Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C665 Leave Your Future to Me

C665 Leave Your Future to Me

Wei Qianran could not help it when she heard that the topic was getting more and more interesting. "I have thought about it too, but we were supposed to break off our marriage. Before we got married, I was the one who took the initiative to look for him. He usually does not pay attention to me. We are not even boyfriend and girlfriend..."    


"Alright, I got it. Our main task today is to create an atmosphere for the two of you!" Beiming Mo patted her chest. "Qianran, we will help you settle Aa Mian tonight!"    


In the villa next door, Aa Mian felt an itch on his nose and sneezed.    


It was very soon 9: 30 in the morning, and the parents on both sides had arrived.    


Because Beiming Mo and Xuanyuan Che had an engagement ceremony in J Country. So this time, they did not invite anyone from the other side to attend.    


Plus, everyone wanted the atmosphere to be relaxed, so they only called their best friends and loved ones.    


The stage was just beside the beach. Because two pairs of newlyweds were getting married, the stage was specially expanded, and only a few roses were placed in the middle.    


There were four bridesmaids and groomsmen each, so two of them were assigned to each side.    


On Wei Qianran and Aa Mian's side were Qi Lihuo, Lieh Xiaoruan, Shangguan Yan and Luo Tianqi.    


On Xuanyuan Che and Beiming Mo's side were Helian Qing, Hee Wanshuang, Pei Jun and Gong Mochen.    


Luo Tianqi had only arrived on the first night, so it was Lieh Xiaoruan's first time seeing him at the wedding this morning.    


He wore a white shirt and black pants, and his hair seemed to have been specially tidied up. He looked fashionable and young.    


However, he was still a little thin. The outline of his face was especially clear in the sunlight, and his entire person seemed to have a more reserved temperament.    


He was still him, but he seemed to be different from before.    


Lieh Xiaoruan and Qi Lihuo walked beside Wei Qianran and looked straight ahead.    


In front, Aa Mian was wearing a shirt and pants. Today, he was wearing a red tie. He was wearing elite clothes but he still had some iron blood and wild skin. His bronze-colored skin was very harmonious with the surrounding sunny beach.    


Beside him stood two groomsmen. Shangguan Yan had an unruly smile on his face, while Luo Tianqi's expression was sullen.    


Lieh Xiaoruan walked step by step to the front of them. Then, she stood beside Qi Lihuo.    


Aa Mian did not have parents, so Gong Lingye temporarily replaced his elders.    


As for Wei Qianran, she stood beside Wei's mother and nervously and expectantly looked at the man beside her.    


At this moment, Wei's mother really did not have any doubts about Aa Mian's identity.    


Fu Family did not find trouble with them anymore, and her husband did not receive any unfair treatment in the prison. Plus, Gong Lingye was standing beside Aa Mian at this moment, which made her even more satisfied with Aa Mian's son-in-law.    


When the ceremony began, Gong Lingye was the first to speak.    


After he told her some of the things that happened in the past, He patted Aa Mian's shoulder and said, "Aa Mian, it has been hard on you all these years. You should cherish it when you are with Qianran in the future."    


Aa Mian nodded.    


On the other side, Xuanyuan Che's father also said some encouraging words. After that, he said to Xuanyuan Che, "Che, take good care of Momo in the future, just like how I take care of your mother."    


Xuanyuan Che nodded. "Dad, I will."    


Then the female parent spoke.    


Wei's mother held Wei Qianran's hand. "Qianran, from now on, you will be a married person. You must learn to take care of yourself and also take care of your husband. You two get along well and your mother will always support you."    


Wei Qianran nodded and her eyes were slightly red.    


She was held by her mother and placed her hand on Aa Mian's palm. Feeling the thin cocoon and the lines on the man's palm, she sniffled. "Mom, I will be fine."    


Aa Mian also spoke at the right time. At this moment, it was finally his first time calling her 'mom'. "Mom, don't worry. Leave Qianran to me."    


When Wei's mother heard this' mother ', she felt exceptionally gratified and her eyes began to heat up.    


On the other side, Beiming Qiao also handed Beiming Mo to Xuanyuan Che and smiled. "Che, when you are free in the future, often come to the house. When we are free, we will play chess together."    


Xuanyuan Che was silent. Last time, he did not know how to lose face when playing chess. After he left, he had studied a lot of skills. He would not lose so badly in the future, right?    


Mrs. Beiming, however, was not that unrestrained. She looked at her daughter and suddenly remembered the scene when she attended Lee Xiaozi's wedding a year ago. Instantly, her tears could not help but fall.    


Beiming Mo saw that her mother cried and those who did not want to cry were also affected. Instantly, the mother and daughter cried together, causing Xuanyuan Che to be at a loss for what to do.    


On the guest seats, Beiming Shen was wearing sunglasses. When he saw this scene, his gaze became somewhat absent-minded.    


He had always wanted to know what Beiming Mo looked like at the wedding. At this moment, he finally saw her.    


She was very beautiful and easily moved.    


On her neck was the Blood Diamond Necklace that he had bought for her that day. In the sunlight, the tender red color seemed to flow.    


His girl had finally gotten married today.    


He saw Xuanyuan Che sincerely wear the wedding ring on Beiming Mo's ring finger.    


The sun was bright and the diamond refracted light was especially dazzling. That was her and her husband's long-term location.    


On the other side, Aa Mian took out the diamond ring from the box and suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Wei Qianran.    


He looked up at her and his face could not suppress the heat but his tone was very calm. "Qianran, give me your future."    


Wei Qianran's eyes were already filled with tears. Although this man did not have any emotional words at this moment, she still felt so happy that she wanted to cry.    


This was the Aa Mian that she liked. Aa Mian, who always acted more than words, gave her a sense of security. So, what was there to be unwilling about?    


She stretched out her hand and let him seriously put the ring on her.    


Only then did she reach out and pull him up.    


When her fingertips touched, Wei Qianran discovered that there were also thin beads of sweat on Aa Mian's hand.    


So, although he appeared calm on the surface, was he actually a little nervous?    


Wei Qianran suddenly felt that the man in front of her was so cute, as if he had become even more vivid.    


She also took the male ring and put it on for him.    


Next to her, Pei Jun finished watching the whole process and revealed a smile like that of an old mother.    


Fortunately, it was still alright. His brother wasn't such a blockhead.    


However, he seemed to have almost reached a certain level.    


He gave the host a look. Instantly, the host went up and said in a clear voice, "Congratulations to the two pairs of newbies! Now, the groom can kiss the bride on the opposite side! "    


Hearing this, even Soong Yiren, who was below the stage, was shocked.    


Wei Qianran had just said that she and Aa Mian did not even kiss before. Now, could it be their first kiss?    


Soong Yiren's eyes did not blink as she looked at the stage.    


At the side of the stage, Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren's expression and knew what she was thinking. Immediately, he frowned and strode down.    


On the other side, Beiming Mo and Soong Yiren seemed to have a telepathic connection. She seemed to have forgotten that she was also the bride, but she stuck her head out to watch Aa Mian and Wei Qianran kiss.    


However, before she could see it, she was grabbed by the man in front of her, and then, lips. The petal was sealed, and even her sight was blocked in an instant.    


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