Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1432 Give Me Another Hug

C1432 Give Me Another Hug

Gong Moyi waved her hand. "It's fine. We are friends. If anything happens to me, I believe you and Bai will help me. So thank you for saying such words. "You don't have to say it in the future!"    


"Yes, this is the last time." After Beiming Yumo finished speaking, he looked into Gong Moyi's eyes and said, "I thought I was about to die, so I said those words to you and asked that question. Can you tell me the answer in person now? "    


Gong Moyi's breathing paused. She met Beiming Yumo's profound gaze and did not know what to say for a moment.    


However, his situation was stable now and would not repeat.    


As for her, after the confusion and exhaustion from before, she now understood her heart.    


Hence, Gong Moyi took a deep breath and said, "Yumo, I..."    


"Moyi.." Beiming Yumo suddenly interrupted her." If you are not sure or need to wait for time, don't answer first. I will wait slowly. "    


Gong Moyi shook her head, "No, I am sure."    


Beiming Yumo's heart sank. Inexplicably, it was that kind of indescribable intuition.    


He leaned against the bed and quietly listened to her.    


"Yumo, I think you are quite good. You do things with your principles and persistence. In my heart, you have always been a very self-disciplined and upright person. " If you are a lover, you will definitely treat your other half very well. It will be the same if you are a friend. "    


"It's just that I might be too persistent. There were too many factors in the past. Maybe it was because I was tired. " That's why I said that I don't like him anymore. I'm going to split him up completely. "    


" However, later on, I realized that I couldn't do it.    


"That year, when I was struggling to hold on, he actually had a harder time than I did."    


"I also know that he never betrayed me. Even at the most difficult times, he didn't forget to use his method to confess to me."    


"Recently, something happened that made me realize that I still like him. I only have eyes for him, so I can't accept anyone else"    


Gong Moyi said to Beiming Yumo seriously when she said this. "Yumo, I'm sorry. I might have given you an illusion earlier and made you think that I might let him go. " But I really didn't do it. I won't be able to do it in the future. "    


When Beiming Yumo heard this, he put away the fingers by his side and slowly let go.    


He tried his best to smile at her. "I know, Moyi, you don't need to apologize, because we are the same person."    


He had thought about giving up on this one-sided love that had no results, but in the end, he still failed.    


And she was also persistent.    


"Yumo, in the future, we will still be friends, right?" Gong Moyi asked.    


"Yes." Beiming Yumo nodded and said gently, "We will be friends for the rest of our lives."    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Yes, friends for the rest of our lives!"    


Beiming Yumo stretched his arm towards her and Gong Moyi leaned over.    


He slowly hugged her tightly. His arm trembled and the three words rolled around his throat. When he said it, it was still a little difficult. "I wish you well."    


Gong Moyi gently patted Beiming Yumo's back. "Yumo, you will also be happy."    


Reluctantly letting go, Beiming Yumo smiled at Gong Moyi. "Moyi, I am a little tired. I want to sleep for a while."    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Okay, I will go and see your father."    


After Gong Moyi left, Beiming Yumo's face started to crack.    


He could not smile at all. After so many years of relationship, he knew that he could only bear the pain and let go.    


His breathing stung his nerves. Deep in his heart, there was some kind of emotion that he couldn't give up. He turned his eyes and saw her blurry figure as she left the ward.    


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