Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1626 It Was My Immaturity That Hurt You

C1626 It Was My Immaturity That Hurt You

"Late at night, here I sincerely apologize to you"    


After Gong Moxuan finished speaking, he lowered his head slightly to apologize to Lieh Muwan.    


Lieh Muwan could not say what she felt in her heart. In the past, she had also fantasized about this moment.    


She thought that she would be happy because of this. She would be relaxed and hope for the relationship between them would be ignited.    


But at this moment, she realized that she was not happy or relaxed. She did not even fantasize about what she wanted to do with him.    


She only felt a little bitter and wanted to cry, because the shackles of those two years were the 'disappointment' that had bound her for those two years.    


However, she was no longer the past her. She didn't want to shed another tear in front of him.    


Even though her eyes were a little hot at this moment, and in order to maintain her original expression, she felt that her face was stiff, and even her eyes were sore.    


"It's fine, it's already been two years, don't blame yourself." Lieh Muwan tried her best to use the calmest tone to say, "And I forgot the agreement at that time. I am indeed responsible."    


"It has nothing to do with you." Gong Moxuan laughed at himself. "You know, three months after you went abroad to study, my colleague's child went to my house to play. I told him this story at that time."    


Lieh Muwan raised her eyes and listened attentively.    


"I told him the inducement of the incident and finally asked the boy who was the guilty one." Gong Moxuan asked, "Late at night, guess how he answered?"    


Lieh Muwan shook her head and smiled, "I don't know."    


"After he heard it, he did not hesitate to tell me that the culprit was the driver and not anyone else." Gong Moxuan said, "He is only nine years old."    


Lieh Muwan suddenly felt shocked.    


"In fact, when we are in the game, we all feel that we are the one who is wrong. But in fact, this is a problem that even a child who is not even ten years old can see clearly." Gong Moxuan smiled. "Although I am still blaming myself, I also understand that we are not the ones who are wrong."    


Lieh Muwan nodded but did not say anything.    


Gong Moxuan looked at the silent girl and felt sad.    


She was not like this.    


Lieh Muwan grew up with him. She was lively and innocent. Her smile was bright and bright, just like princess.    


But now, she was silent and distant in front of him. All her emotions seemed to be hidden under her calm exterior.    


He suddenly wanted to return to two years ago, and give himself a good beating.    


It was he who had turned her into such a state, but it was already too late. They could not return.    


"Later, I told you about this, and I hope you won't blame yourself for it" Gong Moxuan said, "Also, if I apologize to you seriously again, it would be because I was immature and hurt you."    


"No." Lieh Muwan smiled. The sourness in her eyes finally broke a little.    


She raised her head and turned the dots of water at the bottom of her eyes into stars. She smiled and said, "I feel that it is quite good now. Whether it is life or learning, it is quite good. So you do not need to blame yourself or apologize. Let bygones be bygones! "    


Gong Moxuan nodded. "Alright."    


Lieh Muwan stood up. "I should go back and rest."    


"Yes." They walked to the door of the dining room and took her to the elevator.    


There were some things that he wanted to say but hesitated. In the end, he did not ask.    


In the end, he and she couldn't go back.    


Lieh Muwan returned to her room and went straight to the bathroom.    


When the water flowed down, the tears that had been enduring for a long time suddenly fell.    


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