Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C674 She and Him the Speed of Their Heartbeat

C674 She and Him the Speed of Their Heartbeat

At first, Luo Tianqi did not believe it, but after he was discharged from the hospital, he tried to walk and found that the first few steps were alright, but later on, his feet began to not listen to his commands.    


Even though the wounds had healed and scabbed, he still could not take back his original control.    


After that, he secretly invited many people to watch. Regardless of whether it was TCM or Western medicine, all the authoritative people said the same thing. Some even said that there was a possibility that they would be disabled for the rest of their lives.    


He boasted that he had been handsome since he was young. Someone who had always paid attention to his image suddenly told him one day, "You are disabled.    


How could he bear such a blow?    


Therefore, after that, Luo Tianqi rarely walked. When Gong Lingye asked everyone to gather together, he almost never went.    


This time, it was because of Xuanyuan Che's wedding. Therefore, he also came. He carefully hid his flaws and put all of his self-esteem in the fragile crystal ball.    


He also noticed that Lieh Xiaoruan actually still had feelings for him. But so what if she had feelings?    


If his feet were like this, would she be pointed at by others when she was with him, saying that she was beautiful and that her husband was crippled?    


Furthermore, just like today at the pool, he was the closest to her. He clearly saw her and was about to fall. He was going to walk over, but... But at that moment, his legs suddenly lost control, and he could only watch helplessly as she fell.    


When he saw her stand up and look at his disappointed eyes, his heart ached, but he could not say a single word to explain.    


It was just like just now, even though it was such a short distance, he was unable to swim over, and he even implicated her in saving him.    


Imagine, if the two islands were further away, would she be dragged into drowning by him?    


After all, he was not the original him. He could not stand under her house and wait like in the past, much less block her at the elevator entrance and ask her if she was still concerned about him.    


When Luo Tianqi thought of this, his eyes suddenly felt a little hot.    


He looked at the surging water in the distance and suddenly felt that today's accident was perhaps the last farewell from the heavens!    


When he returned to Imperial City, he should cut off everything.    


She would also return to her life and would not be disturbed by him again.    


Although Chi Jingyu often spoke some nonsense and liked to play, Luo Tianqi felt that when they came into contact with him, they could feel that Chi Jingyu was responsible for serious matters.    


Therefore, Lieh Xiaoruan and Chi Jingyu should also be happy when they were together. They would not be stabbed in the spine and said that her husband was a cripple.    


Beside her, the girl slept very soundly. Her breath fell on Luo Tianqi's neck, and for some reason, she felt a little itchy.    


He tilted his head slightly and kissed Lieh Xiaoruan's forehead.    


This kiss was a blessing and also a farewell.    


Lieh Xiaoruan slept very soundly. However, she still woke up more than an hour later.    


At this moment, the sky had already darkened. The light of the setting sun slowly returned to the horizon, and the small island that they had stayed on in the distance had completely disappeared.    


Lieh Xiaoruan opened her eyes and found herself leaning on Luo Tianqi's shoulder.    


Her heart beat faster. She did some mental preparations before slowly raising her head and pretending that nothing had happened. "I can actually sleep like this."    


Luo Tianqi turned his head. "Are you still tired?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan shook her head and asked him, "Mr Tianqi, are you not sleeping?"    


"In a while." Luo Tianqi said, "Furthermore, we also need to keep an eye on them at all times to see if Mr Ye and the others will notice that we are not here and come to find us when we go out to sea."    


Lieh Xiaoruan nodded. "Yes, but you should rest. We will take turns keeping watch. I just slept and I am energetic. You should rest for a while."    


Luo Tianqi did not refuse and nodded. "Okay. If there is anything, wake me up at any time."    


After he finished speaking, he also closed his eyes.    


Beside him, Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the sea water for a while and then turned to look at Luo Tianqi.    


His originally pale face had gradually recovered its color. However, she did not know if it was her misconception or not, but she kept feeling that he was still a little haggard like when he had gastroenteritis.    


The sky was already dark, but they were very close. She could also see that his eyelashes were very long, the length of the commonly known 'eyelashes essence' on the Internet.    


There was a bit of unruliness in the heroic spirit on his face. Even though his eyes were closed, he still had a kind of carefree temperament.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's gaze landed on Luo Tianqi's shoulder again. She only felt that he was clearly thin, but when she had just leaned on him, she also had a sense of security. It was as if her shoulder width was just right, making her feel exceptionally comfortable.    


It was just that she did not understand why his attitude towards her was a little repetitive.    


Just as she was thinking about it, a cool breeze blew over and Lieh Xiaoruan could not help but shrink her body.    


The sea was like this. Under the sun, it was still very hot, but once the sun sunk into the horizon and their position was quite high, the sea breeze was a little strong. With just one blow, they felt cold.    


Perhaps because they were leaning on Luo Tianqi just now, this feeling was not obvious. But at this moment, there was a distance of 20 centimeters between the two of them, and Lieh Xiaoruan was wearing cool clothes. So when the wind blew, she could not bear it.    


Her nose itched. When another gust of wind blew, she couldn't help but sneeze.    


One after another, she sneezed a few more times.    


Beside him, Luo Tianqi, who was originally resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes. He looked at Lieh Xiaoruan beside him and said, "Xiaoruan, is it cold?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan originally wanted to say that it was not cold but her nose started to itch again. She quickly raised her hand to cover it.    


Luo Tianqi looked at her body. Although she did not throw away the towel before and instead tied it on her body, the towel was not completely dry. Plus, it was not big to begin with and could not cover her entire body, so the effect was not very great.    


Luo Tianqi's fingers slightly tightened, as if he had made up his mind. He stretched out his arm and pulled Lieh Xiaoruan into his embrace.    


She was stunned until her entire body was tightly hugged by Luo Tianqi. Only then did she say with some hesitation: "Actually, I am not considered cold. It is still alright..."    


Luo Tianqi had already spread his legs and let Lieh Xiaoruan sit in front of him. Then, he surrounded her again.    


This way, she was completely in his arms.    


In an instant, the surrounding wind seemed to have disappeared. Only the warm chest of the man behind him was especially clear.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not speak. She only felt a surge of heat on her face. At the same time, joy seemed to break out from her heart and germinate.    


Both of them were silent. The atmosphere suddenly became warm. When it became ambiguous, instantly, her senses became extremely sharp.    


Hence, Lieh Xiaoruan could clearly feel that the man behind her was beating rapidly and hitting her on the back.    


Her throat was somewhat dry and Lieh Xiaoruan pursed her lips.    


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