Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C692 An Ash-grade Germaphobic Patient

C692 An Ash-grade Germaphobic Patient

He kept going until he reached the entrance of the cave. His legs were slightly heavy.    


The Ruwa was scanning the cave to ensure that it was safe inside. Only then did Gong Mochen carry Helian Qing into the room.    


Fortunately, the terrain of the cave was higher, so the rain would not pour inwards. It was dry inside.    


Gong Mochen placed Helian Qing and the basket backpack on the dry ground, and could not bear it any longer as he quickly walked out.    


He was covered in mud now. Although the rain might not be very clean, at least he could wash away the mud on his body.    


First, he washed off the mud on his pants and shoes. Gong Mochen washed his hands and cleaned himself up before returning to the cave.    


Helian Qing did not wake up. At this moment, there was a flashlight in the cave. Gong Mochen could see that there was quite a lot of mud on Helian Qing's face.    


She was lying on the ground just now, so even her hair was dripping with mud.    


Gong Mochen forced himself not to look at her. But after a while, his gaze still shifted over.    


When his gaze touched her dirty appearance, he scratched his heart with all his might.    


Some mysophobic patients were dirty, and he could be dirty; Some had to be clean, and others could do as they pleased.    


And Gong Mochen was obviously a grayish level. Even if he was clean, he had to ask others to be as clean as him.    


Even if they did not come into contact with each other physically, they were only in the same spatial zone.    


Therefore, when Gong Mochen looked at Helian Qing for the fourth time, he finally could not help but carry her again.    


Fortunately, when he carried her on his back just now, because of the heavy rain, a lot of the mud on her body had been washed away. Therefore, at this moment, Helian Qing was leaning against Gong Mochen's arms. He did not feel that it was too unbearable.    


He squatted down and Helian Qing was on his lap. He held her with one hand and washed away the mud on her hair with the other.    


Then, he rubbed Helian Qing's face.    


He originally just wanted to wash his clothes, but the smooth and delicate touch on his finger made Gong Mochen suddenly come back to his senses. He felt slightly uncomfortable.    


However, he never showed too much of an expression. He still calmly washed people.    


His face and hands did not fall.    


He was certain that he was clean and satisfied. Only then did Gong Mochen carry him back. At this moment, the feeling of being bitten like an insect in his heart disappeared, and the air seemed to have become clean.    


He had been doing this for a long time today. Although he often exercised, this kind of exercise was indeed rare, so he was really tired.    


There was nothing in the cave. The things outside the cave were all wet, so it was impossible to find a dry weed shop. Therefore, Gong Mochen could only lean against the wall of the cave to rest.    


However, just as he closed his eyes for two minutes, he suddenly thought of something and walked in front of Helian Qing to check if she was hurt.    


He had never taken care of people like this before and had no experience at all. He only lifted her hands and feet and after confirming that there were no injuries, he naturally would not look at the girl's body.    


His hand covered Helian Qing's forehead and confirmed that she did not have a fever. He could not help but be puzzled. Why did this girl faint?    


In the end, he was still a little worried. Gong Mochen placed the Ruwa on Helian Qing's neck and instructed, "If her body temperature and heart rate show any abnormalities, inform me immediately."    


The Ruwa was really proud this time. "Alright, wealthy donor, give it to me!"    


Gong Mochen rolled his eyes at it. He leaned against the wall of the cave and closed his eyes to rest.    


Gong Mochen did not even know how he fell asleep.    


In the haze, he seemed to hear Helian Qing waking up.    


After that, she seemed to fall asleep again. Then, her shoulder suddenly sank, as if someone was leaning on his arm. Her head was still resting on his shoulder.    


Gong Mochen wanted to open his eyes, but his body was too tired, so he continued to sleep in his hazy state.    


However, Gong Mochen was woken up by the pain in the morning.    


He felt a sharp pain on his ankle, and he suddenly opened his eyes.    


In his line of sight, there was a thin snake with red stripes on its head that was spitting out its forked tongue. Its fangs seemed to be stained with the blood on his ankle.    


Immediately after, the pain on his ankle turned into numbness. Then, Gong Mochen felt a trance.    


At the same time, the force on his shoulder suddenly became lighter. It was Helian Qing's voice. "Pill Snake!"    


Gong Mochen's sore and numb feeling at the moment had already spread from his ankle. His leg, very quickly, had reached his waist.    


He was shocked in his heart and did not have the time to ask Helian Qing why she was resting on his shoulder. His voice had become somewhat stiff. "Poison?"    


Although Helian Qing had just woken up, her reaction was very fast.    


She suddenly stood up and pressed a few of Gong Mochen's acupuncture points.    


"Don't move, don't be nervous. If you are nervous, the poisonous blood will rush into your brain faster." She quickly said, then lowered her head and touched the pocket on her chest.    


Her pocket seemed to be leaning against the inner layer. When she leaned over, Gong Mochen also saw some parts that he shouldn't have seen.    


It was just that he didn't have any seductive thoughts at all.    


His body was clear. At this moment, as his body became numb, he could clearly feel that Death seemed to be slowly approaching him.    


He did not dare to move and forced himself to calm down. His entire person was as quiet as an ice sculpture.    


In reality, the snake that bit him had already moved quickly and disappeared.    


If he could still survive, he would definitely kill it, Gong Mochen thought.    


Beside him, Helian Qing had already taken out silver needles from her pocket. She did not bother to disinfect them and quickly stabbed Gong Mochen's body.    


Her technique was skilled. Half dry clothes stuck to her body, and her curves seemed to be more exquisite than before.    


Ah, so it was not a flat chest? Gong Mochen thought. There was no change in his expression.    


Just as he was cursing in his heart, Helian Qing quickly said in front of him, "It might hurt a little. Bear with it."    


After saying that, she directly knelt down beside him and used her strength to rub a few of his acupuncture points.    


Those few acupuncture points usually had the most pain from compressions, but at this moment, Gong Mochen felt that the pain was like a hundred claws scratching his heart.    


However, following Helian Qing's compressions, the numbness and numbness that spread rapidly on his body seemed to have dispersed a little.    


She pressed down again and then quickly pulled out the needle.    


In the morning light, Gong Mochen could clearly see that the few needles had turned black.    


She walked to the side and took out the basket backpack. She lit the fire with a lighter and burned the needles.    


At first, there was a slight crackling sound. But soon, the sound disappeared and the silver needles returned to their original color.    


Helian Qing once again bent over and continued to perform acupuncture on Gong Mochen.    


This time, she did not continue to massage but said, "I will go out to find medicine. Don't move."    


Gong Mochen made a soft "En" sound. Clearly, he was a patient who cherished his life and cooperated very well. He reduced the metabolism of his body to the lowest.    


Usually, there would be corresponding detoxifying grass in the vicinity of poisonous snakes. In addition, Helian Qing already knew medicine. Therefore, in a short while, he had found the corresponding herbs.    


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