Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C736 Gong Mo Chen Would Joke with People?

C736 Gong Mo Chen Would Joke with People?

When Gong Mochen heard the word "little aunt," he felt a burst of anger in his heart, but when he heard the latter part, all of his anger suddenly disappeared.    


He turned his eyes. "You said to me that I don't need to bother you anymore because Ruonuan agreed to it? Teach you her child?"    


Helian Qing nodded.    


Gong Mochen suddenly smiled, and then he stopped smiling. "Haha, she is not afraid that you will teach her child to become a cave dweller like you."    


Helian Qing heard him and her face became serious. "Young Master Gong, I will try my best to stay in the city. I will not bring the child to live in the mountains. So you do not have to worry about this. "    


Gong Mochen felt as if he had punched a cotton ball. There was an indescribable feeling of depression.    


However, this time, he was not angry. He just stood up and looked around before saying: "Do you want to eat something?"    


Helian Qing was a little hungry but when she thought that the people in the manor did not do serious things, she could only shake her head.    


Gong Mochen saw her forced expression and knew that she must be hungry.    


He said, "Let's go first. I, uncle, will send someone to deal with the aftermath."    


After saying that, he looked at her again. "Can you leave by yourself?"    


Helian Qing moved a little and felt that her body was still somewhat weak. Before she could say anything, Gong Mochen had already leaned over and lifted her horizontally.    


Her eyes widened. Because she lost her balance, she instinctively raised her hand and wrapped it around his neck.    


Gong Mochen's movements froze slightly and then returned to normal. He carried Helian Qing and walked out with big steps.    


The people of the manor had naturally heard about the changes in the situation. They had already rushed over. When they saw the two of them, they hurriedly apologized, "Young Master Gong, I'm really sorry. We didn't know that this young lady was your subordinate, and we didn't know that our subordinate actually made the decision on his own!"    


Gong Mochen didn't even have half a look in his eyes. He directly ignored a few people who were drenched in cold sweat and went to the parking lot.    


He placed Helian Qing on the passenger seat and bent down to fasten her seatbelt.    


When he leaned down, his jacket swept across her face. There was a light and pleasant smell, which made Helian Qing's heart beat slightly faster.    


Her eyes fell on Gong Mochen without blinking. There was some regret in her heart. He did not like her at all, and it was impossible for her to have an inheritor of medical skills with him.    


Gong Mochen fastened his seatbelt and straightened his body. When he straightened his body, he saw Helian Qing looking at him. She did not avoid looking at him.    


He slightly narrowed his eyes and his tone carried a deeper meaning. "What are you looking at?"    


"You." Helian Qing went straight to the point.    


This time, it was Gong Mochen who could not speak.    


After a moment, he suddenly curled his lips and laughed. "I charge."    


"Huh? Helian Qing was surprised and subconsciously asked, "How much?"    


Gong Mochen went around the front of the car and sat in the car. He started the car and turned around. "How much are you willing to pay?"    


"I don't know the market price." Helian Qing thought for a moment. "Or should I give you a prescription?"    


Gong Mochen did not know whether to laugh or cry. He turned his head and slowly approached Helian Qing. Seeing his face reflected in her eyes, he said lightly, "Silly girl."    


Helian Qing had an inexplicable expression. So, he was joking with her just now?    


Gong Mochen would joke with others? This was the first time she had seen him.    


She might consider it if someone else said the same thing. But he... She always felt that whatever he said was true.    


When Gong Mochen drove back, there was a traffic jam on the road. He calculated that it might be too late for him to arrive at Gong Family. Therefore, he first found a restaurant and drove over.    


Helian Qing rested for a while and could already walk by herself. Gong Mochen opened the car door for her and saw that she still looked weak when she walked, so he reached out and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.    


Suddenly, the warmth invaded her body. Helian Qing looked down at Gong Mochen's hand on her shoulder. The corner of her mouth raised slightly.    


Actually, he still had a cold face and a warm heart.    


The two of them went in together. Gong Mochen pushed the menu to Helian Qing. "Order what you like."    


Helian Qing casually ordered some. Gong Mochen added two more dishes and handed the menu to the waiter.    


The lights in the restaurant were bright. Gong Mochen looked at Helian Qing and his tone seemed to be casual. "You chose my uncle's child as the heir. So you don't think about getting married? "    


"I don't know." Helian Qing shook her head.    


Gong Mochen's tone became heavier. "You don't know about your own matters?"    


Helian Qing thought about it and her tone suddenly became a little downcast. "That question of mine, what you saw, actually I don't know how long I can live."    


Gong Mochen narrowed his eyes. "Didn't you say it was a problem from the mother's womb? Haven't you been fine for so many years? "    


"It's more frequent now than before. At first, it's a year, then a few months, but now it's less than a month." Helian Qing paused, "Master said that if it is not resolved, it will be more frequent in the future and may not wake up."    


At that moment, the two of them tacitly did not speak.    


When Gong Mochen heard "never wake up from a long sleep," he remembered that day in the tent, Helian Qing's eyes were tightly shut and she did not move at all. Also, that time in the cave, he hugged her and washed his hair without any reaction.    


An was quiet, obedient, and obedient, but there was no fresh scent at all, making people shiver for no reason.    


He raised his eyes and locked her. "I'll contact the expert tomorrow and bring you for a full examination."    


Helian Qing shook her head. "I have already checked. Be it TCM or Western medicine, I have checked them all."    


Gong Mochen obviously did not believe her words. He picked up his phone and made a call.    


Helian Qing felt a little warm in her heart when she saw that he really helped her contact someone.    


After Gong Mochen hung up the phone, she asked him, "Young Master Gong, why are you so good to me?"    


Gong Mochen,... ""    


He was at a loss for words. After a while, he seemed to come back to his senses and said, "You don't know my grandmother's doctor? If something happens to you, my grandmother will definitely be sad. "    


"Then will you be sad?" Helian Qing asked again.    


Her eyes were bright and clear, and there was no superfluous expression on her face, as if she was simply asking him this question.    


Gong Mochen saw that there was a pot of tea on the table, so he picked it up and poured a cup for Helian Qing. He was somewhat impatient. "I don't usually see you talk so much."    


Helian Qing silently cursed. Although they all lived in Gong's Mansion, the old house was so big. They usually did not see each other often, so how could they talk?    


The two of them fell into a temporary silence until the waiter served the dishes.    


Because they were really hungry. So Helian Qing ate seriously this time.    


After the food entered her stomach, her body also became completely warm and her complexion also gradually recovered its rosy color.    


Gong Mochen looked at her eating appearance, but what kept echoing in his ears was the sentence that Helian Qing just said, "Sleep till you wake up." Hence, even the exquisite dishes no longer had an appetite.    


He waited until he finished eating, paid the money, and walked out with his arms around her shoulders. He came to the front of the car.    


He suddenly said, "It will be sad too."    


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