Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1445 It Really Doesn't Hurt

C1445 It Really Doesn't Hurt

His gaze was light as he looked at her, who had helped him wipe the corner of her mouth carefully. There was an indelible emotion in his eyes.    


At first, Beiming Yubai did not feel anything, but after feeling Pei Shangyu's gaze, her palms were covered in a thin layer of sweat.    


He also wanted to grab her hand, but when he thought about the mercenaries waiting outside the hospital, Pei Shangyu stopped.    


Beiming Yubai finished feeding him the water and asked, "Mr Shangyu, how is your wound?"    


"It's nothing, just a small wound." Pei Shangyu smiled at Beiming Yubai.    


She had clearly heard Gong Moyi say that Pei Shangyu had been unconscious for a long time. How could a bullet wound be small?    


Beiming Yubai put down the cup and asked, "Can I take a look?"    


Pei Shangyu shook his head. "Don't look. It doesn't look good."    


However, Beiming Yubai said, "I still want to see."    


Pei Shangyu could only agree. "Just take a look. Wear it all up."    


Beiming Yubai nodded. She gently lifted Pei Shangyu's blanket and slowly lifted the hem of his clothes.    


His abdomen was flat and strong, but at this moment, it was wrapped in gauze. There were traces of dried blood under it.    


The wound was a little big, and the gauze trembled round and round.    


Beiming Yubai saw this and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart. The pain spread along her nerves to her eyes, and tears immediately filled her eyes.    


She reached out her hand and gently touched the area around his gauze with pity and pain.    


At the head of the bed, Pei Shangyu looked at Beiming Yubai who was like this and suddenly felt a little absent-minded.    


Ever since he followed K and became a mercenary, he had been injured too many times, but not many times. Some people felt pity for him.    


Perhaps, from the moment he was born until now, all of his care had come from Beiming Yubai's mother and daughter.    


Her fingers slid across his skin and he felt himself trembling.    


He could not help but call out to her, "And Bai, stop looking."    


In that instant, he saw the tears that suddenly fell from her eyes.    


All his emotions were stuck in his throat. Pei Shangyu almost didn't think about it. He held on and wanted to help Beiming Yubai wipe her tears. "Don't cry."    


Beiming Yubai originally wanted to dodge, but when she saw Pei Shangyu use force, she was so scared that she quickly supported him. "Mr Shangyu, don't move."    


"Then don't cry." Pei Shangyu's voice was soft and gentle. "I'm fine."    


Beiming Yubai nodded, but her tears could not stop rolling out.    


Seeing her like this, Pei Shangyu only felt that all his worries seemed to have turned into nothingness. He stretched out his arm and pulled her into his embrace.    


She did not dare to move. She did not even dare to really press the weight on his body. She could only put her face on his shoulder and ask in a muffled voice, "Does it hurt very much?"    


"No." Pei Shangyu lowered his head and kissed Beiming Yubai's hair. "It really doesn't hurt."    


Beiming Yubai's tears fell even harder.    


Pei Shangyu could not help but ask, "Why are you still crying?"    


"Mr Shangyu..." Beiming Yubai looked up at him and said, "Why don't you follow us back to Beiming Family?"    


When Pei Shangyu heard her, he was a little shocked. "Bai, my matter is very complicated. I cannot implicate your family. And your father's side..."    


"He was the one who asked me to come and see you just now!" Beiming Yubai said anxiously. "He did not oppose us..."    


However, when she realized what she had said, it was already too late.    


There was a moment of silence in the ward. Beiming Yubai immediately felt that the air between her and Pei Shangyu had changed.    


It had become ambiguous, coagulated, and also had a thin feeling that made it difficult for people to breathe.    


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