Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C921 Why Didn't I Realize He Was so Bad in the Past?

C921 Why Didn't I Realize He Was so Bad in the Past?

He actually managed to manage so much... Gong Moyi raised her eyebrows. "Then I will call them grandpa from now on."    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng's mouth twitched. He jumped off the bed and got up. As he walked, he took off his vest and said, "I am going to take a shower."    


The man's muscles were tight and smooth. Half of his vest was pulled off, revealing his slim waist. There was also a straight line in the middle of his back.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi knew that he did it on purpose!    


He deliberately wore a vest and swayed in front of her, and now he even exposed his back for her to see! Why didn't she realize that he was so bad in the past?    


She pretended not to see it, and calmly went to pack her things.    


Xiyan Cheng originally thought that the little girl would scream and run away with a red face. She might even get angry, but he didn't expect that she would calmly pack her medical supplies and calmly turn around to leave.    


However, with the light from the room that was not bright, Xiyan Cheng saw Gong Moyi's ears turn slightly red.    


He curled his lips and went straight to the bathroom, closing the door.    


Gong Moyi returned to the room and put down the things. She was upset and could not help but complain to Huo Chenfei, "Feifei, I am so angry. I met a hateful big brother!"    


Huo Chenfei's side was in the middle of the night and naturally would not reply.    


Gong Moyi sent another message, "I must win this round tomorrow!"    


The next morning, Gong Moyi woke up to run as usual. This was a habit that she had developed over the years.    


However, when she just ran half a lap, a tall figure appeared beside her.    


Xiyan Cheng was still wearing a vest. However, this time it was not black but camouflage. The lower half of his body was black sports pants.    


Half of the camouflage was soaked in sweat. Obviously, he had been running here for a while, and the outline of the muscles on his body became more distinct because of the sweat.    


He wore a pair of sunglasses and ran beside her. He was tall and had long legs, so it was obvious that he was doing it with ease.    


Gong Moyi glanced at him and looked straight ahead again.    


The two of them ran side by side. This speed could not be any more relaxed for Xiyan Cheng. It was as if he was relaxing after exercising.    


Therefore, he could still breathe evenly and speak to her. "I'll take you to fly the plane later."    


Gong Moyi heard him and there was a trace of pride in her eyes. "Dad said he taught me how to drive."    


Xiyan Cheng's lips curled up. "That's fine too. I'll practice on my own. See you in the air. "    


After saying that, he increased his speed.    


Gong Moyi thought that he would run far away after saying that, but he did not.    


Xiyan Cheng deliberately only ran a little faster than her. He ran in front of her, neither too fast nor too slow, but he slowly lengthened the distance between them.    


She gritted her teeth and wanted to catch up, but he also increased his speed, and then maintained a bit faster than her.    


Gong Moyi was vexed and raised her leg, wanting to kick a rock at Xiyan Cheng.    


Facing her little girl's behavior, he just waited for her to kick. The little rock landed on his trousers like a cat tickling.    


Gong Moyi was exhausted from running all morning. In the end, she panted as she walked back. She was also a little upset. Why did she have to chase after Xiyan Cheng just now?    


In the morning, Gong Moyi came to the training ground. She saw that Xiyan Cheng had changed into a military uniform and wore special sunglasses as he walked towards one of the planes.    


Along with him were a few pilots from the base.    


Unlike before, she looked serious and serious. Her posture was straight, and she walked with the wind. The sunlight fell on his short hair. His facial features were blurred, and his entire person was filled with killing intent.    


He walked to the front door of the aircraft cabin, opened the door, and jumped on it. His movements were cool and decisive.    


The moment he sat on it, he turned his head and quickly made a move in Gong Moyi's direction.    


Then, he closed the cabin door and put on the helmet. Gong Moyi could not see what was inside clearly.    


Very quickly, the plane rumbled and rushed into the clouds.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi only knew that today was also a performance test. From this batch of planes, pick out six to perform various flight scene simulations.    


Hence, she saw the aircraft in the sky circling or diving down. Sharp sounds whistled past, igniting the hot blood in her heart.    


She stood under the blue sky. For some reason, she easily distinguished which plane belonged to Xiyan Cheng.    


His actions were swift and decisive. Every time he dived, Gong Moyi had the illusion that he would crash into the ground in the next moment. However, in the next second, he quickly pulled himself up.    


She remembered the day when he brought her hand to pull up the engine and suddenly felt a little itchy in her heart.    


Fortunately, in the afternoon, Gong Lingye had time to personally teach Gong Moyi how to fly the plane.    


There was a specialized trainer aircraft here, and the trainer aircraft sat side by side, so Gong Moyi could sit beside Gong Lingye.    


He started to tell her about the instruments, and then about the operation of each button, as well as how to deal with sudden situations and so on.    


After all, he could not teach too much in a day, so after Gong Lingye finished talking about theoretical operations, he took Gong Moyi and flew.    


She saw that the world below was getting smaller and smaller, and suddenly remembered her purpose before coming to Country F.    


At that time, she wanted to think about her future path. And now, she felt her blood boiling in her body, and she understood. In fact, she had already thought about it, before it was just a brief moment of confusion.    


She would continue to walk.    


The second time, Gong Lingye handed the plane to Gong Moyi. He sat beside her and the plane rushed to the clouds again.    


This time, there was no longer any threat of death. Gong Moyi felt her heart fly with it. An indescribable sense of satisfaction filled her heart and mind.    


She shouted at Gong Lingye, "Father, I love you!"    


Gong Lingye curled his lips and looked into the distance. In his heart, he was thinking that he must not let Xiyan Cheng, that brat, trick his daughter so easily.    


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