One-click Cultivation System

C2011 Everything Goes Against Time and Decelerates

C2011 Everything Goes Against Time and Decelerates

This time.    


He stopped using Time Acceleration.    


Instead, he wanted to use the normal strength of an Eight Evolutions.    


With the help of Ying Wa's' Past 'Time Rule, he could use the Time Deceleration and even the Stabilizing Technique!    


"Lord Sulang wants to use my Time Power!"    


"Great! I will definitely help him with my life!"    


Ying Wa was also an expert that would fight back against the Tian Mi Continent and Emperor Yuanming to the death.    


If he wanted to kill all the Tai Chu Stage Tai Chu Stages in the Tian Mi Continent, why would he fight with his life on the line?    


Furthermore, as the expert that was about to join Su Lang, he also wanted to show off!    


"All things go against the current, condense!"    


Ying Wa waved the Tai Chu Stage staff in his hand and unleashed an incomparably powerful Time Deceleration energy!    


With the help of the 'Lever' Profound Meaning that the Witch Clan had researched, his strength had reached the peak of the Seven Evolutions!    


Immediately after.    


He handed over the control of this force to the Boundless Spaceship.    


Then, it would be taken over by the actual controller of the Boundless Spaceship, Su Lang!    


"The power that continues to slow down over time!"    


"Reaching the Great Success is an eternal stagnation. If you reach the extreme, it will be time flowing in reverse!"    


"Currently, the power of this Time Deceleration has reached the point of stagnation. "    


Su Lang felt the Time Power. A few thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he poured all the power of the Boundless Spaceship into it!    


At this moment!    


Almost all of the Boundless Spaceships that had entered the Boundless Spaceship had their energy reserves emptied, including Su Lang himself!    


As for the Myriad Reversal Time Power, it had completely entered the Eight Evolutions, which was the level of stagnation for all eternity!    




Su Lang unleashed the One Thought.    


The power of time froze the attacks of Monk Kongchan and the others, as well as themselves.    


In the next moment.    


The attacks of Kongchan and the others instantly froze. They floated in the air and did not move at all.    


The Time Power contained within it was immediately absorbed and assimilated!    




"This is the power of time stagnation!!"    


"A terrifying technique that only Eight Evolutions Tai Chu warriors can use!"    


"It's over, we're finished, we can't resist at all!"    


“. . . . . . ”    


Monk Kongchan and the rest of the Tai Chu Stage experts' eyes were filled with fear, and countless thoughts of terror rose in their hearts!    




They didn't even have the chance to ask for help, and were directly trapped by the Time Freeze.    


Not only was there an expression on their faces, but their bodies were also motionless. Even their thoughts had completely stopped working!    


The forty over divine beasts were also temporarily frozen by Su Lang's Time Power.    


Because they had received the order to attack.    


Unless the controller gave the order to stop or the controller died, they wouldn't stop.    


At this time.    


The floating continent had been completely frozen by Su Lang's Time Power.    


Everything had stopped circulating!    


Kongchan and the others had become sheep waiting to be slaughtered!    


"Buddha Maitreya's golden afterimage can leave Tian Mi Continent. "    


"We can't waste any more time. Let's kill them first!"    


Killing intent flashed across Su Lang's eyes. He controlled the Boundless Spaceship to fly closer to Monk Kongchan and the others.    


Immediately after.    


A ray of light flashed, and it turned into an incomparably huge sword that appeared in the Boundless Spaceship's hand. It was the Nethersky Sword!    


"Condensing Distorted Power ! Kill!"    


Su Lang unleashed his One Thought. With a wave of his hand, he sprinkled down a large amount of recovery type pills, and sent an order to all the Boundless Spaceships within the Boundless Spaceship.    




"The great Lord Sulang!"    


All the Tai Chu picked up the extra pills in front of them and swallowed them. Immediately, they began to condense their own Distorted Power s.    


Although the attack just now had drained their energy, with Su Lang's pill, they could recover very quickly!    


Furthermore, Su Lang had also extracted the power of the sun and injected it into the Boundless Spaceship, then distributed the Grand Experts one by one.    


As a Seven Evolutions Tai Chu Stage, Ying Wa had the priority of getting the energy distribution.    


This was because he could condense the highest quality Distorted Power !    


Three breaths later.    


Su Lang's sun had been drawn out and dimmed!    


Horrifying Distorted Power s rushed out of every expert. Bai Chuan poured into the Boundless Spaceships like a sea, and Su Lang took over!    


Immediately after.    


"Sword Breaking -!!"    


Su Lang waved his hand and slashed out. The Boundless Spaceships were also raised at the same time. He waved the Distorted Power s with countless Nethersky Swords, condensing a terrifying Sword Breaking!    


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