One-click Cultivation System

C2119 The Exiled Land Needed to be Saved

C2119 The Exiled Land Needed to be Saved



"Although there are still many places in the virtual Tian Miao Continent that you have yet to experience. "    


"But you can experience those things yourself in the future. "    


"Now, I'll bring you to know the other experts under my command. "    


Su Lang smiled slightly and then pushed out the Spiritual Internet.    


"I want to know the rest of the experts!"    


"They must be some senior with high cultivation base!"    


"They're really excited and nervous!"    


“. . . . . . ”    


Hao Xingren and the others looked at each other and smiled excitedly. Then, they followed Su Lang out of the Spiritual Internet.    


And so.    


In the Nirvana Sandsea.    


Su Lang and company woke up one after another.    




"Where are these little brats? They actually ran away!"    


"However, they definitely won't go anywhere else!"    


"All of you come with me to the land of exile!"    


Su Lang smiled and shook his head, then immediately led Hao Xingren and the others towards the land of exile.    


After that.    


Everyone could feel the change in the flow of time.    


First, it was twice as fast as before. Then, it was three times, four times, five times faster. . . . . . .    




"Although it's not much, it's already very good!"    


"That's right. Although the time flow in Myriad Domain Boat is 10,000 times faster than in Boundless Universe, we can't leave that place before. 10,000 times time flow is meaningless. "    


"That's right. After cultivating in these Time Acceleration Zones, we can leave and return to the normal flow of time in the universe. Only then can we make a comparison and highlight the effect!"    


"Yes, yes. Moreover, the conditions of these Zones are very loose. The era of accelerated cultivation for the whole nation is coming!"    


"This is a miracle created by Lord Sulang!"    


“. . . . . . ”    


Everyone was talking excitedly, looking at Su Lang with reverence.    


Right at this moment.    


Su Lang had already seen the Tai Chu and Quasi Tai Chu Expert warriors standing outside the land of exile World's barrier.    


"This bastard really came here!"    


Su Lang shook his head with a smile and continued forward.    


Martial artist, who was touching and observing the land of exile world barrier, also saw Su Lang. He turned around in surprise and welcomed him.    


"Quick, Lord Sulang is here!"    


"Aiya, we shouldn't have come here. We should have just waited for Lord Sulang!"    


"Stop talking, hurry up and catch up!"    


“. . . . . . ”    


All the Grand Expert and Quasi Tai Chu came back to their senses, and then went to greet Su Lang with some shame.    


In the blink of an eye.    


Both sides met.    


"This subordinate greets Lord Sulang!"    


"Have His Majesty personally come to find me. This subordinate deserves to die ten thousand times for his crimes!"    


“. . . . . . ”    


Ying Wa of Witch Clan, martial artist Jiang Wenzheng of Tian Miao Continent, Zhuge Zhenduo, Wu Lang and many other experts all bowed to Su Lang.    


Hao Xingren and the others from the Myriad Domain Boat saw so many of Senior Beginning Expert's Su Langs, and even more Quasi Tai Chu experts. They immediately gasped.    


Especially when they felt the Auras of those powerful warriors, they were all shocked!    


"All of you, get up!"    


"You should have seen these martial artist around me. "    


Su Lang smiled and helped them up. He said, "Come, tell us your names. We know each other!"    


"Yes, Your Majesty!"    


"Everyone, I, Ying Wa, am a friend of mine. . . . . . . ”    


"I, Jiang Wenzheng, am. . . . . . . . . ”    


“. . . . . . ”    


Both parties introduced themselves to each other. This was not a problem for martial artist and the others. Almost everyone remembered their names.    


In the blink of an eye.    


Everyone knew each other.    


Hao Xingren and the other martial artist from Myriad Domain Boat were very respectful towards Jiang Wenzheng, Ying Wa, and the others, because their cultivation base was very high and their strength was unfathomable.    


Jiang Wenzheng and the others were very respectful towards Hao Xingren and the others, because Hao Xingren's fighting ability had earned their respect.    


Both of them got along very well!    


Su Lang was also very happy to see this scene.    


"Next. "    


"I will assign a task for everyone. "    


"That is to set the standard to enter the land of exile!"    


"The cultivation resources and natural energy of the land of exile are limited. Hence, we need to conserve our energy. "    


"Before this, it was almost always in a sealed state. The living beings inside would live, die, and eventually return to the world of the land of exile, and the cycle would repeat again and again. "    


"But now, the land of exile has become a place of cultivation. The energy of the heaven and earth inside will be brought out, so we need to conserve it. "    


"Now, all of you will complete the part of saving the energy, and the part of opening the source will be done by me!"    


"In addition, the standards for entering the outer region of cultivation will also be decided by all of you. Remember, the threshold is a little lower, and all of you must be able to accelerate your cultivation!"    


Su Lang looked around the crowd and said with a smile.    


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