Treasure identifying Golden Eyes

C5824 One Wave Had yet to be Settled and Another Had Already Risen!

C5824 One Wave Had yet to be Settled and Another Had Already Risen!

Yang Bo looked at Ye Xuetong and asked, "Compared to this world, what do you think is the biggest difference between the two?"    


Ye Xuetong thought for a long time and said, "It's hard for me to say clearly the difference between the two. After all, I have not been in contact with them for a long time."    


"However, there is one thing that can be confirmed. No matter which world it is, there are barriers. The other side seems to be highly developed, but many barriers are invisible."    


"For example, the cultivation techniques and secret manuals are circulating on the internet. Everyone can obtain them, but to raise one's cultivation level, one needs more resources. This is something that ordinary people cannot come into contact with!"    


"The ordinary people here don't even have the chance to come into contact with the basic cultivation techniques and secret manuals!"    


Yang Bo nodded. "I really want to go to the other side and take a look at the different cultures."    


Ye Xuetong said, "Fellow Taoist Yang, don't worry. There will definitely be a chance in the future!"    


"The other side has already opened the passageway between the two worlds. This passageway will be opened very soon!"    


The Mars Planet was the territory of Fellow Taoist Niu. When Yang Bo came here, it was as if he was staying in his own territory. He was not in a hurry to expand his power or occupy other planets.    


The nearby planets also had cultivators from the other side. These cultivators had destroyed the original forces and occupied the planets. Now, they were being exterminated.    


Some of the Saint's clones took advantage of this opportunity to try to occupy the planet and expand their power.    


Number Four ran over and found Yang Bo, asking him about the expansion.    


Yang Bo looked at Number Four and asked, "Is the Sword Sect strong enough to occupy a planet?"    


Number Four quickly said, "The Sword Sect definitely doesn't have such strength, but you can do it, Fellow Taoist Yang!"    


"You can ask the Fellow Taoists of the Holy Judgement Union to help you. If you occupy a planet, we will have a place to settle down. This will be beneficial to our operations in the galaxy in the future!"    


Yang Bo laughed, "Do you think that Jade Lake has such strength? Is it possible to occupy a planet?"    


Number Four laughed, "You can completely ally with the various ancestors of the Upper Realm and the help of the Holy Judgement Union. It will definitely be possible!"    


Yang Bo asked, "Have you ever thought of something?"    


"This planet belongs to Fellow Taoist Niu. Why didn't he immediately send people to take over this place? Instead, he hid on the warship?"    


Number Four was stunned. He had always wanted Yang Bo to expand his power, but he had never thought of this!    


Yang Bo said, "Do you think that the attack of the Resurrection Cultivators is very fierce?"    


Number Four suddenly realized, "You mean that the Resurrection Cultivators might continue to come?"    


"But didn't they already send a lot of people over? This batch of people has already been annihilated by us!"    


"Even if they rushed to the Fantasy Continent, they wouldn't have a battleship to bring them here!"    


Yang Bo shook his head. "I don't believe that they don't have a backup plan!"    


"Next, we should focus on protecting ourselves. There is no need to talk about expanding!"    


No. 4 felt helpless. He really felt that this was a good opportunity.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the Sword Sect did not have enough strength, he would definitely have invited Daoist Sage Yan to come.    


However, what Yang Bo said made sense. In the next two months, more and more cultivators from the Opposite Shore would come. The planets around the Milky Way would not be safe.    


In the next two months, the planets around the Milky Way would be completely cleaned up.    


At this time, Yang Bo received the latest news. This time, there were a total of 30 Golden Immortals from the Opposite Shore. These Golden Immortals were sent to 15 planets to build a battleship temple to provide sufficient power of faith for the battleship.    


Among the 15 occupied planets, three of them had communication devices installed. Two of the communication devices had sent out distress signals and were captured. However, they did not know how to deal with the information and could not continue to transmit it. This was why it was delayed.    


Only Mars Planet, because the Golden Immortals were killed at the first moment, was not able to transmit the message in time and was paralyzed.    


Yang Bo was stunned when he saw the news that Luo Yaohua had sent over.    


All this time, Yang Bo and the Heavenly Evolution Dao Ancestor had worked together to produce and build the communication system. They wanted to build the complete communication system before the other planets attacked, so that it could serve as a defense mechanism.    


However, even though they had built the communication system, they did not consider the problem of sending out distress signals.    


Communication could be sent between these planets, but these messages should be sent to even more cultivators at the Saint Realm so that they could rush over to rescue them. However, the Saint did not have the equipment to receive the messages.    


This was also the disadvantage of installing too few communication systems on the planets. If all the planets could be installed, then they would be able to transmit messages at the first possible moment, so that everyone would be on guard.    


There were two Golden Immortals on Mars, and the Golden Immortal from the West Radiance Mountain was killed immediately. The other Golden Immortal went out and had not returned yet.    


There were also three Golden Immortals on other planets. If they could transmit messages at the first possible moment, they would not be defeated one by one and all of them would fall.    


Yang Bo sent the situation to the Golden Dragon.    


Now, the Holy Judgement Union had already taken control of the situation. The twenty Saint Alliance all followed the Golden Dragon.    


Therefore, the Golden Dragon had a lot of authority and could make a lot of decisions.    


When the Golden Dragon received the information, he immediately saw Yang Bo's intention. Establishing the communication system could play a huge role. This was something that all the planets had to do!    


Because of the restrictions, the first wave of attacks from Higan was not strong enough. There would probably be more cultivators arriving soon. At that time, the communication system would play a bigger role!    


The golden dragon did not hesitate. He immediately gathered the Saint's clones and reported this material to everyone, inviting them to discuss the follow-up issues.    


In fact, many of the Saints present had already heard of this plan. The reason why they did not agree was mainly because they were unwilling to hand over the planet under their control. This was because the establishment of the communication system would destroy their control.    


However, everyone understood that the conflict between this world and Higan was unavoidable. In this situation, the establishment of the communication system could allow the news to spread quickly, which would be beneficial to their control.    


The communication system, which was originally difficult to promote, had become even smoother because of this matter.    


Yang Bo even received a message from Luo Yaohua. Although Yao Chi had prepared a large amount of stock, it was still not enough to meet the demand.    


As long as it was a remote planet near the Silver River, they would prepare a communication system for it.    


This situation made Yang Bo very happy.    


Yang Bo originally thought that the cultivators from Higan had been completely eradicated. In a short period of time, the cultivators from Higan would not arrive in this world.    


However, he quickly received a piece of news.    


A large number of unfamiliar cultivators had been discovered on a planet. These unfamiliar cultivators might very well have come from Higan!    


When Yang Bo saw the news, he was almost stunned.    


One wave had not been settled yet, and another wave had risen!    




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