Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1482 A Man with an Endocrine Imbalance

C1482 A Man with an Endocrine Imbalance

"No, Mr Shangyu, everything is fine now." Beiming Yubai's chest hurt, but there was a smile in her eyes. "I always thought Mianmian was a stranger. Although I love her very much, I'm more afraid of a terrifying person appearing one day. Come over and tell me that he is Mianmian's biological father."    


She held Pei Shangyu's hand. At this moment, it was the posture of a younger daughter. "Now that I found out it was you, I feel so happy!"    


"Yes." Pei Shangyu held Beiming Yubai's hand tightly. "I really want to hug our daughter now!"    


Beiming Yubai said, "Then I will ask mother to bring Mianmian over tomorrow morning, okay?"    


"Okay!" Pei Shangyu was overwhelmed with emotions. This was his daughter, his biological daughter!    


Because of their excitement, they couldn't fall asleep for a moment.    


Beiming Yubai could not help but pick up her phone and post it on her WeChat Moments.    


Thousands of miles away, Gong Moyi had just finished bathing and was ready to go to sleep on her WeChat Moments.    


One by one, she saw it.    


It was a photo sent by Beiming Yubai. It was a photo of her, Pei Shangyu, and Mianmian.    


The accompanying word was -    


"Today I found out that the fate of this world is so wonderful. My Mianmian is also your little jacket. The genes in my bones and blood are the genes of you and me."    


Gong Moyi read this sentence back and forth a few times and suddenly opened her eyes wide.    


Without hesitation, she immediately sent a voice message to Beiming Yubai, "With Bai, Mr Shangyu is Mianmian's biological father?!"    


Beiming Yubai quickly replied. It was also a voice message. Her voice could not hide her joy. "Yes, we also just found out! So that person at that time was Mr Shangyu! " We did a DNA test. Mianmian is really Mr Shangyu's baby! "    


Wuwuwu, fate is so wonderful! " Gong Moyi smiled, "No wonder I felt that Mianmian was like Mr Shangyu when I first saw her. It was indeed a daughter who was like a father! Wow, your whole family is reunited. Let's meet up later! "    


"No problem!" Beiming Yubai replied,, "After a while, we will bring Mianmian to play with you guys!"    


"Yes, yes, it is a deal!" Gong Moyi said.    


Because of the good news on Beiming Yubai's side, Gong Moyi was also a little excited, so she opened the chat page with Xiyan Cheng and said to him, "Mr Cheng, I heard a big news today!"    


She did not wait for his reply and immediately said, "So Mianmian is Mr Shangyu's biological daughter! They did a DNA test, it was simply too perfect! Now he and Bai are about to burst into laughter!"    


After sending out more than ten seconds, Gong Moyi's phone rang. She looked and saw that it was Xiyan Cheng.    


She answered," Mr Cheng, did you hear the message I sent? "    


"Yes." Xiyan Cheng's voice came out of the earpiece. His deep voice carried a bit of bewitching power. "Baby," he said. So, are you hinting at something to me?"    


Gong Moyi was speechless. Was she simply sharing good news with him?    


"Baby, when are we going to give birth to one?" Xiyan Cheng asked directly.    


Gong Moyi said, "Mr Cheng, I, Second Elder Brother have a new concept car event tomorrow. Do you have time? Shall we go together? " She immediately changed the topic.    


"Yeah, we'll go to the press conference tomorrow. I'll go to your house to propose marriage the day after tomorrow." Xiyan Cheng said, "But baby, let's talk about something else at this time of the night. " I just took a shower and remembered our first time in the Lost City... "    


Gong Moyi,... "" Forget it, she better not find this man with endocrine imbalance at night.    


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