, everything really happened in front of her. Every living life had flesh and blood. Like her, they were once treasures in the hands of her parents, but in the face of war, they were fragile and fragile.    


She walked to the side and wanted to find a place to wash her face. But at that moment, a few more wounded people were carried in.    


There was a man whose face was covered in blood. As he wiped, he cursed in a low voice, "F * ck, their fighter jets have moved out. More than ten of them! My companions are all dead! "    


Gong Moyi's breathing tightened. When she heard that the other party knew English, she quickly went over. "S Country also has fighter jets?"    


"That's right!" The man covered his bleeding eyes. "More than ten fighter jets fought with our fighter jets. I couldn't even see clearly who was who, and we were blown up!"    


Gong Moyi could not help but ask, "Then what about our fighter jets? Are you alright?"    


"When we retreated, we lost one fighter jet on our side." After saying that, the man went to cover his stomach again.    


Only then did Gong Moyi see that the man's stomach was also worn. There was actually intestines leaking out.    


She hurriedly told him to lie down and quickly called other doctors over to help.    


This time, when Gong Moyi sutured, her fingers started to shake.    


The man said that the other party had more than ten fighter planes, and there were no fighter planes on Country F's side. The only one sent over was the base.    


Gong Moyi also knew that although the pilots on this side were all fighter jets with pictures, they had never experienced real battles after all. They only had aerial simulations.    


What would happen if they were thrown into a real battle?    


As for the fighter jet that was knocked down, who was driving it?    


The figures that she had seen in the plaza appeared in front of her eyes. It was as if vines had grown in her heart as she forcefully held her breath.    


After treating the man's wound, she still wanted to ask something, but he had already fallen asleep.    


It was clearly so painful, but he could still fall asleep.    


What exactly had happened to them during those 24 hours?!    


Under such circumstances, time seemed to be unable to differentiate day and night. Gong Moyi finally finished her work and realized that it was already the second day.    


The sun was very bright outside. She moved her sore limbs and walked to the side to wash her face and hands.    


The ward behind her was filled with painful snores and snores. The air was turbid and bloody.    


She walked outside and looked at the sky.    


Vaguely, she seemed to have heard the sound of fighter planes.    


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