One-click Cultivation System

C2334 Activating the Crystal Wall Universe Function

C2334 Activating the Crystal Wall Universe Function

Su Lang was at the Tai Chu Stage.    


Apart from fusing with a different Crystal World, the martial artists used to store the rest of martial artist's thousands of universes had almost completely walked the path of thousands of universes.    


In this way, he wouldn't need to consume Universe Core Origins to split apart the fused Crystal World in the Eternal Realm.    


Currently, Su Lang had sixty-six thousand Crystal Wall Cells on him. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to reach the peak of the Eternal Stage!    


The most important thing was. . .    


Not only did Su Lang not need to use Universe Core Origins to cut open the integrated Crystal World, but he also did not need to use Crystal Worlds.    


There was no need to use universe Su Langs to fill up the Crystal World!    


Instead, he could use Crystal Wall Universes to replace universe origins with his cultivation, perfecting the Crystal World and forming Crystal Wall Universes!    


Cultivation base.    


The one-click cultivation midget was being produced at all times!    


Even the most ordinary natural energy could be converted into cultivation base with the greatest efficiency, and then perfect the natural universe.    


Except for Su Lang.    


All Universe Emperor needed to practice the 'Chaotic Reverse Refining Anti-truth Dao', reverse refining the treasures of the universe, and form the universe origin. Only then could they perfect their Crystal Wall Universe!    


"I never thought of this before. "    


"The 'Crystal Wall Universe' that I obtained back then was actually a supplementary cultivation skill for Eternal Stage warriors!"    


Su Lang looked at the endless exclamations within his body, and the description of the 'Crystal Wall Universe' appeared in his mind.    


Crystal Wall Universe:    


Active function!    


After using it, one could consume a certain amount of cultivation base to strengthen the Crystal Wall Cell to a level close to the level of their own Life Universe .    


The Life Universe represented the upper limit of the Crystal Wall Universe, and it could not be surpassed!    


For an ordinary Eternal Stage martial artist.    


The Life Universe was simply too huge.    


Even if the Crystal World used the Universe origin to perfect it, it would still be difficult to push it to a level that was close to the Life Universe .    


In addition.    


It was precisely because the Life Universe was too huge.    


Under normal circumstances.    


Ordinary Eternal Stage experts would not prioritize using universe origins to perfect the Life Universe .    


This was because if a small amount of universe origins or Universe Core Origins were thrown in, they might not even be able to cause ripples.    


They would choose the simplest path.    


It was also starting from the simplest Crystal World, using the fastest efficiency to accumulate strength, walking to a higher level, obtaining more resources, and repeating this cycle over and over.    


"The Crystal Wall Cell has the 'Crystal Wall Universe' function to assist in cultivation. "    


"My Life Universe belongs to the category of the 'Ten Direction Inner World' function. It can also be used to fill and perfect my cultivation base!"    


"Tsk tsk. Other people needed to use Universe Core Origins and universe origins to perfect things. I only need the most ordinary cultivation base to do it. How wonderful!"    


Su Lang looked at the Ten Directional Life Universe and the Crystal World in his body, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but form an excited expression.    


At the same time.    


There were also some things that made Su Lang incomparably excited!    


For example, after obtaining the Time Avenue, he could instill it into his weapon or companion and create Eternal Stage helpers!    


For example, with the Time Avenue and Space Great Dao, the Doppelganger Sending Function would not be restricted by the natural barrier of the universe and could be sent to Origin Dark Universe and other places!    


For example, he could also refine the natural universe space transportation array altar and the communication array altar, connecting the two separate natural universes together.    


. . . . . .    


After possessing the Time Avenue, there were really too many things he could do!    


"Then now!"    


"It's time to use the Crystal Wall Universe!"    


"With the speed of the One-click Cultivating Function, it will take a long time to condense a Time Avenue. "    


"But to perfect a tiny Crystal Wall Universe, it definitely won't take much time. "    


Su Lang took a deep breath, and his narrowed eyes lit up. "System, activate the Crystal Wall Universe's function, target! . . . . . . ”    


After choosing a Crystal World.    


Su Lang activated the Crystal Wall Universe's function.    


As expected!    


"Ding! Crystal Wall Universe strengthening in progress! '"    


Following the appearance of the system notification.    


The Crystal World that Su Lang had chosen, beside the dantian universe, immediately began to undergo a qualitative change!    


Countless cultivation base merged into it.    


The countless Power of the Great Dao Power of the Great Daos that Su Lang had comprehended came out.    


Space-time Great Paths, Five Elements Great Paths, Yin and Yang Great Paths, life and death Great Paths, Strength Great Paths, Destiny Karmas, Great Path Great Paths. . . . . . . . .    


All of them revealed a strange flow of energy, between illusion and reality, incomparably dreamlike.    


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