Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C922 I Got Caught Again

C922 I Got Caught Again

In the next two days, Gong Moyi treated Xiyan Cheng. His condition recovered much faster than she had expected. On the fourth day, he could completely take off his sunglasses and move normally.    


In these few days, Gong Lingye would teach Gong Moyi how to fly whenever he had the time. Therefore, Gong Moyi's operation became more and more skilled.    


Of course, she was currently unable to deal with unexpected situations and many simulated scenes. However, she was finally familiar with the basic operations.    


On this day, Gong Lingye had a meeting in the afternoon, so Gong Moyi had nothing to do and was reading in her room.    


Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the room, and then the man walked over.    


Xiyan Cheng was wearing gloves and holding something he did not know about. He said to Gong Moyi: "Moyi, I'll take you to throw the bomb."    


Gong Moyi put down the book and looked up, "Shoot the bomb?"    


"Don't you know how to fly a plane? "But I don't think you've fired a bomb before?" He gestured for her to leave and said, "I can take you to practice."    


Gong Moyi got up and chased after him. She said in a low voice, "I don't think the trainer is allowed to shoot randomly, right?"    


Xiyan Cheng said, "The fighter aircraft, not the trainer aircraft."    


After saying that, he directly closed the door for her.    


Gong Moyi's heart itched, but she was pulled by reason. "But a real plane flying one round is too expensive. The fuel for a fighter jet is too expensive."    


Xiyan Cheng looked at the jumping light in the eyes of the girl beside him and leaned close to her ear. "I'll treat you."    


Gong Moyi turned her head.    


Xiyan Cheng said casually, "I'll pay for the burning money."    


Since he had already said so, Gong Moyi naturally could not say no again. Furthermore, she really wanted to play shooting, but Gong Lingye said that they could not shoot here. If they wanted to shoot, they would wait until they found another base to talk about it in the future.    


Thus, when they walked to the front of the plane, Gong Moyi said with some worry. "Mr Cheng, what if we are discovered?"    


He curled his lips and said in a tone that did not have the slightest bit of guilt, "If you are punished, then so be it."    


Gong Moyi felt that she had been seduced by a bad brother. A little rabbit who would do bad things if she was tempted, but even though she knew that she might be punished, she still could not resist the impulse to do something bad in her heart.    


She blinked her eyes. "She might not even be discovered. Anyway, you have a license, so you can move the plane freely in the base. As long as the place where we drop the bombs is remote, it should be fine?"    


Xiyan Cheng helped her fasten her seatbelt and said, "It's a fake bomb used for practice. It should be fine."    


Gong Moyi nodded and comforted herself that everything was fine.    


This time it was a real fighter jet, so she sat in the driver's seat. Xiyan Cheng could only squeeze with her.    


She thought of this man's bad intentions, so she pointed to the back row. "You sit in the back."    


"If there's an emergency, I can't control myself from sitting in the back." Xiyan Cheng's tough face did not show any signs of joking. His serious look made Gong Moyi feel that what he said was very reasonable.    


So she nodded and squeezed to the side. She pointed to the seats of more than half of the people beside her and said, "Mr Cheng, you can sit here."    


Xiyan Cheng sat down with familiarity. His arms supported the two sides of Gong Moyi's back. His low magnetic voice was encouraging, "Little Moyi, it's your turn to perform."    


Gong Moyi felt that with his encouragement, she was like an actor who had learned something from her teacher and reported the performance in front of the audience. She sat up straight and started to operate according to the standard procedure.    


This time, she did not need him to help her. She successfully pulled the engine and after a short glide, the plane flew into the blue sky.    


"Locate here." After Xiyan Cheng said that, he chose a target point in the central control map area. "Let's practice shooting there."    


Gong Moyi nodded. That was the border between the desert and the desert. Their simulated ammunition could be degraded, so it would not pollute the environment.    


The fighter jet quickly flew to the destination. Gong Moyi controlled the plane to circle around the target location. Next to her, Xiyan Cheng started to teach her how to shoot bullets.    


She nodded quickly. The moment she threw the bullets, she could not help but ask him, "Mr Cheng, how much do you think we burned this time?"    


Xiyan Cheng tapped on the screen and did not answer her. Instead, he continued to explain, "Your control of time just now was not bad, but you still need to practice pulling up. Let's do it again."    


Gong Moyi saw that he did not feel pain, so she continued to study.    


At the same time, when a desert off-road car drove over from the desert area, she saw something falling from the sky at the end of her line of sight.    


The man on the desert off-road parked his car and picked up his binoculars to look into the sky. His pupils immediately constricted.    


Then, he took out his pager and directly connected it to the base. His voice was calm without any ripples: "I am Fu Yucheng. The latitude and longitude of my position is xxx. I just saw a HU series fighter jet practicing shooting. " Please check the identity of the bomber... "    


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