One-click Cultivation System

C1639 Dao Li's Nine Earths and Thirteen Corpses!

C1639 Dao Li's Nine Earths and Thirteen Corpses!

"The remaining Great-Emperor-Level Cultivation Method is enough for me to synthesize once. "    


Su Lang took out a few more Great-Emperor-Level Cultivation Method. After putting them together, two piles of cultivation techniques appeared in front of him.    


These Great-Emperor-Level Cultivation Method were almost all incense type cultivation techniques.    


"System. "    


"Using these cultivation methods as raw materials, synthesize Supreme Emperor-Level Cultivation Methods!"    


Su Lang gave the order, but he did not hold much hope.    


"Combination complete. You have obtained Supreme Emperor-Level Cultivation Methods, Dao Establishing Nine Lands!"    


"Ding! Combining completed, you have obtained Supreme Emperor-Level Cultivation Method, Chopping Thirteen Corpses!"    


In an instant.    


Two cultivation techniques appeared in front of Su Lang.    




" Dao Establishing Nine Lands ? "Chopping Thirteen Corpses? '    


"I've heard of killing three corpses. Is the Chopping Thirteen Corpses an upgraded version?"    


"There's also the Dao Establishing Nine Lands. Its name is a bit strange. "    


Su Lang complained as he picked up the two cultivation techniques.    


The Dao Establishing Nine Lands cultivation technique was originally a piece of colorful soil, and it looked like rubber mud.    


It was emitting a very strong Power of the Great Dao.    


Su Lang read it and his eyes lit up.    


The effect of this cultivation technique was actually to use power of the Great Path Rules to stimulate ordinary soil into nine different types of treasure lands with different attributes!    


Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary piece of land wanted to transform into a treasure land, it had to be cultivated in the body of an expert at the Great Emperor Level or above for countless years.    


However, the Dao Establishing Nine Lands could greatly shorten this time. It could even turn a person into a machine to produce a treasure land!    


"The more treasure lands, the better!"    


"My Life Universe is so big, but it only has one lone Life Planet. How lonely!"    


"With this cultivation method, not only can I make the Life Planet bigger, I can also make some other planets out to enrich my Life Universe . "    


"When my Clones are free, I can totally send them to do these things. It's better than letting them become moldy in Mysterious Space!"    


While thinking, Su Lang placed the Dao Establishing Heaven and Earth book on a martial cultivator.    




Su Lang placed the skill book for the second Chopping Thirteen Corpses skill book in front of him.    


This cultivation technique was an illusory miniature person. It was about the length of Su Lang's palm, and it was translucent and colorless.    


Just from this point alone, there was nothing special about it. This was because many of the skills Su Lang had synthesized were originally miniature people.    


However, the original miniature people of the Chopping Thirteen Corpses skill were the weirdest.    


This was because every time he looked at it, it would have a different expression!    


Sometimes it would have good looks, sometimes it would be fierce and fierce, sometimes it would be bitter and hateful, and sometimes it would be happy and happy. . .    


"What a weirdo!"    


Su Lang curled his lips and tried to read the information with his Divine Sense.    


When he saw it, he was stunned!    


This cultivation technique used all kinds of incenses, Combination of Cultivation Methods, and Combination of Cultivation Method.    


Thus, this was also a Supreme Emperor Level cultivation technique!    


Furthermore, this was the cultivation technique that Su Lang had been waiting for for a long time. It was a cultivation technique that could prevent people from being infected by incenses!    


Although the Universe's dragon vein, Heaven Realm, was also a cultivation technique like this, Su Lang's body and soul still did not come into contact with the incense.    


Any time he came into contact with the incense, it would be something like the 'Joss Flame Dragon Vein'.    


But this Chopping Thirteen Corpses was completely different!    


As long as this cultivation technique was cultivated to a profound level, it would be able to eliminate the seven emotions and six desires within the Incense Will Power, turning the Incense Will Power into the purest energy, and it would no longer be able to corrode the cultivator's consciousness.    


Moreover, the seven emotions and six desires that were severed could form 13 powerful Clones!    


The Clone completely obeyed the orders of the cultivator. The strength of the Clone depended on how many Will Powers the cultivator instilled into it.    


The fewer Will Powers there were, the weaker the Clone would be. The more Will Powers there were, the stronger the Clone would be. The upper limit was the level of the true body.    


Different Clones had their own unique moves that were useful in battle.    


If the Clone was killed, it could be condensed again through cultivation techniques!    


If the main body was killed, it could also be revived from the Clone's body, but the price it paid was extremely terrifying.    


"I have finally waited for you, the cultivation method of incense in your dreams!"    


"Furthermore, this cultivation method is actually able to produce 13 Clones with the upper limit of the original body!"    


"This is simply a super weakened version of the Doppelganger Sending!"    


Su Lang looked at the Chopping Thirteen Corpses cultivation technique, and his face revealed an incomparably excited expression.    


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