Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C906 I Can't Marry Shangguan He and the Gong Family

C906 I Can't Marry Shangguan He and the Gong Family

Gong Moyi was stunned by Beiming Yumo's question.    


She was a little unclear about the situation and asked with a confused face, "I didn't distance myself from you? When are you talking about?"    


Beiming Yumo did not expect such an answer, but he still said, "When I was in primary school."    


Gong Moyi was even more confused. "That's not true. You are talking about how many times you asked me out to play. Did I not go? But I still have time when I was in primary school, but later on. I was indeed very busy. Fei Fei knows that my schedule is basically full every day. Especially during the weekends, I am basically learning all kinds of things. That's why I really don't have time to go out and play. "    


Beiming Yumo looked at her undisguised expression. At this moment, he did not know what she was feeling. "So it's all because of being busy?"    


"Yeah, it can't be helped. I'm so busy every day. Let me tell you, it's just during class. Instead, I feel like I'm resting." Gong Moyi said.    


For some reason, Beiming Yumo suddenly felt the depression in his heart, which he had been holding back for many years, disappear. The corner of Beiming Yumo's mouth raised slightly. "Alright, I got it."    


"But why didn't you ask me back then?" Gong Moyi looked at the young man's face and felt somewhat helpless. "Old classmate, you can't possibly hold back a question for so long, right?"    


Beiming Yumo did not say anything. He just turned his gaze to the sky and said after a few seconds. "I wish you a bright future!"    


"Thank you!" Gong Moyi smiled and waved at him. "I also wish you to inherit the family business and walk to the peak of your life!"    


After saying that, she smiled again and turned around to leave.    


After a while, Beiming Yumo returned to the classroom to pack his things and prepare to go to the canteen.    


Beside him, his sister came over with a face full of gossip. "Brother, what did you say to Moyi just now?"    


"Nothing." Beiming Yumo looked straight ahead.    


"Brother, I feel something is wrong with you!" Chiang Yubai did not let him go. "You are not going to confess to her, are you? " You want to confess to her because you see that she is getting prettier and prettier? "    


Beiming Yumo frowned. "No."    


Chiang Yubai was still jumping around him. "Then why are you blushing?"    


Beiming Yumo lowered his head and looked at his sister. "You and Pei Shangyu..."    


"Brother, let's go eat!" Chiang Yubai quickly interrupted his brother before he could finish his sentence. "I want to eat braised pork from the second canteen."    


Beiming Yumo nodded and left with her.    


On the same day, it was already 9: 30 after the evening self-study ended. Beiming Yumo sat in the car to return to the family.    


With Beiming Shen's status, his son could go to an aristocratic school, and he could also let Beiming Yumo go to college in many ways. However, he did not want his son to be special. At least for his son, he hoped that every step Beiming Yumo took would depend on his own hard work.    


He went home all the way home. He still had a mock exam to do at night. Beiming Yumo finished the question under the light. It was already eleven o'clock when he finished the last question.    


He got up and prepared to take a shower and sleep. When he lifted his eyes, he saw a plane flying across the sky in the dark sky outside the window. The flight light kept flashing.    


Beiming Yumo was lost in thought when he heard his father's deep voice. "Yumo, what are you looking at?"    


He turned around and said, "The plane."    


Beiming Shen looked over. There was indeed a plane passing by in the sky.    


He was wondering why his son was looking at the plane when he heard Beiming Yumo say: "I have a classmate who got into the Air Force Academy and will be a pilot in the future."    


Beiming Shen looked at the expression on his son's face and asked, "A girl?"    


Beiming Yumo's expression froze, but he still replied, "Yes."    


Beiming Shen's eyes narrowed slightly. "Yumo, you like her?"    


Beiming Yumo subconsciously denied it. "No."    


"Is that so?." Beiming Shen asked again," Then do you have any girls you like? "    


Beiming Yumo continued to deny it. "No."    


Looking at his son's expression, Beiming Shen thought for a moment and said, "Yumo, although the upper class of Jin City pay attention to marriage, with our family's wealth and status, we don't need to sacrifice your happiness."    


Beiming Yumo looked up. "Dad?"    


"What I mean is, even if you like a poor girl, it doesn't matter." Beiming Shen's expression was serious. "There is no need to consider her status and position. You only need to consider her character and whether she really likes you."    


Beiming Yumo nodded. At this moment, a subtle feeling of joy welled up in the depths of his heart.    


Beiming Shen continued, "But there is a family that you can't be with. That family is the Shangguan Family, including the Gong Family of Hua Country. You know the reason."    


Beiming Yumo nodded. "Alright, I know."    


After saying that, he went to look at the sky again.    


At this moment, the plane in the sky had already disappeared, but he still looked there and asked, "Dad, I want to spend some time learning how to fly a plane."    


"Why do you suddenly want to fly a plane?" Beiming Shen looked at his son. "Because of that girl?"    


Beiming Yumo shook his head. "I just think we should have one more practical skill."    


Beiming Shen did not want to find out the truth of his son's words. After all, when a child grew up, he still had to respect his privacy.    


So he nodded. "Okay, I'll find you a coach."    


"Okay." Beiming Yumo smiled and said, "Thank you, dad."    


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