Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C924 If I Wet It Again I Won't Wear It Anymore

C924 If I Wet It Again I Won't Wear It Anymore

Gong Moyi knew Xiyan Cheng was doing it on purpose, and he was teasing her. Why didn't she follow his plan?    


She blinked. "Okay, Mr Cheng, I can't walk anymore. Then carry me."    


Xiyan Cheng did not expect the little girl to do it on purpose. He could not help laughing. Then, he squatted down in front of her.    


Gong Moyi did not stand on ceremony. She walked over and laid on Xiyan Cheng's back.    


Suddenly, his weight changed from 40 pounds to 140 pounds.    


Gong Moyi saw that the man was still quite steady when he got up. She could not help but feel surprised in her heart, but she did not show it on her face.    


She tilted her head and rested her chin on Xiyan Cheng's shoulder. Her voice was soft. "Mr Cheng, are you tired? If you are tired, I can walk by myself."    


The girl's voice was soft, and it went straight into Xiyan Cheng's ears. He felt that the person lying on his back was small and soft. He was carrying her on his back like he was carrying a ball of cotton.    


Xiyan Cheng's Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was a little more hoarse than usual. "It's fine, I'm not tired."    


"Oh." Gong Moyi responded and took out a handkerchief to help Xiyan Cheng wipe the sweat on his face.    


Her soft fingers touched his firm face and Xiyan Cheng even smelled the sweet scent on Gong Moyi's body.    


He cursed himself in his heart. Why would he flirt with a little girl when he had nothing better to do? He felt like he was burning himself up.    


It was true that he wasn't tired. But it was true that he was anxious.    


Gong Moyi wanted to see how long Xiyan Cheng could carry her on his back, but she did not expect that after the man left for ten minutes, other than sweating a lot, he really did not catch his breath or anything else.    


She could not help but praise him by his ear, "Mr Cheng, you are really strong, your physical strength is really good!"    


Xiyan Cheng was speechless.    


His Adam's apple rolled hard and he stopped. He squatted down and put Gong Moyi down.    


Under her puzzled gaze, he directly took off the uniform on his upper body.    


He was wearing a camouflage uniform today. There was only a black vest inside. When he took it off, Gong Moyi saw that his vest was drenched in sweat.    


She could not help but say, "Mr Cheng, why don't you change into another shirt? Wouldn't it be easy for you to catch a cold?"    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng, on the other hand, accepted the offer. He opened his backpack and found a camouflage vest.    


Gong Moyi was afraid that he would take it off just like that, so she quickly turned around.    


Xiyan Cheng curled his lips and took off the vest on his body. He folded it slowly and put it into his backpack.    


Gong Moyi heard the zipper sound and thought that Xiyan Cheng had already changed, so she turned around.    


Thus, the upper body of the man showed in front of her without any reservation.    


The flat collarbone, strong pectoral muscles, broad shoulders and flat shoulders. Under the inverted triangular figure, the eight abdominal muscles were clearly defined, and the muscle striations seemed to carry a sense of strength.    


Gong Moyi widened her eyes and looked at Xiyan Cheng, who was about to put his arm on his back. She felt vexed in her heart.    


He did it on purpose! He did it on purpose again!    


She wanted to avoid his gaze, but she still couldn't help looking at Xiyan Cheng's mermaid line.    


Previously, she had only read magazines, or her entire family had gone to the seaside for a vacation. She had only looked at her father.    


However, everyone had been dressed like that at that time, so the impact had not been that great.    


But now, in a desert, it seemed like there were only the two of them in the world.    


He stood in front of her, his silhouette clearly and deeply outlined by the sunlight. His hair was very short, his facial features were clearly defined, and his entire person was tough and iron-blooded, just like he had walked out of a hot-blooded manga.    


Xiyan Cheng saw that Gong Moyi was looking at him. He slightly turned his body, quickly put on his vest, and squatted down. "Little Moyi, come up."    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "You just wet your clothes."    


Xiyan Cheng did not seem to care. "It's fine. I won't wear them if they get wet again."    


Gong Moyi grinded her teeth and carried her bag on her back. She left first.    


Xiyan Cheng felt that the little girl looked cute no matter how he looked at her. He smiled and followed Gong Moyi.    


The two of them walked for another two hours before arriving at the place where the bomb had been shot.    


In their line of sight, there was already an endless desert in the distance, and they were standing on the border between the desert and the desert. Behind them, there was still some green. In the distance, there was endless yellow sand.    


Gong Moyi looked at the familiar environment and could not help but ask, "Mr Cheng, this is the place where we threw the bombs, right? Why didn't I see the fake place where we dropped the bombs? Real bullets? "    


Xiyan Cheng stopped and said, "It was taken away."    


Gong Moyi was puzzled." Is it from the base? Instructor Fu transported it away?"    


"No." Xiyan Cheng took the water and drank it. He raised his head and gulped it down. A moment later, he put away the water and said, "I informed the residents of the opposite oasis to move it."    


Gong Moyi was even more puzzled. "Why?"    


"This kind of imitation. The real bomb could not only be degraded, but it was also a type of green material. The residents buried it in the ground, which could stabilize their oasis defense line and prevent the desert from further eroding their homes. " Xiyan Cheng explained, "But this material is relatively expensive, so it can't be used on a large scale."    


Gong Moyi raised her eyes and looked at the man's deep facial features. "So you actually brought me to practice shooting, and you have this purpose?"    


"Yes." Xiyan Cheng nodded and looked into the distance. He said, "I estimate the time. If we walk fast, we can still catch up to them. They did not have any transportation tools, so they could only rely on manual lifting. In fact, although this world has advanced technology, there are still many people who are in poverty. "    


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