Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C912 This Is Not a Battle of One Person

C912 This Is Not a Battle of One Person

It was dark now, and the sun had left a shallow mark on the horizon.    


Gong Moyi did not have any time to adjust her mood and could only quickly walk to the driver's seat and kick the dead militant away, closing the car door.    


The surroundings were very quiet. The back of the pickup truck was filled with people whose life and death were unknown.    


The wind blew past her ears and Gong Moyi drove the car back.    


She remembered that she had passed by a town before. The town was not big but there was almost no one inside. It should have been cleaned once.    


She could only go back there, find a place to hide, and wait for rescue.    


The night gradually turned dark, and the entire world was covered in darkness. Today, there were some stars in the sky, which reflected the scenery on both sides of the road.    


Gong Moyi held the steering wheel tightly. At this moment, she could not tell what she was feeling.    


There were dozens of people in the car. No, it should be dozens of corpses. Because after that, Gong Moyi did not hear any movement from the carriage behind her.    


The night wind here was a little cold, blowing until her heart was cold.    


She drove the car to the town. After she calculated the distance, she drove the car out again. She turned the car around and drove towards the original target of the militants.    


However, after driving for about ten miles, she found an opportunity and jumped out of the car.    


Very quickly, the car continued forward. Because the steering wheel was aimed at a ditch on the side of the road, it fell straight into it.    


The front of the car directly rushed in. Because of the weight, the car completely rolled down. If one didn't look carefully from the side of the road, they wouldn't be able to see it at all.    


After the scene was done, Gong Moyi then returned to the town on foot.    


The surroundings were very dark. She did not dare to use the flashlight of her phone and could only use the starlight to walk forward.    


She did not know why, but she suddenly thought of when she was young and when she and Xiyan Cheng first walked. Because they did not manage to control the time, it was already dark when they walked to the end.    


The wind blew on the empty desert road. Gong Moyi felt cold and hugged her arm.    


More than ten kilometers. For the current her, it was already much better.    


However, by the time they arrived at the town, the night was already very thick.    


Gong Moyi found an abandoned house and went in. Finally, she could relax her tensed nerves a little.    


She looked at her phone and found that there was still no signal here.    


In Country L, other than the capital to ensure the signal, other places were probably installed with special signal jammers by different militants.    


Gong Moyi did not know if the location that she had sent to the capital was useful. Now, the only thing she could do was to find a safe place to recover her strength.    


She leaned against the dusty wall and tried to calm herself down. She closed her eyes and rested.    


Just as she was gradually relaxing, the faint sound of an engine suddenly came from the air.    


Gong Moyi sat up straight and hid her entire body in a pile of straw.    


Following which, the sound of the engine and the noise of people talking could be heard. It was the local language of Country L!    


At this moment, Gong Moyi simply did not know what kind of luck she should have!    


As expected, as the sound got closer and closer, she heard someone walking into the town.    


It seemed that some of these people were injured. So they didn't run too far, but rather used this place as a temporary place to renovate.    


Someone turned on the lights. They lit a fire at a place without electricity. Gong Moyi heard the sound and was most worried that the other party would take the grass from her side to light a fire. So, she found something like a clay pot and went in.    


Sure enough, not long after, someone found this side and searched everywhere before walking out.    


Gong Moyi hid in the jar and did not move at all. Even her breathing was as light as possible.    


This was not a peaceful night because in the later half of the night, the sound of gunfire rang out in the town again.    


Gong Moyi heard the continuous gunshots exploding by her ears. A few bullets even brushed past her hiding place.    


In the end, the people defending succeeded, but they also lost quite a number of people.    


Following that were the sounds of people cursing and cursing, as well as the painful cries of the injured.    


From time to time, there was a bloody smell coming from the tip of her nose. Gong Moyi retched a few times, but she could only hold it in.    


At the same time, five or six fighter planes were circling in the sky above Country L.    


Gong Lingye saw Gong Moyi's message on the social platform. When he got the news, Gong Moyi had been in trouble for three hours.    


Almost immediately, he took out six fighter jets from Country F's base and flew straight to Country L. It wasn't that he didn't want more. It was because the pilot and him were there at that time. There were only six people on the other side.    


At the same time, he contacted the government of L Country to explain his intentions.    


Country L was a small country that was poor. The government could not control the militants. When they heard Gong Lingye's request for air entry, they agreed almost immediately. They also asked Gong Lingye to help suppress the two parties who provoked them.    


It would take four hours to come from Country F, but Gong Lingye did not expect to meet Xiyan Cheng as soon as he arrived.    


He had seen Xiyan Cheng a few times in the past few years. He also knew that Xiyan Cheng had gone to the army and entered the airborne brigade.    


Today, Xiyan Cheng came from Hua Country on a private plane. Because he was in a hurry and could not report anything, he did not bring anything. After seeing Gong Lingye, he asked for a gun. He also wanted a plane.    


Gong Lingye had long heard of the other party's technology. He did not have time to investigate the reason why Xiyan Cheng came. He handed a fighter jet to Xiyan Cheng and gave him a lot of ammunition.    


Because Gong Moyi had gone missing not long after she had sent the news, the combat planes could only cooperate with the ground troops that the government had assigned to them and split up to search for the target.    


Time gradually passed and the horizon gradually lit up.    


Gong Moyi only felt her entire body go numb in the jar. She felt that she really could not take it anymore, so she planned to quietly stretch her body.    


At this moment, the engine roared again.    


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