Treasure identifying Golden Eyes

C1092 Talking about Cooperation

C1092 Talking about Cooperation

On the second day, Yang Bo woke up early and went to train. He went out and saw Hua Qingyun walking out from the room in her pajamas.    


After some morning practice, Yang Bo unconsciously looked towards the direction of the Purple Mountain. It was just that he was still quite a distance away from the Purple Mountain, and with the fog shrouding him and the tall buildings blocking him, it was impossible to see everything clearly. However, this also made Yang Bo heave a sigh of relief.    


Returning home, Yang Bo saw that Hua Qingyun had already made porridge and breakfast, he couldn't help but praise him a few times, sat down, and ate breakfast.    


Hua Qingyun still had to go back to school to finish his homework. Yang Bo drove her back to school, but this time, he stayed in the library and sat opposite of Hua Qingyun to read. Only, when he was reading, he felt a little uneasy, because the Half Immortal Chen gave him too much pressure.    


It was only until noon that no one came to find him. At dinner time, Yang Bo called Lu Donghsing, but he was fine too, so he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief, but he still felt that staying in Jinling was not safe, which made him feel a sense of urgency.    


Yang Bo held his phone and looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly as he said to Lu Donghsing, "It's best if you can go out and hide for a while."    


Lu Donghsing hesitated, "When we were on the mountain, I suddenly felt like I was being suppressed. Seeing that you were so stifled that you couldn't speak, was it all done by the Half Immortal Chen?"    


Yang Bo nodded her head, "The other party is not an easy opponent to deal with and is not someone we can deal with. Take your sister-in-law and leave this place as soon as possible."    


I've been worrying your sister-in-law a bit. I was just about to take her out for a round of fun, I plan to take her to the Guangzhou. We still have some business there, I'll check on the progress. Lu Donghsing said.    


Yang Bo nodded, and did not say anymore.    


When he returned to the library, even until night, he was still not at ease. Hua Qingyun looked at his situation and was a little shocked, "What happened to you?"    


Yang Bo looked up and saw the worry on Hua Qingyun's face. He shook his head slightly, "It's alright, don't worry."    


"There's something you have to tell me." Hua Qingyun said.    


Yang Bo smiled and nodded, "Hurry up and read. I'll make a phone call and come back shortly."    


Yang Bo took his cell phone and went out, but he could not help but call Yue Junyao, this time, Yue Junyao picked up at a much slower pace.    


Yue Junyao took the phone, and could not help but say: "Thank you for the Dao Arts last time, I brought it to Master, she is very happy!"    


Yang Bo laughed, "The two of us can talk like this, but you better not tell anyone else about this!"    


Yue Junyao laughed: "Don't worry, I'm not as stupid as you!"    


Yang Bo slightly hesitated, "I have something to ask you, do you still remember the Purple Mountain located at Jin'ling City?"    


Yue Junyao laughed, "Of course I remember, I climbed the mountain myself. There is an old man on the mountain, it's really fun!"    


Yang Bo was startled, he could not help but ask: "Is that old man called Half Immortal Chen, what did he tell you? Do you remember? "    


"That's right, let's call him Half Immortal Chen. He pulled me along and wanted to tell my fate, but in the end he failed to do so. You didn't see his expression, it really almost turned green." Yue Junyao said happily.    


Yang Bo was a little surprised, he continued to ask: "Do you know him?"    


As he spoke, Yang Bo recounted the events of yesterday.    


Yue Junyao was a little shocked, "What did you say? Elder Brother Bo, you better not give it to him. If you really give it to him, it would be like giving a meat bun to a dog! "    


"He can't be trusted?" Yang Bo was a little surprised.    


Yue Junyao hesitated for a moment before explaining: "You have been using the Moonlight Mirror as a talisman, and the mirror in your hands is very important. I didn't know what it was before, but now I know a little, you must not give it to him!"    


Yang Bo was surprised, "What a great origin? What do you know? "    


"I also heard my master say that your mirror is extraordinary, so I didn't say much. I don't know the specifics, but as long as you go down the mountain, he won't be able to chase you out of the mountain." Yue Junyao said.    


"You mean as long as I don't go up the mountain, he won't find me?" Yang Bo asked.    


Yue Junyao laughed: "Because he cannot go down the mountain!"    


Yang Bo was initially a little suspicious, but now he had finally confirmed it, "So that's the case, then I won't worry at all."    


Yang Bo chatted with Yue Junyao for a bit longer before hanging up. He wanted to call Lu Donghsing but realized that the other party had turned off the phone, so after thinking for a bit, he understood that Lu Donghsing might already be on the plane.    


With no more threats, Yang Bo finally calmed down. He returned to the library and sat down to read.    


Hua Qingyun raised her head and looked at him, seeing that he had called back, her brows relaxed.    


In the evening, Yang Bo and Hua Qingyun ate dinner together at the canteen. Hua Qingyun continued to study by herself while Yang Bo left.    


As he was driving home, Yang Bo received a call from Shi Hao, "Boss, I was stuck at my office by Boss Zhang, he wants to discuss cooperation with you."    


Yang Bo could not help but frown, "Zhang Xianghee?"    


Immediately after, Yang Bo heard Zhang Xianghee's voice from the other side of the phone, and then, the other side picked up the phone, "Mr Yang, I still want to talk to you."    


Yang Bo was slightly dissatisfied, "Since you want to find me, then just directly find me, why are you blocking the manager's path?"    


"Mr Yang, please forgive me. It's really because I couldn't find you that I could only contact you through this method." Zhang Xianghee said, "You can rest assured, I just want to make a phone call to you, this time, no matter if you are willing to help or reject, I will immediately leave his office."    


Yang Bo hesitated slightly, he knew clearly that the other party's words sounded good, and would probably not leave easily, "Let's meet up somewhere, right opposite the company, at a teahouse, let's go there to chat."    


"Alright!" Zhang Xianghee happily agreed.    


Yang Bo turned the car around at the next intersection and headed towards the auction house.    


Very quickly, Yang Bo stopped the car and walked into the coffee shop. He saw Shi Hao standing in the hall, and when he saw Yang Bo walking in, Shi Hao immediately came over to welcome him: "Boss, I'm really sorry."    


Yang Bo waved his hand, "It's fine, I don't blame you for this, it's just that I haven't dealt with it properly, go home first, it's getting late."    


Shi Hao followed him and walked two steps, "I'll stay here with you. After all, it's not safe for you to be alone."    


Yang Bo paused in his steps, and laughed: "With just them, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop me!"    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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