Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1725 He Went to Look for Lin Shuwan

C1725 He Went to Look for Lin Shuwan

Lieh Muwan's cheeks turned red. She pushed him. "Do you want to decorate our house or not?"    


Maybe it was' our house 'that made Gong Moxuan happy. He let go of her temporarily and said, "Now you teach me. I will teach you when we are in bed."    


"You..." Lieh Muwan was annoyed and pouted. "Where did you learn those things?"    


"Men still need to learn these things?" Gong Moxuan said arrogantly. "It's not difficult to satisfy you!"    


Lieh Muwan was angry, "Don't say anymore!"    


Gong Moxuan rubbed her head with his big hand and her chest trembled. "My woman, even when she is angry with her husband, she is so cute!"    


The two of them were having a lot of fun. Until Lieh Muwan's stomach was a little hungry, she was a little embarrassed. Gong Moxuan said, "Let's go downstairs to eat."    


Lieh Muwan was surprised. "You ordered?"    


"Yes. Gong Moxuan nodded, "I just got someone to send it over."    


Downstairs, exquisite dishes had already been placed on the dining table. Lieh Muwan and Gong Moxuan sat facing each other. The room was filled with smoke and smoke.    


Gong Moxuan suddenly said, "I have decided to look for Lin Shujuann tomorrow."    


Lieh Muwan was shocked and asked, "You, or... he will go?"    


Gong Moxuan said, "I will go, I will pretend to be him."    


Lieh Muwan was shocked in her heart. "What if he sees through it?"    


With Lin Shujuann's strength, if Cless bumped into him, who knew if he would be killed instantly.    


Gong Moxuan said, "Too late. I want to give it one last try."    


He locked her eyes. "Either disappear completely, or find a chance to stay."    


Lieh Muwan's heart was pounding. She looked into the man's deep eyes. Her heart felt bitter but she still nodded.    


Yes, if he did not try once, then what awaited him would be completely disappearing within two months.    


If he tried, he would either disappear directly or he would have a chance to live.    


He saw that she suddenly stopped eating, so he frowned. "Doesn't suit the taste?"    


Lieh Muwan shook her head. Her eyes were red, and she looked more like a little rabbit. "I'm worried about tomorrow."    


"If you don't eat, I'll eat you at the dining table." Gong Moxuan's tone was natural, and there was no room for negotiation.    


Lieh Muwan's eyes widened. "You..."    


"You might as well try." Gong Moxuan said.    


Lieh Muwan stared at him with red eyes, unwilling to continue eating.    


Perhaps it was because of his joke just now that she felt a little better.    


After eating, Gong Moxuan put away the food and pulled Lieh Muwan to the balcony.    


At this moment, the night had already fallen, but the city's neon lights had turned the sky dark blue, making the original stars blur.    


Gong Moxuan placed Lieh Muwan on the swing. He hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her.    


Lieh Muwan hooked her arms around Gong Moxuan's neck and responded.    


The swing swayed. Gong Moxuan felt that his body in his arms became softer and softer. His breathing gradually became disordered.    


In the next second, Lieh Muwan felt Gong Moxuan press on a spot.    


Immediately after, a curtain fell from the surroundings of the pavilion, and just happened to surround their swing.    


She widened her eyes in shock.    


"Late, can we do it here?" Although Gong Moxuan asked this, he did not give Lieh Muwan the right to answer. He had already brought her into a violent storm.    


That night, Lieh Muwan slept in Gong Moxuan's arms, and the man beside her was still the same. He did not close his eyes at night.    


The next day, when Lieh Muwan woke up, Gong Moxuan was already dressed neatly.    


In the dining room, there was a sumptuous breakfast. He carried her downstairs and supervised her to finish eating obediently. Only then did he speak. "Late, I'm going over."    


Lieh Muwan's heart trembled, "Can we go again in a few days?"    


Gong Moxuan shook his head and rubbed her head with his big hand. "If we are late, perhaps it will be too late."    


Lieh Muwan's throat choked and she nodded. She tried her best to smile at him. "Ok, Cless, I will wait for you at our house."    


"Okay." He nodded and did not dare to look at her again. He left with big steps.    


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