Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1410 I Still Remember the First Time I Saw You

C1410 I Still Remember the First Time I Saw You

"I want to die, I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Jess said, "I am very happy to be able to bring my enemies to hell with me."    


After saying that, he ordered all the guards, "Light the fire!"    


Gong Moyi's expression changed. She held Xiyan Cheng tightly with one hand and aimed at Jess with the other. She wanted to pull the trigger.    


But a thought flashed across her mind.    


They had also aimed at the deck just now. Logically speaking, the heat of the bullets rubbing against the deck was higher than the fuel point, but why did the oil not burn?    


Could it be...    


She looked at Nolri.    


Nolri was afraid of death, so would the oil at the bottom be secretly released by Nolri?    


Evidently, Xiao Yun and Jess also thought of this.    


Thus, the two of them simultaneously took out their guns and shot at each other.    


The sound of bullets ringing in their ears could be heard as Gong Moyi hugged Xiyan Cheng and continuously dodged the bullets. However, the movement of two people was always much more difficult than the movement of one person.    


Several times, the bullets brushed past her hair and landed on the fence behind her, making clanking sounds.    


The sniper on Jess's side was also constantly finding his position and starting to snipe.    


Wang Chu's leg was shot. He was already heavily injured to begin with, so he directly fainted.    


Xiao Yun was also injured, and the battle quickly became one-sided.    


Gong Moyi hugged Xiyan Cheng and hid. She threw away the bullet in her hand and was about to climb to the other side to touch the dead guard's gun when she suddenly felt someone approaching.    


Jess's lips curved into a cruel smile and kicked the gun Gong Moyi wanted far away.    


He looked down at her with a playful look in his eyes. "Gong Moyi, I don't have any thoughts about you. But if I want to kill Xiyan Cheng and you protect him, you will be making me your enemy. "    


Gong Moyi did not speak.    


At this moment, she did not have any bullets. There was also an unknown Xiyan Cheng by her side. He was not a match for Jess and the others at all.    


She suddenly felt a little depressed.    


She wanted to save him, but she still failed in the end.    


She ignored Jess and lowered her head to look at Xiyan Cheng in her arms.    


There were no scars on his face, but there were some dried blood stains on the bottom of his nose and the corner of his mouth.    


At this moment, his eyes were tightly shut, as if he had fallen asleep.    


Gong Moyi suddenly thought, it seemed like she had not seen him fall asleep for a long time.    


She stretched out her hand and her fingers passed through Xiyan Cheng's. She whispered to him, "Mr Cheng, you idiot. If you had jumped with me, would it have been better than falling into the hands of these bastards?"    


Xiyan Cheng did not move. He did not respond.    


Gong Moyi sighed and looked up at Jess. "No matter how short my life is with him, it is still better than living a wonderful and happy life like you who live in pain all day long!"    


Jess's expression suddenly changed, and he was about to pull the trigger.    


Gong Moyi calculated for a moment. She was five meters away from Jess. Five meters away, she could not outrun bullets.    


So -    


She lowered her head and kissed Xiyan Cheng's lips. She whispered in his ear -    


"Xiyan Cheng, I suddenly remembered how you looked when I went to kindergarten when I was three. I saw you for the first time..."    


The next second, a gunshot cut through the air.    


Gong Moyi closed her eyes and tightly hugged Xiyan Cheng, but two seconds later, she realized something.    


It was not her who was in pain.    


She nervously looked at Xiyan Cheng's body.    


He was also perfectly fine, without any injuries.    


In just a few seconds, Gong Moyi saw Jess lying in a pool of blood. Less than twenty meters away from her, Gong Lingye, Gong Moxuan, and others were quickly killing Jess's men.    


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