Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1849 Was He Tempted Today?

C1849 Was He Tempted Today?

She walked all the way into the neighborhood. The pain in her hands seemed to have become numb. Lu Lisheng took the elevator up and was about to go home to change her clothes when she suddenly stopped in her tracks.    


Didn't she want Gong Moxiu to fall in love with her? If she was a little more pitiful and let him see her become like this because of him, would he really be tempted?    


Thinking of this, Lu Lisheng turned around and went to Gong Moxiu's house.    


She pressed the doorbell and the door opened very quickly.    


Gong Moxiu totally did not expect Lu Lisheng to become like this after only 20 minutes.    


She was completely drenched. Her long curly hair stuck to her body and dripped down.    


Her face was slightly pale, and her delicate face looked even more fragile because of her current sorry state.    


She was wearing a white knitted shirt today. Because she was drenched, it stuck to her body, drawing out the curves of her upper body. He could even see the black undergarments inside.    


Her rice colored sports pants were covered in mud, and the color of her sports shoes changed because of the water. She looked like she had been fished out from a mud pond.    


Perhaps it was because of the difference in temperature inside and outside the room, Lu Lisheng sneezed a few times as she walked closer.    


She sneezed as she passed the medicine in her hand to Gong Moxiu. She did not forget to explain the effects. "One is for pain and the other is for the stomach. Just eat according to the dosage."    


Gong Moxiu took the bag and his eyes fell on Lu Lisheng's palm.    


Although she quickly put it away, he also saw that her palm was scratched and there were a few cuts on it.    


Although there was no more blood, because it was soaked in the rain, the edges were a bit white and swollen.    


"Did you fall?" Gong Moxiu frowned. "Take a bath first."    


Lu Lisheng nodded. "Okay. I will go back and take a shower. Take your medicine quickly."    


Gong Moxiu nodded. He still wanted to say something. It could be seen that Lu Lisheng was somewhat frozen, so he sent her away.    


He took out a dry medicine box from the wet bag and took the medicine according to the instructions. He sat on the sofa and looked at the time.    


The stomach pain was still continuing, but perhaps the most difficult time had passed. At this moment, there were signs of gradual relief.    


Twenty minutes later, Gong Moxiu got up, took the medical kit, and walked to Lu Lisheng's door.    


She heard the doorbell ring, and as she wiped her hair, she went to open the door.    


"Are you feeling better?" Lu Lisheng asked.    


Gong Moxiu nodded and put down the medical case. He took out a bag of precautionary medicine to prevent a cold. He got up very familiarly and poured a cup for Lu Lisheng. He waved at Lu Lisheng. "Sheng, come and drink."    


At this moment, Lu Lisheng felt a trance as if she had returned to M Country.    


In the past, when she was drenched in the rain, her father would ask her to drink a drink.    


Although they were in America, they had always maintained the customs of Hua Country.    


"Thank you." Lu Lisheng took it and drank the warm medicine. Her stomach also warmed up.    


She had just put down the cup when Gong Moxiu grabbed her hand.    


He had already picked up the disinfectant and said, "The wound needs to be treated."    


He had treated the wound on her waist the last time. But the scene at that time was warm. It was ambiguous and deliberate. It was completely different from his serious and serious look at that moment.    


Lu Lisheng felt a fire coming from her palm. The burning sensation and then the cool and comfortable feeling of the anti-inflammatory gel gel gel. She didn't know why, but she felt that the hand that Gong Moxiu was holding on to had lost all its strength.    


The next second, Gong Moxiu broke Lu Lisheng's train of thought. "Her wrist is also injured?"    


"It's alright. I just held on a little." Lu Lisheng said.    


Gong Moxiu, on the other hand, had already poured some red flower oil and started to massage her.    


The light dyed his face. Lu Lisheng looked at him in a trance, but in the next second, she could not help but think. Was he tempted this time?    


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