Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C723 I'm Going to Protect My Wife

C723 I'm Going to Protect My Wife

Lieh Xiaoruan scrolled through her WeChat Moments all the way until she and Luo Tianqi arrived at a shopping mall.    


Their original plan today was to get their certificate first, then go upstairs to buy clothes, then eat and watch movies.    


After parking the car, the two went straight to the high-end brand shop upstairs.    


The two of them held hands and walked in, but they didn't know. They looked at each other and smiled when they recalled what happened at the clothing store last time.    


Luo Tianqi saw a red coat and picked it up. "Softy, try this?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan looked at it and felt that although the color was bright, she really liked the style of the cloak.    


Just as she was about to try it, she suddenly raised her eyebrows. "This time, I won't call you Sister Qiaoqiao anymore?"    


Luo Tianqi smiled. "Wife, I was wrong."    


"In the future, if you dare to find someone to pretend to be your girlfriend, I dare to find someone to marry!" Lieh Xiaoruan picked up her red coat and walked into the changing room.    


Luo Tianqi smiled and waited for her outside. He saw a square hairstyle skirt and walked over.    


However, he had only taken two steps when his ankle started to hurt. Instantly, his footsteps became a little lame.    


At that moment, Luo Tianqi clearly saw the clerk's stunned gaze.    


He took a deep breath and still walked towards the skirt.    


At that moment, two other girls walked over. They seemed to have noticed the skirt and quickly walked over.    


Although they were behind Luo Tianqi, they quickly surpassed him because of their fast footsteps. When they passed by him, they even deliberately glanced at his legs.    


Immediately, they passed him and reached out to pick up the skirt that was hanging in front of him.    


Luo Tianqi was a step too late and could only pick up the skirt at the back. But when he took it off, he saw that it was exactly Lieh Xiaoruan's size.    


The two girls in front looked at the size of the skirt in their hands and immediately frowned. They put the skirt back and then looked at the other hanging things.    


However, when they looked at those dresses, they found that they were either S or L, but there were no M's.    


One of the girls held a skirt and asked the director, "May I ask if there are any M's on this one?"    


The shopping guide looked at the shelves and then shook his head. "In order to avoid a shirt crash, our family doesn't have many of each size. There are none on it, but there are none."    


At this moment, one of the girls pointed at Luo Tianqi and said, "The one in his hand is an M!"    


After saying that, Instantly, everyone looked over.    


"Sir, can you give us your skirt to try?" The tall and thin girl asked.    


"I'm sorry, I'm going to give this to my wife." Luo Tianqi said.    


"Wife?" The short girl smiled. "Cripple still has a wife?"    


"Enough, don't say that." The thin and tall girl gave her companion a look.    


"That's right!" The short girl sneered, "I thought he looked pretty good, but he's a cripple. How could a normal girl marry him?"    


"Forget it, don't fight with a disabled person for things, let's go" The tall and thin girl advised.    


The short girl still wanted to say something but the tall and thin girl pulled her to leave. At this moment, the door of the changing room was pushed open. Lieh Xiaoruan, wearing a fiery red coat, quickly walked over.    


She had just tried on her clothes and did not hear anything clearly but she could clearly hear the conversation behind!    


The fire in her heart instantly rose. Right now, she only wanted to go out and tear those two people apart with her hands!    


Thus, the moment she rushed out, she raised her hand and slapped the short girl.    


The clear clapping caused everyone in the shop to be shocked.    


The short girl was stunned for two seconds by the slap, and then she reacted and wanted to rush over.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was tall and often exercised. Her strength was not small either. She did not care and directly fought with the other party.    


On the side, Luo Tianqi was afraid that she would get hurt and wanted to reach out to pull her, but his legs did not listen to his orders.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan was exceptionally fierce. She pushed the short girl to the ground and lifted her leg to kick. "You said my husband's legs are not good, right? How about I cripple your legs?"    


The tall and thin girl was scared silly when she saw this and quickly went up to pull Lieh Xiaoruan.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan was one versus two and did not lose at all.    


On the other side, Luo Tianqi finally recovered. He hurriedly blocked Lieh Xiaoruan behind him. "Softy, we will not lower ourselves to their level."    


"I'm going to smack their mouths into pieces today!" Lieh Xiaoruan's temper rose, and everyone dared to hit her. "Their parents gave birth to a mouth, and they used it to expose people's scars? I will discipline them on behalf of their parents! "    


The shop was in a mess. When the clerk saw this, she quickly invited the security guards.    


Very quickly, the security guards came over and pulled the two sides away. At the same time, they also called the police.    


Thus, on the day of the Yuan Dan Festival, Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan went to the police station honorably after the Civil Affairs Bureau got their certificate.    


When Gong Lingye received the phone call to ask for bail, he thought he had misheard, but he quickly found out that it was really Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan, so he personally made a phone call.    


Thus, Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan were brought home by him.    


Along the way, Gong Lingye did not know whether to laugh or cry. The two rookies in the back also did not know how to describe their current feelings.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was still somewhat angry. "The security guards came too quickly. I haven't had enough fun beating them up!"    


Luo Tianqi's fingers gently caressed her slightly swollen hand and said with heartache, "Don't be so impulsive in the future. If they say a few words, I won't do anything. Look, your hand is injured. Luckily, it's not broken."    


"Who asked them to say that about you?" Lieh Xiaoruan was angry, "I really want to beat them to death!"    


After she said that, she suddenly felt her heart ache.    


That day in the hospital, Luo Tianqi buried his face in his palm and cried as he said that he felt inferior. It made her feel as if a knife had been cut through her heart.    


That's right, when everyone felt sorry for her because of him pushing her away, did they ever think that he was the one who was in the most pain?    


He was also a proud son of heaven, and the sun was shining in the sky. However, because of the matter of his legs, he was being pointed at by so many people, and even mocked in front of everyone. How sad would he be?    


Today was the first day that she had gone out shopping with him, and she had encountered such a thing. Then, what about when he was by himself?    


Also, when he went to a meeting with a client?    


The more Lieh Xiaoruan thought about it, the more her heart ached. She could not help but turn around and hold Luo Tianqi's hand tightly.    


Luo Tianqi knew what she was thinking. He held her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "Softy, in the past I was very afraid of those rumors and rumors, but now I realized that with you, I am not afraid of the world."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's heart skipped a beat. She leaned into Luo Tianqi's arms, listening to his heartbeat and resonating with him.    


In front, Gong Lingye saw the two from the rearview mirror and smiled. "Alright, tonight's bridal chamber is still going to be noisy. When I just came over, I had already arranged it. Let's have a party tonight. Let's have some fun together. "    


The depressing atmosphere in the car was swept away. Lieh Xiaoruan sat up straight. "Okay. We are drunk tonight, so we will all stay at brother's house!"    


At this moment, thousands of miles away, Lieh Yuanchen's plane had just landed.    


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