One-click Cultivation System

C869 I Don't Feel Anything

C869 I Don't Feel Anything

Chu Xiaobei was stunned. "You want to conquer Luoyou City and give it to me?"    


"Yes, if you want it. "    


Su Lang's lips curled up and revealed a faint smile.    


Initially, he didn't want to offend the Martial Emperor, because the difference in their strength was too great. Even if they were in an undefeatable position, it would still be difficult for them to kill him.    


But now, it was different. Su Lang had mastered so many Emperor Level Formations. Just the Formation Refining alone was enough to trap a Martial Emperor to death.    


Chu Xiaobei stuck out her tongue in surprise. "I'm afraid that only you dare to think this way in this world. "    


That was the lair of the Luoyou Emperor Clan.    


Throughout the tens of millions of years of history, there were very few times that Martial Emperor City was conquered. Basically, it was only after the fall of the Martial Emperor that the descendants were unable to defend and were attacked by the enemies.    


But now, Martial Emperor Luoyou was still alive and well.    




Chu Xiaobei also knew that Su Lang wouldn't do something that he wasn't confident in.    


Although Su Lang looked like he was only at the Quasi Immortal Level and could at most reach the Martial Immortal Level with the combat strength, if he really threw out the trump card, it was hard to tell how powerful he was.    


Back then, in order to save Ji Ruxue and Murong Xianxian, Su Lang had defeated a Martial Saint Level at the Martial King!    


Su Lang was an abnormal being that could not be measured by common sense!    


Since he said he wanted to conquer the Luoyou City, it meant that he was very confident!    


"He wants to give me an Emperor City. "    


"I'm afraid this is one of the best gifts in the world!"    


When Chu Xiaobei thought of this, the surprise in her heart gradually turned into surprise.    




Considering Su Lang's safety, Chu Xiaobei still said, "Su Lang, if it is not necessary, it is better not to offend Martial Emperor Luoyou. After all, it's a Martial Emperor.    


The war of the continents is about to explode. If you really want to kill Martial Emperor Luoyou, I'm afraid that Martial Emperor Palace, suspended platform, and other major powers will not agree to it.    


Martial Emperor Luoyou is also a veteran Martial Emperor. If you offend him, it will be a huge disaster. "    


Su Lang had just stabilized his position in the Southern Great Land, and could be considered a rising star in the Canglan Continent.    


As for Martial Emperor Luoyou, he was a veteran Martial Emperor. Besides his own power, his connections were not something Su Lang could compare with!    




Su Lang still planned to attack Martial Emperor Luoyou.    


"He has bullied us. Do we still have to endure?"    


A cold smile emerged on Su Lang's face, "Martial Emperor Luoyou is indeed a veteran Martial Emperor. He has a strong foundation and connections. He might even have a few Martial Emperor to help him.    


However, if I kill him in a short period of time, no one will be able to save him in time!    


After the Luoyou dies, will the others still fight me to the death?    


When they saw me kill Martial Emperor Luoyou, they could only curse me in their hearts, but they didn't dare to make me their enemy, because they are also human beings. They are also afraid of death!"    


The killing intent in Su Lang's voice became stronger and stronger. In his words, he had already sentenced the high and mighty Martial Emperor of Luoyou to death!    


"Kill Martial Emperor Luoyou in a short period of time!"    


"If you can do this, then the plan will work!"    


Chu Xiaobei looked at Su Lang with her beautiful eyes, "Are you confident that you can kill Luoyou now? Your strength has increased too fast!"    


It had only been less than two months since she met Su Lang.    


However, Su Lang had already risen from the Martial King to the level where he could kill Martial Emperor. This was an unbelievable thing.    


An ordinary Martial Emperor would have to go through five to six million years of bitter cultivation in order to achieve such a great achievement.    


"Actually, my combat strength hasn't reached the Martial Emperor Stage yet. "    


Su Lang said faintly, "What I can do is to use external forces to kill the Martial Emperor. "    


Chu Xiaobei was speechless at the Dao, "If you can kill the Martial Emperor with the Quasi Immortal Level, it will definitely be an unprecedented feat!"    


Su Lang shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "I have already created too many of those magnificent feats. I can't feel any emotional fluctuations anymore. "    


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