Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1452 It's a Farewell Job

C1452 It's a Farewell Job

"Mianmian." Pei Shangyu said gently to the little unicorn. "Did you listen to Grandma today?"    


The little unicorn nodded and said seriously, "Yes, yes."    


Then she saw another scratch on Pei Shangyu's face, so she pointed at the screen, touched her face, and said a bunch of things.    


Pei Shangyu understood that Mianmian was asking him what happened, so he said, "Dad accidentally fell when he walked. So Mianmian had to look at the road when she walked. She could not run around. She had to hold Grandma's hand! "    


Beiming Yubai felt her heart skip a beat when she heard Pei Shangyu call himself that. She turned to look at the man beside her.    


At this moment, he was facing the screen. His angular face seemed to soften a lot because of his gentle expression. There was a smile in his eyes, as if his appearance had completely changed.    


He was not the cold Mercenary Group elder she had seen on the battlefield, nor was he the young man who had a cruel and eccentric personality when he was young. He was actually a good companion who had started playing the role of father and husband.    


Beiming Yubai suddenly felt that her eyes were burning.    


On the screen, she did not know what Pei Shangyu had made a funny face for the little guy, which made the little guy laugh.    


Beiming Yubai was attracted by Mianmian's voice and looked at the screen.    


She saw Mianmian also making ghost faces at Pei Shangyu.    


Pei Shangyu's age seemed to have instantly decreased by 20 years, and he started making the same face as Mianmian.    


Beiming Yubai felt a warmth in her heart. This kind of feeling was something she had never felt before when Lu Yunting was here.    


Maybe it was because of love.    


She picked up Pei Shangyu's phone, intending to take a picture of the current scene.    


When she picked up the phone, she remembered to ask him for the password.    


However, just as she picked up the phone and pointed it at her face, the phone automatically unlocked.    


Beiming Yubai was shocked and turned to look at Pei Shangyu.    


He also noticed her gaze and glanced at the phone in her hand. He reacted and explained, "It was set yesterday."    


Beiming Yubai could not help but raise the corner of her lips. She picked up the phone and took a video of the two people who were making funny faces together.    


Looking at the video, Beiming Yubai did not know why, but she suddenly felt that Mianmian and Pei Shangyu were similar.    


Because they both made the same kind of ghost face, and their expressions were very accurate. Their eyebrows and nose were knitted together, it was as if they were carved from the same mold!    


If Beiming Yubai did not know that Pei Shangyu was a mercenary at that time and would not be in Hua Country, Beiming Yubai would have thought that Mianmian was his daughter.    


Yesterday, she had actually thought of telling Pei Shangyu about this matter, but because she still had a trace of inferiority buried deep in her heart, she did not mention it.    


Seeing the interaction between the two today, Beiming Yubai thought that perhaps when she went back, she should find an opportunity to tell Pei Shangyu about Mianmian's birth father. She did not know who it was.    


After interacting with the little fellow for a while, Beiming Yubai took her phone and went to Beiming Yumo's ward.    


Chiang Xiaoxi had been worried about her son's condition and had to take a look every day before she could feel at ease.    


She reminded Beiming Yumo to take good care of herself and not worry about Mianmian's words before hanging up the video.    


The next day, Gong Moyi, Xiyan Cheng and Lin Shujuann flew to Hua Country together.    


Xiyan Cheng's legs had recovered a lot, so he went to the army with Gong Moyi that day to report.    


He came to report this time and also to say goodbye.    


When the court session was over later, he would return to the family and officially take over the family company.    


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